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''I want to bend him over the fucking table and take him.'' Jonah mumbled, staring at the cute, curly boy from across the table. Zayn next to him snorted a laugh.

''As if. He's a freaking virgin. The whole campus wants to fuck him and no one achieved it.'' he said.

''Well, we'll see.'' he smirked, returning talking to their other friend, Stan.


''Hey! You fucking asshole! Yes, you!'' a man yelled, bursting into the cafeteria. He had caramel-brown, feathered hair, piercing blue eyes, high cheekbones and long eyelashes. He was wearing a tank top, revealing his tanned biceps and his tattoos. His top was hanging low enough to reveal his chest tattoo, that said something in calligraphy that Harry couldn't see. It may even say 'Your mum is a whore' or something like that but Harry found it extremely hot. He would also like to change his today's statement. That was the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen. And all in one day. Lucky Harry.

He started walking towards a man with a buzzcut, braun eyes and tanned skin and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him up. He used his other hand and threw a punch on the other man's cheek, knocking him out on the floor. He then bend down, picking him up and kneeled him in his gut, holding him up, before punching him once more under the chin, letting him drop on the ground, turning around. He seemed to debate something with himself, as everyone was yelling at him and staring, when the raven haired boy got up, grabbing his shoulder and the boy turned to look at him, his eyes literally burning holes in the man's skull. They seemed to fight in low voices, before the boy got out of his grip and turned to the man, who was on his hands and knees trying to get up, coughing. The blue-eyed boy, kicked him in the ribs, making him groan in pain, lying down and held his rib tightly.

The boy took a fag out of his pocket, lit it up and headed towards the entrance, his knuckles scratched, covered in blood, but he didn't seem to notice and if he did, he clearly did not care. He passed the table Harry was sitting at, before he stopped and looked at Harry, who was a bit scared, to be honest.

This man literally burst into the doors and beat that lad up with no mercy, until he couldn't move.

And he was also hot, which made Harry blush all the time. Stupid.

''Thanks, princess.'' Louis said and Harry looked at him confused, before he realized that he had taken his apple and bit into it, before winking at him. He left and everyone stayed there staring at the door with no idea what happened and why this happened.

''Well, that was interesting, princess.'' Niall said and Harry blushed, getting up and hurried outside.


Harry was returning home, his books tightly pressed against his chest. He was basically running. It was cold outside and he wanted to go back to his apartment and have a nice bath.

''Hi, princess.'' a voice said behind him and Harry turned at the familiar accent.

''You seem cold. Want my jacket?'' he asked, dropping his half-finished cigarette on the dirty pavement and stepped into it. He walked towards the younger boy, who was too damn scared to even move. He noticed that.

''Relax. I'm not gonna hit you. I normally don't beat people up, unless they deserve it.'' he said, taking his jacket off, before placing it on Harry's shoulders and offered to take his books.

''I could walk you home, if you want or I could just leave. Whatever you are comfortable with.'' he said.

''Walking me home is just fine.'' Harry whispered and Louis took all of his books carefully in his hands.

''What's your name, besides princess, of course?" Louis asked after a while.

''Um...Harry Styles.''

''Pretty name. I like princess more, though.'' Louis shrugged.

''What's your name?'' Harry asked.


''Louis.'' Harry repeated to himself.

They kept walking in silence for the next fifteen minutes. Harry was feeling awkward, while Louis seemed chill. Harry wasn't used to guys walking him home, at least not guys that wanted to get into hi pants, but Louis looked, as if he had done it a gazillion times. Has he walked other boys, calling them 'princess' to their home?

''You're awfully quiet.'' Louis interrupted his thoughts.

''Sorry, I just...I'm not used to people walking me home without anything in return. Just cautious.''

''Oh I want something in return. I'm a good man, but not that good to carry those heavy books of yours for nothing.'' Louis said and Harry stopped.

No, no, he was really scared right now.

Men have tried to get in his pants by playing tricks like that.

What if he was going to rape me?

Oh my God.

''I gotta go.'' Harry mumbled and started running, as fast as he could.

''Oh crap!'' Louis exclaimed, running after him.

''I didn't mean it like that.'' he called out, but Harry wouldn't listen.

''I just want your phone number!''

''I have a pepper spray!'' Harry said, turning around.

''Fuck, you can run fast.'' Louis breathed.

''I don't want to rape you. I'm not a pervert. I just want your phone number, so we can talk.'' Louis explained and Harry titled his head embarrassed, before giving in.

''Fine.'' he mumbled, opening his cute baby, blue laptop bag to get his phone, that had rhinestones on. Louis told him his number and Harry saved it, his head full of suspicion but he decided not to say anything.

''Well, you seem awfully scared of me and I don't want to increase the chances of you not texting me, so I'm gonna go. Please text me, you seem pretty cool, princess.'' Louis said handing him his books, before leaving.


A/N CHAPTER 2:)))))))

PS sick of covid. I've been coughing all day and it ruined my vacay.

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