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''You'll sleep on the couch?'' Harry asks Niall later that evening, who helped the younger boy up and gave him his coat, rubbing the side of his arms.

''Of course, Haz.'' he said and Louis looks at them confused.

''Where the hell are you going?'' he asks them.

''To my house?'' Harry states the obvious, but Louis shakes his head, immediately.

''No way! It's cold outside and you literally sleep here every night. Plus, it's late.'' he adds and Louis extends his arm, grabbing Harry's.

''You. Are. Staying here. Tonight.'' he says slowly.

''You will catch my cold.''

''I'll sleep on the couch. Please, Haz.'' Louis whined.

''I have a perfectly fine bed in my house too. You don't need to sleep on the couch.'' Harry reasoned.

''A house, that is half an hour away. You are staying here and that's it. Niall, you can stay here, if you want too.'' Louis added.

''My dorm room is literally two stores down, but thanks. Haz, you are staying, right?'' Niall asks the younger boy, who nodded slowly.

''Goodnight, guys.'' he greeted and everyone waved goodbye.

''Okay, let's get you to bed.'' Louis says, walking Harry to his room.

''Louis, you don't have to di this. The couch is good. I love the couch.'' Harry says.

''Yeah, yeah. Lie down. Come on.'' Harry sighed, lying down and coughed twice.

''Do you want more tea, baby?'' Louis asks, tucking the blankets under Harry's chin.

''No. Thank you.''

''Goodnight. I love you.'' Louis kissed his warm forehead and Harry mumbled a goodnight.


''Are you gonna let Harry get a job?'' Zayn asked Louis, who rolled his eyes.

''Let him get a job? Yeah, Zayn, and then I'm gonna make him make me a sandwich and be my sex slave. Of course I am. It's not about letting him work, he can do whatever he wants, I don't care. The thing is that I can afford us living together, even if he doesn't work. I don't want him to miss out on his life, just because we are moving in together.'' Louis scoffs.

This feels like all the fucking stars have finally aligned and everything has been put into place for the first time in his whole freaking life. Got the boy, got the football team, got the grades, the job, the house. He has everything. Well, except for a serious conversation about this whole moving in thing, 'cause she has no idea.


''In less than two months you will be moving in with a boy, you've barely been dating, have a new job and graduate. God, you are becoming such an adult.'' Zayn rolled his eyes and Louis chuckled.

''Yeah, it's weird, you know? Like, a whole ass job with responsibilities and an apartment, that you must pay rent for. I won't be excused for shit I do or be considered a student anymore. It's weird. But it will be so much fun, I swear, me and Harry will have the best time of our lives. Now, what about you? Still with the whole I-don't-know-what-I-am-doing type of shit? Cause graduation is so close and you need a place to stay and-''

''Alright dad. I think I know better than you. Picture this, first year, travel the world. Second, find a girlfriend or a boyfriend or whatever. Third, move in with them and marry them and then, I'll be the greatest artist in the world. Period.'' Zayn said.

''Wow. And where will you find the money to do all that?'' Louis asks and Zayn falls silent for a second.

''You ruin people's dreams.'' he mumbled, getting up and Louis chuckled.

''I'm sorry.''

''You are so realistic. I hate you.'' Louis let out a small laugh at Zayn's words.

''Sorry mate.'' he said and the raven-haired boy groaned, going into his room.




Harry woke up at 6AM the next morning a heavy arm around his waist and a soft breath behind his neck. He looked down at the tattooed arm, that was softly placed on the crook of his waist and smiled to himself. He placed Louis' hand in his and tucked it in his chest.

''You feeling okay?'' the older man asked against the back of Harry's neck.

''Mhm... much better.'' Harry says, Louis kissing his skin, before humming and pressing Harry closer to him. And after a while, Harry fell back asleep.


''Why are you so stupid, Louis?'' Harry says with a smile on his face.

''I'm romantic.''

''You are gonna get so sick. You will lose your game on Sunday. I haven't even thought about that. God, Louis-''

''Will you please shut up for a second? I just kissed you.'' Louis pressed his lips against Harry's and smiled.

''You literally slept with me. I am still sick and now you are gonna get sick too.'' Harry pouted.

''You always forget that I grew up with four sisters. I will probably never catch a cold ever in my life again. Besides, even if I do, it was so worth it.'' Louis kisses him again, before getting up from the couch.

''When will you be back?'' Harry asks.

''I have two classes and then a two-hour football practice. I'm gonna be late, but I can bring you something for lunch when I am back. I will probably be back by 1PM anyways.'' Louis says and Harry hummed.

''It's only for a few hours.'' Louis reasoned.

''I'm gonna be so bored.'' he groaned.

''I'd kill to have a whole day of doing nothing.''

''Then stay with me? Please?'' Harry's eyes shined at that and Louis chuckled, shaking his head.

''I'd love to, but unfortunately can't. Gonna be home, as soon as I can. I love you.'' Louis said, kissing Harry's cheek.

''Me too.'' Harry mumbled, pecking his lips.


A/N there is a specific person, that read this whole thing today, voted on every chapter and commented and I just wanna say thank you and thanks to everyone for voting and reading this, 'cause last night this gained 500 views!!! what??? yall are crazy I love you so, so, so much. I dont want to end this ff ever but we're so close to the end ahhhh

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