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A week later, Louis and Emily's date was supposed to happen that night. Louis wasn't nervous about the actual date, because somehow that was the easiest part of the night.

No, no, the most difficult part for Louis, would probably be walking from his dorm to the restaurant with Harry. He didn't even know why he agreed to this and he didn't understand why Harry had to come along with him.

''Harry!'' he heard from the other side of the door, knowing that the boy came and Zayn was fangirling over him, as always. Over the past few weeks, the four boys have been hanging out pretty frequently and Zayn was growing closer with Harry.

''Lou, are you ready or are we gonna be late?'' Harry called out. Louis sighed and opened the door. He was dressed simple with a button-up, white shirt and dark blue jeans. Harry smiled. Louis did not really expect to see the boy standing in a baby blue skirt, a light pink, oversized sweater and black converse with a huge smile on his face.

''You look great. Emily will love you.''

''Everyone loves me. Especially since last Saturday. I kicked ass.'' Louis said, referring to the match a few days ago and the uni team was a step closer to the championship, because of his two goals that he scored.

''So humble.'' Harry mumbled, rolling his eyes.

''Always. You, do not burn the house down, please.'' Louis said, pointing a finger at Zayn, who let out incoherent words, under his breath.

''Yeah, yeah. Have fun.'' Zayn said, basically pushing them out the door.


''I'm just gonna introduce you to each other and then leave. I cannot leave you alone wither her bc you will mess it up.'' Harry said, with a smirk on his face.

''I'm not gonna mess it up. I've been on a few dates.''

''That's why I am saying you'll mess it up.'' Harry cockily replied and Louis fake gasped at his words.

''That's so rude. I am an expert in the dating field.''

''Sure you are. We're here.'' Harry announcing, stepping in front of Louis. He placed his hands on Louis' shirt collar, fixing it a bit.

''You know, the love of your life might be in there.'' Harry said, smiling, as Louis squeezed his eyes shut. He took a deep breath, before opening them again.

''You nervous?'' Harry asked.

''A bit.'' he said, staring straight at Harry, who gave him a small smile.

''That was what I was talking about. You will mess it up.'' Harry joked.

''What if I've messed this up already?'' Louis asked.

''Nah. She doesn't even know you. Although, you are two minutes late.''

''Okay. Let's go in, yeah?'' Louis said and he nodded. The older boy opened the door for Harry and he went in first.

Well, it's too late to cancel it anyways.

''Hi!'' Harry beamed, hugging a girl tightly.

''Hello, Harry. I haven't seen you in forever. How are you?'' she asked.

''Been a bit busy, sorry. I'm fine, though. We should meet up soon.'' he said and she nodded, smiling.

''Oh, yeah. Sorry. This is my friend Louis, that I was telling you about. Louis, this is Emily, a dear friend of mine.'' Harry introduced them and they shook hands.

''Okay, this seems to go well. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have fun.'' Harry said, with a smile on his face, before giving Louis a small hug.

''Good luck.'' he whispered, pulling away and he turned around to leave.

''Shall we sit on our table?'' Emily asked and Louis nodded, smiling, before pulling a chair out for her.

''So, how do you know Harry?'' he asked her.

''Oh, he kind of approached me and introduced me to Niall and it was the typical 'Do you wanna be friends?' kindergarten scene. He's special. I mean, Harry.'' she replied, smiling.

''Yeah, he is pretty special.'' he agreed.

''How did you meet?''

''Complicated. There were some guys catcalling and I took him home.''

''Oh. And you've been friends for how long?''

''A few months.''

And then an awkward silence fell over them, as if they did not have anything else to talk about, while in fact, they had around a million.

''Can I admit something to you?'' Louis asked.

''You're in love with Harry, aren't you?'' she said.

''That obvious, huh? I don't know why I came here tonight, honestly. There is this fear that Harry might find out and hate me and I just- I agree to stuff like that, so he won't be suspicious. Stupid.''

''Why are you here, Louis?'' she asked.

''I told you I-'' he was quickly cut off.

''No, I mean why are you here with me? Why aren't you running after him?''


''Don't be a pussy. If you get turned down, then you'll come here and have a drink with me, as friends. To be honest, I have a girlfriend, but Harry seemed in such a hurry, that I agreed. I was gonna tell you, anyways.'' she shrugged.

''Wow. You are very cool.'' Louis said impressed.

''I know. Now, go.'' she ordered and Louis got up, running out that door.

''Okay, okay.'' he whispered to himself, as he ran down the street. Lovely detail, it was raining.

''Harry!'' he yelled and Harry turned around, looking confused. Poor boy was dripping wet from the storm, his hair stuck on his face, but fuck, didn't he look beautiful.

''What happened? Damnit Louis, how fast can you screw something-'' Harry said, but Louis cupped his face, bringing him closer.


''Please do not hate me for this.'' he mumbled and Harry was about to say something but Louis crashed their lips together and Harry's eyes widened, but soon were fluttered closed, melting into the kiss. Louis' left hand was on Harry's cheek and the other on his waist, their bodies crashing together. Louis deepened the kiss, a small moan slipping from Harry's mouth, as Louis explored every inch of his mouth.

When a honk was heard, and they both realized they were kissing in the middle of the road, soaked. Louis guided Harry towards the pavement.

''Hi.'' Harry breathed out, looking a bit out of this world.

''Hey.'' Louis smiled, before connecting their lips again in a slower kiss.


TRIGGER WARNING FOR A/N mention of suicide/ mostly a joke (not but anygays)


P.S third day of school and I am considering killing myself.

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