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Harry kept walking. He kept walking, when he heard a raspy voice calling out for him. He kept walking, when he heard howls behind him. He kept walking when they asked him for a blowjob. He kept walking, when he heard laughs behind him. He run, when he heard footsteps following him though.

Every. Fucking. Day.

Same thing. Old men, trying to chase after him.

He was only 19 and he cannot remember the one day he hadn't be catcalled.

Every night, he was drowning in the bathtub, until his skin shrunk and he felt numb to get the disgusting smell of the city and its people. Sometimes, he wanted to go back home and live in his family house with his mum, take walks late at night, knowing you won't be raped.

He missed that. He missed that so bad and by the day, that feeling grew bigger.

Footsteps got nearer, voices got louder. Drunken slurs, that Harry couldn't even understand and roars, that seemed like laugh, echoing in the dark. It wasn't even that late. But in winter, when you live in London and especially at the bad-rep region, everyone is in bed by 7PM. Harry never got out of the house later. Niall always came to him, knowing how scared Harry would feel.

''Hello, baby.'' a voice said and Harry felt an arm wrapped around his waist, tightly.


Was this man an angel or what?

''Hi.'' he whispered.

''And hello, gentlemen. Social distnacing is very important. Deseases and stuff.'' Louis mumbled, arm secured around the smaller boy's waist, voice harsh and his eyes focused on the drunk men, who would probably forget about this whole thing in the morning. They didn't say anything.

Just scoff.

That's all Harry was worthy of. While he would be terrified for years and have wrinkly fingers, because he would stay in the bathtub forever, these men would probably go home and never even remember him in the morning.

It was so unfair how he was treated. So, so unfair.

But Louis...

Louis was there at the right place, at the right time. He had saved Harry's ass so many time, the younger boy was so grateful to him, he didn't even know how to repay him. Maybe what Louis did would have been whatever anyone should do in situations like that, but that was a first for Harry.

He had no idea that someone could be that nice, not wanting anything in return.

''You're okay.'' he whispered in his ears, feet moving fast. Harry wanted to breakdown and if it weren't for Louis, holding him tightly around the waist, he would have already fallen on his knees.

''I-I didn't.-'' he wanted to say that he did not initiate this, like he did in the bus, but Louis already knew. He knew that Harry was attractive and cute, but he was also naive enough to walk around in this area, at this certain time.

''I know you didn't. It's okay it can be.'' Louis mumbled the last part, because this is not okay.

It's not okay to have to be followed every single day. Harry had been catcalled at twice this day. It was sick and freaking disgusting. He got Harry quickly home, crossing his adorable little yard and Harry unlocked the door, which had three locks. Louis cannot blame him.

''So, be safe and next time, that this happen call me. I know we don't know each other very well, but please, call. I'm not always gonna be at the right place, at the right time. Heroes have other things to do too.'' he cockily said and Harry chuckled a little bit. It relaxed him.

''Thank you so much, Louis.'' he said, honestly and Louis pulled him suddenly into a tight hug. Harry didn't understand why, until he fell tears streaming down his face.


''There are a lot of people, who want to hurt you, Harry. You just have to be careful and know when to trust people, yeah? Next time that happens, call me. And until I get there, stay in line and go into a store. Whatever store is that, yeah?'' Louis said and Harry nodded, his hands wrapped around his neck. Louis let go of him and awkwardly said goodbye.

Harry forgot about the jacket again.


Louis wasn't a stalker. You may think he is and well, fair enough but he is not.

He was just heading towards the pub, where his friend Oli worked.

Harry was just a pleasant surprise on his way there, in a bad situation.


''You need to fuck him and he'll stop being in your head.'' Oli said, pouring Louis one more scotch.

''Harry...he's delicate. He's pretty. He is not for just a shag and then nothing. He's fragile and smart. He's more...I don't know, man. I don't even know him that well, but he is small, soft, beautiful. He's cute. I don't know.'' Louis mumbled. His mind filled with Harry's forest green eyes, his stomach filled with alcohol and excitement.

''Date, then. Ask him on a date. And go home.'' he said, emphasizing on the 'go home' part. Louis sighed, making a whiny noise and paid, before dialing a cab number.

He waited there in the cold with a warm heart full of hope. However, he wanted to see Harry, due to other circumstances and ask him on a date and just, be there with him. He liked Harry. A lot. And it was scaring him a bit, but he did not care, when he was thinking about his silky, cute curls, that smelled like vanilla.

''Could you please stop here?'' he asked the cab driver, who nodded. He told him to wait and he stepped out of the vehicle, heading towards Harry's door. He knocked on it, gently. He heard stumbling from the other side and he leaned his body on the wall, trying not to pass out.


Harry was woken up by a knock on the door, Niall next to him asleep. He always ended up spending the night after their movie night. He slowly got off the bed, in nothing but an oversized light yellow T-Shirt and fluffy neon green socks, that reached his ankles. He run a hand through his hair, but gave up, trying to fix them. He opened the door, seeing Louis, who smiled sheepishly to him.

''I just wanted to tell you, that you looked absolutely breathtaking today.'' he said and just turned around, walking down Harry's yard, where he got into a taxi and drove off. Harry stayed there, smiling to himself for a while.

''I'm cold!'' Niall groaned and he giggled, closing the door and he went back to his room, where Niall had his eyes closed, an arm in the air, holding the blanket and Harry buried himself in his warm arms.

''Who was it?'' he asked, sleepily.


''And what did he want at 3AM?''

''To say that I looked breathtaking today.'' Harry informed him, pride in his voice.

''He's whipped.'' Niall snorted and Harry grinned, closing his eyes, happy.


A/N 1) I'm no longer covid positive, which means that I will go on holidays, until 10th of August. So, the updates will be super slow, but I will try to write some good parts. I swear.
2) I have an awful cough, which doesn't affect you but I just wanted to share my torture.
3) Last night, at 3AM, I had a new fan fic idea, which is really good in my head and I will try to write both books at the same time, but only update on this one.

Thanks for the support and I hope you guys understand:)))

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