Chapter 1

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I take a deep breath and look at my surroundings. I'm flying over the ocean, pulling about 7Gs. This is what freedom feels like. 

"You alright there Siren?" My wso says from behind me. "Never better Striker." 

My wso is my best friend. Regina 'Striker' Samuels and I met at the Naval Academy when we were 18. She is the direct opposite of me, in looks and personality. I'm blond with blue eyes, just like my mother, with tanned skin from countless days spent outside. Regina has dark skin and hair, but her eyes are a light golden brown. While she is outgoing and will talk your ear off, I'm quieter and more reserved. 

The two of us quickly became an unbeatable pair, on the ground and in the sky. 

We are Siren and Striker.

"Mustang, this is Ghost Rider. We have unknown aircraft. In bound, Mustang. Your vector is 090 for bogey." A transmission from the base echos through my ears.

"Talk to me Striker."

"Roger, I got him. Contact, 20 left at 30 miles. Nine-hundred knotts closure."

"Crow, you hear that?" I ask my wingman. "Roger."

"Rabbit, you got him?" Crow asks his wso. "Roger, I've got radar contact."

Crow and Rabbit have been Striker and I's wingmen for about a year now. The four of us work great together and I trust the two men with my life. 

"I'll get a visual ID, Crow you hook em." I say into the mic. "Roger, and I'll clean them and fry em." Striker jokes from behind me. I roll my eyes but have a grin on my face. "Let's do this." I turn my aircraft towards the left with Crow on my wing.

 "Mustang. Mustang, this is Ghost Rider, 203. I've got him inbound, bogey heading 270. We're at 10 miles, 900 knots closure. Ghost Rider take angels ten left, 30." Base tells us.

As we pick up speed I can't help but notice how beautiful the clouds look with the sun setting. Putting my focus back on the objective I ask Striker, "Striker can you see if he's a single." "I only see one. Rabbit do you see any trailers?" She asks over the radio. "Negative, it looks like he's a single." 

"Allright, Crow I'm going to go head to head with him. Try and scare him off." I say into the mic. "Roger, I'm going to break high and right to confirm he's alone." "Roger."

I watch from the corner of my eye as Crow and Rabbit go up until I can't see them. "How should we scare him off, Striker? Maybe give him the finger?" I ask her jokingly. "Maybe we should take off our masks so he can see we're women in the navy. That tends to scare men off." I laugh at her joke, although it is quite accurate. 

"Quit joking you two. It looks like he's got a friend." Crow says over the radio. "Shit." I mutter. 

"We've got a thousand knotts closure, Siren. He's coming right at us." 

I speed up and turn the plane side ways, going right in between the two. "Crow you've got mig one, I've got mig two." "Roger."

I quickly turn and start heading towards them again. "I've lost mig one in the sun, do you see him rabbit?" Crow's frantic voice asks him. "Got him, he's at 8 o'clock." Rabbit answers. 

"Do you need me Crow?" "Negative, I've got it. Go for mig two." "Roger."

I speed up as I see the aircraft. "Air speed, 300. Go get him Siren." Striker says from behind me. "Roger, I'm going for missle lock. See if that scares him off." I maneuver the ship and turn on missiles. "Almost got him." The target turns red and locks. "Got him locked."

Mig two breaks right and flies away. "Woohoo he's running for the hills!" Striker cheers from behind me. I let out a light chuckle at how unprofessional she is. "Mustang, this is Siren. Mig two is headed home." I report to base. 

"Crow, how are you doing with mig one?" "I can't seem to get a missle lock on him." "Roger, I'm coming up for support."

I fly higher and join the chase with Crow. "Commence attack formation." "Roger."

I fly to the right side of mig one's plane, right next to his wing, while Crow is behind him. "Why is he not flying home? He's alone and got us surrounding him." Crow's voices all of our thoughts. 

"I've got this. Hold on Striker, we're going to have a little bit of fun." I flip the plane so we're upside down and above him. He looks up and his eyes visibly widen. Then they seem to grow in size when Striker and I both take off our masks, revealing we are women. Striker pulls out her polaroid to get his reaction.  After a sweet smile and wave he flies off. We both bark out a laugh. "Jeez I crack myself up." I mutter.

"Oh my god! Did you see his face?" Striker laughs as I straighten the plane out. "It was classic!" Letting out a breathy laugh I respond, "What I don't get any credit for doing cool pilot shit?" The other three let out chuckles. "That was very cool pilot shit Siren" Thanks Crow."

Suddenly I get an alert. "Hey we're low on fuel. We should head back to base." "Roger, I'm right behind you Siren." 

The two of us fly to the right in the direction of base. 

"Siren you are three quarters of a mile. Call the ball."

"Roger. Siren has the ball."

I straighten out the plane and prepare to land. Once my wheels touch the ground I slow until I'm stopped. The plane is hooked and dragged to the end of the hanger. Once I'm out of the way Crow lands. 

Hopping out of the plane with Striker we give each other high fives. Crow and Rabbit walk up to us. "I think a job well done is in order for my two favorite ladies." Crow says with a smile. "Damn straight." Striker says. "How about we get some food? I'm starving." Rabbit moans. 

The four of us head to the cafeteria before we are stopped. "The admiral wants to see you two in his office," the man says gesturing to Striker and I. "Save us a seat?" I ask Crow. "Of course, good luck."

Striker and I quickly walk towards his office. "Shit. Did we do something wrong?" She asks me. I just shrug. "I don't think so. We could just have an assignment."

We stop outside his office and knock. "Siren, Striker come in." Taking a deep breath we walk in. Standing in front of his desk we wait for him to speak. "I like the work I see from the two of you. You keep your cool; work well under pressure." Surprise flashes through me but I don't let it show. "Thank you, sir."

He leans back in his chair. "Listen, I got to send someone to Miramar and I think you two are the ones who deserve it." Excitement rushes through my veins, but I keep my face void of emotions. "Sir?" Striker asks. 

"You two are going to Top Gun."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now