Chapter 14

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Bradley POV

Maverick and I are lying close to the ground scouting out the enemy airfield. Behind us, Striker sits with Siren trying to keep her entertained. Mav is tense, as am I. Not only is this situation bad all around, but we must get Selene medical attention as soon as possible. The metal sticking through her leg is unnerving to say the least. The debris still lodged there is keeping her from bleeding out, for now, but there is still a decent amount of blood. Every time it shifts the gash opens up a little wider, which is why we went ahead to minimize her walking. Not to mention, the frigid air and harsh wind blowing against her exposed flesh increases the chance of infection. She's in some pain, but luckily the adrenaline is keeping most of it at bay. However, when the adrenaline slows down, it won't be pretty. We need to hurry.

"What's the plan?" I ask Mav. He's been silent next to me, staring through a binocular at the airstrip. "Take a look." Handing me the binocular I turn my gaze to the direction he's pointing in. Two F-14s remain side by side, the only planes untouched from the bombing. "You can't be serious," I say, giving him the side eye. "There's people everywhere and, oh yeah, a destroyed runway," I remark incredulously. Maverick takes the device from my hand for another look. "It's our only option. We can't wait around for help that may or may not come. Especially not with Selene's condition." I sigh. He's right, this is the only way. "How are we going to do this?" 

Mav takes a moment to scan the terrain, thinking of a plan. "The air is smoky and everyone is running around. I think if we just walk quickly we can get by undetected. As for the planes; Siren is in no condition to fly and Striker is a WSO. It'll be up to you and me to get us out of here." I nod at the plan. "How are we supposed to casually walk by when one of us has a piece of metal sticking through her leg?" Maverick winces at my question. "We're going to have to take it out." My eyes widen at his words. "The moment we take it out she's going to start to-" "bleed out, I know." He cuts me off. "We'll wrap it tightly and it should last us til we get back." My face still holds unnease and doubt making Mav continue. "I don't want to do this either, trust me. That's my daughter. But if we don't get out of here, she's going to die anyway."

Selene POV

Maverick and Rooster just finished relaying the plan. Even in my hazy mind I know that our success relies on dumb luck. The two men keep glancing at each other, looking like they want to say more. "What is it?" I impatiently ask. Maverick looks at the ground, before raising his eyes to meet mine. "We need to take the debris out of your leg." I freeze at his words, and an anxious feeling arises in the pit of my stomach. Taking a deep breath I voice, "But if we take it out, I'm going to...." I don't say it. God, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. Blocking the thoughts away I think about this reasonably. If we do this, I might die. If we don't, everyone will die. Better me than them. "Okay," I breathe.

The four of us quickly cut one of the parachutes into strips of cloth to wrap my leg in. Our time to target on the way here was 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Now when we leave, we have a time limit as well. The moment the metal is pulled out of my leg the countdown begins. They lay me down so my back is pressed against the cold, damp snow. "Here," my dad hands me the extra bundle of cloth. I look at him confused. He only stares back with a sympathetic look. "Put it in your mouth." Realization dawns on me and I grab the cloth with shaky hands. Striker moves out of my vision to hold down my legs. Bradley appears next to my upper body. The three of them watch as I raise my arms and place the cloth in my mouth. Placing them back down against my sides Bradley holds down my top half. 

My frantic eyes search his face. I'm scared. He looks back at me. I know. "Everyone ready?" My dad asks. The silent nods confirm. His hands reach out and wrap around the metal. "On three." I squeeze my eyes closed. "One. Two-" Maverick rips out the shard early, catching me off guard. My chest arches off the ground as I scream around the fabric stuffed in my mouth. It's excruciating. Splitting through my leg in an agonizing, searing pain. I mindlessly try to thrash but Bradley and Regina's strong holds keep me from going anywhere. I scrape my fingernails into the ground, fisting the dirt and snow tightly in my hands. 

Striker's hands leave me and I register her throwing up a few feet away because the sight of my  bone is visible among the gore. Tears stream down my cheeks and my body shakes as I feel Mav and Bradley start to wrap my leg tightly. When they're done they pull away, but I remain on my back with my eyes screwed shut and muffled sobs escaping. I'm not thrashing anymore, but laying lifelessly upon the earth. I feel a warm hand move the hair sticking to my forehead and another grab my fist, undoing it. "It's over, baby." Bradley reassures while he runs his fingers through the hair on my scalp. "You did so good. I'm so proud of you." I don't respond, but his soothing words help slow my crying. 

"Honey, I know you're in pain but we have to start moving. We don't have much time." My dad speaks remorsefully, and when I open my eyes he looks like he's in pain watching this. I give him a shaky nod. Tears still fall down my face but my cries are silent now, so I take out the cloth in my mouth. My nose is stuffy from the cold as well as the crying, and my throat feels raw from my screams. Slowly sitting up, I grit my teeth from the throbbing in my thigh. 

"Let's get the fuck out of here."

A/N Thank you so much for your condolences as well as your patience. It means so much to me. You guys are amazing!

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now