Chapter 13

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"You should wear a dress more often."

I raise my eyebrow at Bradley as I continue to clean up. "Why?"

"Easy access," he says with a grin. I slap his arm but laugh at his antics. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards him, running a thumb over the indents his nails left on my breast. "Did I hurt you?" he softly asks. I shake my head no. "Good." His lips gingerly kiss the marks before sliding my strap back over my shoulder. "Because I'm not done yet."

Confusion clouds my features as I walk out of the stall to wash my hands. "What do you mean?" His strong arms wrap around my waist and we make eye contact in the mirror. "I mean that you will go enjoy the rest of your party. And when I take you home, because it will be me who takes you home, I'll punish you properly." 

A shiver runs up my spine at his demanding words. I avert my gaze from his as I swallow thickly. "Didn't you already-" "Oh no," he chuckles darkly. Spinning me in his arms he raises my chin to look at him. "That was just a reminder. I still need to discipline you for being bad." Instead of fear I feel my arousal pooling in my belly. "Now be a good girl and go have fun."

I step out of his arms and head towards the door, Bradley following behind. The feeling of my bare thighs rubbing against each other reminds me of something. I stop and turn towards him. "I can't believe you ripped my panties." He cheekily grins and pulls them out of his pocket for me to see. "I'll buy you new ones."

I walk out and make my way back to the group. When I stop in front of them all their eyes turn towards me. Why are they all looking at me? "Siren, uh" Striker says through laughs. "You've got a little something," She says, gesturing to her neck. My eyes widen as I slap a hand over my skin. Pulling out my phone I ignore the group holding in their laughs. When my camera is open I see the many, many love bites covering me. I look over my shoulder at a smug looking Bradshaw.

Slapping the back of my hand against his chest I fume,"Bradley!" This causes the culprit, along with everyone else, to burst out in laughter. I can feel my cheeks flaming red. Crossing my arms over my chest I grumble, "it's not funny." He throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his side. Lowering his head to my ear he unapologetically says, "Sorry baby, but you asked for it."

Rolling my eyes the group eventually dies down. Once I forget about the embarrassment I begin to have a good time again. Drinks are passed around while everyone talks and laughs. I get to know the people I spend everyday with better, like where they're from and how they ended up here. The whole time Bradley stays planted by my side, refusing to let me go. 

"Let's go to the beach!" Hangman yells. After a cheer of agreement we pay our tab and head out towards the water. On the beach everyone begins to shed their clothes and head into the water wearing only underwear. The cool water sounds heavenly and I'm about to follow when I remember. Bradley ripped off my underwear. 

Pursing my lips I glare in his direction as he begins to take off his Hawaiian shirt. His eyebrows furrow until realization dawns his features. With a cocky smirk he saunters over. "Why won't you get in?" "You know why," I grit out. He chuckles and grabs my hand. "Let's go for a walk, yeah?"

The two of us wordlessly stroll down the beach, our intertwined hands swinging between us. I'm still salty that I can't go swimming. Bradley must notice the pout on my face because he lets out a heavy sigh. "Are you going to be upset about this all night?" "Yes," I answer even though I won't be. "Even if I give you your birthday present?"

My face lights up in shock and excitement. "You got me a birthday present?" I can't remember the last time I got one. He gently smiles. "Of course I did." We stop walking as he digs into his pocket, pulling out a small box with a bow. After handing it to me I carefully undo the wrapping. It's a necklace. A simple pendent of a fighter jet on a delicate gold chain. I turn it over and run my finger across the engraving. 'Siren'

A warm fuzzy feeling crawls its way through my body, clawing at my heart. I look up at him with awe but his line of sight remains to the side as he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "I know it's not much-" I cut him off by flinging my arms around his neck, crushing him in a hug. He pauses for a second, caught off guard, before tightly wrapping his arms around me.

Time seems to stand still. The murmur of the waves crashing against the shore and our steady breathes fanning each others necks. I feel peace. I pull back just enough to give him a long, sweet kiss. "Thank you," I whisper. My heart feels full in a way I've never felt. 

He grabs the necklace from my hand while he rotates my back to him. His fingers tenderly clasp the necklace around my neck and leaves a soft kiss on my shoulder. When facing him again my breath hitches as I look into his eyes. The only light being that of the moon, casting half his face in shadows. My heart pounds into my ears as he opens his mouth to say something.

Is this it? Does he feel the same way?

Seemingly having a mental battle with himself he simply gives me a small kiss. "We should head back." I nod in agreement, although my heart sinks a little. We remain silent for the rest of the walk, both our minds in chaos. When we reconvine with the group everyone decides to call it a night. Striker is leaving with Omaha, leaving me and Bradley.

When Bradley opens the car door for me he grins. "Are you ready for your punishment?"

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now