Chapter 3

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A ringtone wakes me up, and it isn't one I'm familiar with. I snuggle deeper into the warm chest beneath me, trying to block out the noise. I feel Bradley shift beneath me as the ringtone stops.

"Hey man." His morning voice is hoarse. "Yeah, sorry. I'll head over right now." My eyes open as I peak up at him. The morning sun filters through the white curtains, casting a glow upon his skin. "Calm down we won't be late. I'll be there soon. Bye." 

Bradley put the phone down up and smiles down on me. He quickly flips us over so I'm under him and snuggles his head into my neck. "Good morning," I chuckle and begin to play with his hair. "Morning." he murmurs into my neck. 

"It sounds like you're going to be late for something if you don't get up." With a groan he sits up. Running a hand over his face he sighs. "5 more minutes?"  "I wish but I've got to get going too." He's cute when he's pouting. "Fineeeee."

Bradley drags himself off of me. He throws his pants on quickly and looks at me. "Listen I....." I raise my eyebrows as he trails off, looking everywhere but me. "I had a lot of fun. I was hoping maybe we could do this again sometime?" The sight of this grown man nervously scratching the back of his neck for me makes me smile. "I'd like that." His face shows relief. 

After exchanging numbers I walk him to the door. "I'll see you soon." "See you," I echo back. Once the door is shut I turn towards my room to get ready.

After showering, I dress in my uniform; pulling my hair into a slick bun. I make my way down the stairs slowly because the soreness in between my legs has finally had time to sink in. Stepping into the kitchen I see Regina, already ready, and cooking breakfast. 

"So Selene," she starts when she notices me entering the room. "Are we going to talk about that hunk of a man you walked out this morning?" Embarassment creeps around my neck but I try to keep my face srtoic. "What about him?" I casually ask while pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Bitch you better be joking. You're never the type for one night stands." I shrug. "I guess I am now. I don't want a relationship, especially after the last one went to shit." Regina's face softens. Before she can say anthing I cut in. "Don't look at me like that, I'm fine now. Anyway we're going to be late." 

The two of us quickly make our way to the base. Nerves and excitement course through me. This is what I've been waiting for. 

Once we step inside we are directed to a room. There are seats in rows infront of a board. A lot of the pilots are introducing themselves to eachother while a few are trickling in. Following Regina's lead we head over.

"Finally! Females!" A girl exclaims as we walk up. "I was beginning to get a testosterone overload. I'm Natasha call sign 'Pheonix'." We both shake her hand while Regina answers for us. "I'm Regina call sign 'Striker' and this is Selene call sign 'Siren'." 

At this Pheonix's eyes widen. "You guys are Striker and Siren?" This calls the attention of the guys near us. "That'd be us." I say. The male pilots begin to approach while Pheonix continues to gush. "You guys have 3 air kills! Pretty soon you'll be an ace." 

Striker and I chuckle. "You make us sound alot better than we are." By now we are surrounded by the other pilots. "No offense but I thought Striker and Siren were guys," a handsome blond man says. I give him a look. "Now why would you think that?" He chuckles. "I'm Hangman." I quirk an eye brow up. "Like the game?" "Exactly like the game." 

Pheonix leans in my ear and whispers, "They call him hangman because he'll leave you hanging. Don't let him be your wingman if you can help it." My face makes an ah expression. 

Regina and I are introduced to the other pilots there as well. There's Pheonix's wso 'Bob', Payback, Fanboy, Omaha, Fritz, Coyote, Harvard, and Yale. "Yo Omaha, where's Rooster?" That must be his pilot. "He's running late. He spent the night at a girl's house and the idiot forgot to set an alarm. I had to call him to wake him up." The other guys chuckle. 

"Oh there he is." Omaha says pointing. "Bradley!" Wait....Bradley? I take a deep breathe before I turn around. There he is. The man that made me scream all night. He has his uniform on like the rest of us, but he manages to make it look so much better. His aviators are covering his eyes and his grin reminds me of last night when he-I will my cheeks not to flame red in embarrassment. He hasn't noticed me yet so I drop to the back of the group as the guys all approach him. They're hypeing him up for 'getting pussy last night'. Little do they know.

Pheonix and Striker stay back with me while the guys continue what they're doing. "Isn't that-" "Yes" I cut Striker off. "I didn't know he was a pilot or else I would've never done it." Pheonix seems to put two in two together. "Oh my god!" "Shhhh." Regina and I shush her at the same time. "Oh my god." She says quiter this time. "You two- last night." I breathe out a heavy sigh, rubbing my temples. "This is a nightmare." 

He takes his aviaters off and heads towards the desk. "Oh Rooster these are the ladies. Pheonix, Striker, and Siren." Hangman says gesturing to us with his hand. Thanks a lot Hangman. Bradley looks at us but his eyes stop on me. Surprise washes over his face before he's grinning again. "Pleasure to meet you." I assume he's saying it to all three of us, however, his eyes are only on me. I keep my face emotionless. "Likewise."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now