Chapter 6

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^If this was a movie scene, this song would be the soundtrack^

 I grab his hand and enterlace our fingers, slowly leading him to my room. I step in and put my purse on the desk. The soft click of the door closing is the only sound apart from our breathing. I look up at his figure standing a few feet away, silently watching me. I feel nervous. We've slept together tons of times, but this will be the first time together knowing each other's feelings. Not to mention, we haven't been together in two years. I haven't been with anyone in two years. Wait- has he-

"What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" He asks, taking a step closer. "If you aren't ready, we don't have to do anything." I smile softly at his caring tone, feeling embarrassed. "It's stupid," I state, shaking my head. "What is it?" Another step. "I just, have you- I mean since-" I stutter the words out. It doesn't really matter if he has, but I want to know. Bradley is right in front of me now. Cupping my cheeks he makes sure I look him right in the eye before speaking. "I haven't touched anyone else since the day I met you."

Relief floods through me, I hate to admit it but I am a jealous bitch. My thoughts are cut off by his gentle kiss against my forehead. "Are you sure?" Bradley puts both hands on my arms, holding me in place. I know what he's asking. Am I ready to do this? I originally said that we should go slow, and wait. But when our tongues were intertwined on my front porch all I could think was I need him closer. 

I need him.

I don't want to wait. We've been apart too long. My world has been frozen and since he came back into my life it began turning again. I want him; yesterday, today, tomorrow. I want to grow old with him. I want to spend every lazy Sunday with him, have every movie marathon with him. I want to dance in the kitchen while we cook dinner. I want the quick see you later kisses, and mindlessly holding hands while reading. I want him there when I fall asleep and there when I wake up. He is my match, my very soul. If I am a fool, then so be it. The poets say we are all fools when in love.

His eyes search my face, looking for an answer. I gaze up at him. Our noses touch lightly, lips an inch apart, and warm breathes mingling between us.

"Take me to bed or loose me forever," I whisper against his mouth. Our hooded eyes remained connected for a moment, a silent conversation filtering through them in the moonlit room.

His mouth gently brushes against mine before enveloping it in a warm, delicate kiss. One of his hands return to my cheek as the other wraps around my waist, tenderly pulling me against him. My mind is gone. All I can do is stand there gripping his shirt and focus on the feeling. His tongue scrapes along my bottom lip and I open my mouth to let him in. There is no battle for dominance this time. I carelessly throw my arms around his neck, making him circle his other arm around me as we deapen the kiss. We intricately explore one another through open mouths and heavy breaths. The air crackles around us.

He begins walking, making me move backwards until the back of my knees hit the bed. We break apart as I sit, glazed eyes staring at each other. The air around me feels cold against my burning skin. Bradley leaves his place in front of me. Walking over to the bed side table he switches my lamp on, a soft warm glow lighting the room. He's never done that before. Seemingly reading the question in my eyes he says, "I want to see you." My heart stops at his request and I feel vulnerable under his intense stare. He pauses for a moment, waiting to see if I'll object. When there is none he walks back around to me.

Kneeling on the ground in front of me he takes my left leg and carefully takes off my shoe. I stare down at his form as he does the same to my right. He does it so gently, gracefully. When the second sole is placed on the ground I lean forward to slowly unbotton the three buttons on his polo. When I'm done he raises his arms for me to slide it over his head. My eyes feast on his tan skin, idly running my palms against it. From his arms to his collar bone, down his torso and back up; his eyes closed as he takes in my touch. 

I stand from the bed making his lids flutter open. I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world when he looks up at me like that. Grabbing the material of my dress he unhurriedly rises to his feet, raising the hem with it. Raising my arms just as he did the cloth goes over my head. My initial reaction is to cover myself, but Bradley grabs my hands to stop me. My shyness fades when I catch the look of adoration in his eyes. Am I really that beautiful to him?

His hands slowly release themselves from mine once he realizes I won't move. My arms hang by my sides as he runs his fingertips over my body like I did for him. Down my sides, outlining my breasts, up to the top of my chest. He looks as though he's trying to absorb me, trying to confirm that this is reality. I've never felt so cherished in my life. Goosebumps arise on my skin when he cups my globes. Sweeping his thumbs against my nipples he places an open mouthed kiss againt my neck. 

"How did you manage to be even more perfect than the last time I saw you?" His muttered question fanning against my neck make my heart burn beneath my chest. Switching sides he leaves a few chaste kisses along my shoulder before straightening back up. Looking into his eyes I marvel at the beautiful man in front of me. The glow of the room reflecting against his skin, his slightly tousled hair. "I love you." I say it with as much sincerity as I can, wanting him to know that my heart beats his very name. 

"God, I love you too." He says quickly before crashing his lips against mine once again. We pull at eachother needily, feverently. Our mouths don't part as I unbuckle his belt and slide his pants along with his boxers down. I drop back on the bed as he slides my underwear off of me. There will be no foreplay tonight. I need him inside of me just as bad as he needs to be inside of me. When I see his naked body I remember just how big he is. It's been awhile, but I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Lining up at my entrance and wrapping my legs around his waist he hovers over me. 

"Are you ready?" In response I tighten my legs and pull him towards me. We both let out loud moans as he plunges in. It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would, but my walls grip around him at the intrusion. I feel filled. You can't tell where one body ends and another begins.

 After holding still for a second he begins to glide out before slamming back in. My breast bounce from the force as his lips finds mine. We find a steady rhythm of slow, deep thrusts and my hips raise to meet him each time. "You're so tight," he groans in to my mouth. My only response is to whimper. Neither of us is going to last long, the overwhelming pleasure and prolonged abstinence making us as horny as teenagers. 

Beginning to pick up the pace, one of Bradley's hands interlocks with my own. Our intertwined fingers press against the mattress and grip each other tightly. Our breathes become too heavy to keep kissing so he presses our foreheads together. Through pants he grunts, "I love you." Sweat glistens against our bodies as the tension rises and rises. The coil in my stomach seems to snap and my orgasm comes crashing down. "I love you too," I cry out, the nails of my free hand digging into his shoulder. My back arches, squishing my chest against his.

A second wave washes over me when Bradley slams in as deep as he can go, bumping my cervix. His hips jerk as he cums, shameless moans ring so loud I'd fear the neighbors would hear if I could bring myself to care. He collapses on top of me, his head resting against my chest, while we catch our breath. Our limp hands remain connected next to us. 

Our breathing begins to calm down. With a quick kiss he disconnects from me to roll over and turn off the lamp. The two of us get under the covers, feeling spent. Bradley wraps his arm around me and pulls me flushed against him. Laying my head on his chest I give it a quick kiss and snuggle into him. My hand rests on his stomach with his own placed over it. That night it felt like a miracle happened, for we both fell asleep quickly.

>>Just some fluff for the hopeless romantics. Hope you enjoyed<<

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now