Chapter 8

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The sunlight shines through the white curtains, bathing us in its warmth. I'm on my stomach with my head on Bradley's chest. Our arms are wrapped around each other and our legs are tangled among the sheets. I move my head up and rest my chin on him, only to see him already awake. 

"How long have you been up?" I question. "Not long," Bradley says with a soft smile. His fingers lightly trail up and down my spine. "You could've woken me up." I nudge him with a gentle smile of my own. "Nah, I always wake up early." That's why they call him Rooster.

We remain in silence for a moment, just staring at each other. He looks more relaxed than I've ever seen him. His curls are a bit matted and the color looks gold in the sunlight. His eyes are once again showcased as a light honey color that I could get lost in. 

Feeling the shift in the atmosphere I grow uncomfortable. I can't like him. We're just fuck budies and he'd never feel the same. 

"Omaha and Striker must've had a good time seeing as she didn't come back last night." I say changing the subject, averting my gaze as I do so. "You're right. I doubt they'll leave bed all day honestly." That right, it's our day off!

"Oh thank god it's Sunday!" I exclaim. Bradley's lips quirck up at my suddenly perked up mood. "I just want to lay around and relax." I say snuggling in to him. His arms tighten around me. "Am I allowed to join?" Gazing up at him I raise an eyebrow. "I assumed you would. Unless you want to go back to your place and third wheel with Omaha and Striker. Then again you could be into that sort of thing." 

"Oh ha ha ha." He sarcastically says in response to my teasing. Suddenly he grins at me and begins tickling my sides. "Bradley!" I shriek, trying to squirm out of his hold. He flips us over so he's on top of me, continuing his assault. "Stop!" I yell in between laughs.

"Say 'Bradley is the hottest and awesomest'" he demands with a chuckle of his own. "Never!" He tickles me harder, not giving me a chance to breathe. "Fine! Bradley is the hottest and awesomest!" I practically scream. His hands finally stop and allow me to catch my breath. "Now was that so hard?" Bradley gives me a quick kiss and rolls off me. 

Rolling my eyes I detangle my naked body out of the sheets and get up from the bed. "Where are you going?" I look over my shoulder at him, his eyes dark as he looks at my ass. "Nu uh mister. Don't look at me like that. As much as I enjoy sex, after our 4 rounds last night I need a break." Bradley moves his gaze to my face, barking out a laugh. "Fair enough. But seriously, where are you going?" "For a bath." 

My feet softly pad on the floor to the bathroom. When I turn the water on to let the tub fill I hear him walk into the room behind me. "Can I join?" I glance at him with an unimpressed look. Raising his hands in surrender he claims,"I'll keep my hands to myself! I swear!" Turning away I grunt out a fine but I'm secretly smiling. 

Climbing into the tub Bradley gets in behind me. His large hand wraps around me to pull me against him. Relaxing back I can't help but feel safe. His arms are incasing me to him with his legs on either side of mine. We mindlessly play with the bubbles and talk, feeling at peace. Only when the water begins to turn cold do we get out. 

When we get dressed I can't help but take him in. He opts to leave his shirt off, only wearing a pair of sweatpants he brought with him. Of course I know he's hot. That isn't new information. But it catches me off guard every time I really look at him. 

"I'm trying to respect your wishes and let you rest, however, if you keep looking at me like that I won't be able to control myself." His low words snap me out of my daze, causing my cheeks to flame red at what he's implying. "Let's get breakfast," I stutter while practically sprinting out of the room. He laughs and follows me to the kitchen.

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now