Chapter 12

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The weekend couldn't come soon enough. It's been a long week and frankly getting drunk sounds pretty fucking amazing. I still feel embarrassed about Bradley seeing me practically have a mental breakdown. But, I also know that for the first time in years I went to sleep on my birthday not feeling like shit.

My relationship with Bradley has shifted. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel like there's a level of trust that wasn't there before. 

'I'm not going anywhere'

God I hope he means it.

It's Saturday. The whole group has agreed to a much needed night out, using my birthday as an excuse. Striker and I are getting ready and then heading to the Hard Deck in about an hour.

"Girl, who are you trying to impress? A certain Rooster perhaps?" My cheeks flush red at Striker's comment. "No I just wanted to look nice," I say defensively. My gaze turns toward the mirror to stare at the long, flowy beach dress. It's white with tiny blue flowers and a slit going up my thigh. My hair that's normally kept back is blown out, framing my face. "Is it too much?" I ask, biting my lip. Maybe I should change back into shorts and a t-shirt. 

"Don't you dare change. Rooster isn't going to know what hit him." My lips curl into a smile but I roll my eyes. "We're just fuck buddies. I doubt he'll care that much." I hope we're more than that, and I hope he'll care is what I want to say. But I don't. "Whatever you sayyy." Regina sings. "But don't think for a moment I'll believe you."

Before I know it we're walking into the bar. I love this place. The atmosphere is jovial and you can still feel the wind from the beach wafting through the windows. The two of us spot the group over at the pool table. 

"Well if it isn't the birthday girl!" Hangman bellows. Everyone turns and gives me a happy greeting, but there's only one I care about. His face is blank but his eyes roam over me. I can feel each part of my body burn from his gaze. Stalking towards me his arm is quickly wrapped around my waist. "You look beautiful," he murmurs in my ear and then his presence is gone, like a ghost. Walking back towards the pool table I see him smirk over his shoulder.  

For a moment I was confused why he didn't stay but I remember that the whole group is here. They don't know about...this. Whatever it is. Only Striker and Omaha. "Who's winning?" I question, turning towards the intense game of pool. Bob gives me a run down of the game between Coyote and Pheonix. Apparently if Pheonix looses she owes him a date. 

"Here you are, birthday girl." Hangman hands me a drink while throwing an arm over my shoulder. I send him an appreciative smile and take a big gulp. "Do you care to explain why Bradshaw is looking at me like he wants to murder me?" I almost choke on the beer. Sure enough Hangman is right. In the other corner Bradley is engaged in a conversation with Fanboy, although, it doesn't seem like he's listening. He's too busy glaring daggers at Hangman's arm over my shoulder. 

A light laugh escapes me. "Whatever do you mean?" I innocently ask. Hangman scoffs and rolls his eyes. "The only reason I haven't hit on you yet is because everyone can see the sexual tension between the two of you." I take another hearty sip. "Is it that obvious?" I sheepishly ask. "Might as well have a sign." he confirms. 

An idea sparks in my head. I turn and place my hand on Hangman's chest. "Do you want to help me mess with him?" I ask grinning. "Of course I do." His eyes are mischievous as he grabs my hand to place a kiss on the back of it. I can see Bradley fuming in the corner of my eye. Hangman leans his mouth to my ear. "This is so funny. Dude looks like he's about to explode." I can't help the full blown laugh I let out at his words. 

So it continues like this. An hour of me and Hangman jokingly flirting, and watching Bradley slowly but surely loose his cool even more. I'm feeling a little tipsy but not too much, only enough of a buzz to be in an undeniable good mood. I excuse myself from Hangman for the first time tonight, heading towards the bathroom. 

After doing my business and washing my hands, the door swings open. Two large arms encase me against the counter and a hot breath fans my neck. I pretend to be oblivious and continue washing my hands like no one is there. "You're playing a dangerous game, love." I face the angry man in front of me. "What- oh! Do you mean Hangman?" I dumbly answer. Tilting my head to the side I tease,"Is someone jealous?" 

"No." Bradley grits out. His brooding does not faulter my confidence, instead it only seems to feed it. "Great! Because I was thinking of going home with him. He's so-" My words are cut off by the hand wrapped around my throat and the hard kiss planted against my mouth. I smile into the kiss, knowing that this was the exact reaction I wanted. 

"You're mine." Bradley states against my lips, tightening his hold on my throat ever so slightly. "And I'm going to make sure everyone knows it." He drags me into a bathroom stall and locks it. Pressing me against the door his feverent kisses return. Going from my face, to my neck. He slides the straps of my dress down my arms before he attacks my breasts. I can feel every mark he leaves burning into my skin. He is, in fact, marking me where everyone else can see. Instead of caring, it turns me on. 

A load moan escapes me as he hikes my left leg up to wrap around his waist. One of his hands drops to my panties, rubbing me through the fabric. "You're already so wet for me baby." I can't help but wipe that devilish smirk off his face when I say, "Who said it's for you?" His glower returns full force. With barely even a strain on his muscles he rips them off of me, tearing them in half. I moan at the stinging feeling left on my inner thighs. 

Bradley unzips his trousers and unceremoniously plunges into me. He's pounding me so hard the stall door shakes with each thrust. "Say my name." I keep my mouth shut, though I can feel my resolve slipping. His finger nails dig into my breast while the other hand has resumed its tight hold against my throat. "Say it. Say I'm the only one who makes you feel this good." 

I'm nearing the edge quickly, panting for breath under his strong hold. My one leg on the ground is shaking, barely holding me up. His thrusts are quicker, harder. He's a man with something to prove and my god is he proving it. "Say your mine." When he moves his fingers down to drum against my clit I'm gone. "Bradley!" I gasp out as pleasure rakes through my body. "Say your mine!" He demands through clenched teeth, his powerful thrusts growing sloppy from my tightening grip. "I'm yours!" I groan with my head thrown back.

>>>Thank you everyone for your patience! Now that I'm feeling better regular updates will return!<<<

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now