Chapter 1

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"Now, I want to see you back here in 2 weeks. Here is the medication for the pain. Take it as needed. Don't forget to change the bandage on your leg every 12 hours. Try to stay laying down with your leg propped up, we don't want to reopen your stitches." I look up at Dr. Stevenson and give her a smile. "I'll take it easy, I promise." She smiles back and pats my shoulder. "See you soon."

Bradley starts to push the wheelchair towards the exit of the hospital. I've been here for almost two weeks and my boredom has been eating away at my brain. I haven't been short on visitors, of course. Either Bradley or my dad was always with me and other people filtered in and out. One night the whole group came by and we played a very intense game of poker. Excitement bubbles in my chest as we push through the double doors. 

"Finally! Sunlight! I feel like a ghost." I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air. I bask in the warmth and fresh air. Bradley laughs at my antics. "Well little ghost, what do you say we get the greasiest food we can find and milkshakes on the way home." I moan. "God, that sounds good. I think I'd be sick if I ate any more hospital food." We make it to the car and Bradley opens the passenger side door. He puts his arms out to pick me up but I put my hand up to stop him. "I got it, I got it." I grip the chair's armrests and raise to stand on my right leg, ignoring the pain. 

"I'll take it easy doc, I promise," Bradley mimics in a high-pitched voice. I hop on one foot and attempt to climb into the car, but can't get in. I forgot how high his truck is. "Do you need help?" He asks. I sigh. "Yes." Bradley scoops me up bridal style and sets me down in the seat. He begins to reach for my seatbelt but I whack his hands away. "I'm a big girl, I can buckle myself," I grumble. "I know you can." 

After driving through somewhere and stuffing ourselves til we can't eat anymore, we make it back to the house. I don't fight Bradley this time when he picks me up out of the car and places me in the wheelchair. He unlocks the door and pushes me into the house. 

Flicking on the lights I look around the room. Everything is where I left it. There are still a few dishes in the sink, a blanket was thrown over the back of the couch, and my jacket on the hook by the door. It feels like a time capsule. 

"It's good to be home," I say, brightly smiling at Bradley. We wheel forward heading towards my room, but come to a stop. The staircase. My smile falters for a moment, but I quickly cover it up hoping Bradley won't see. "Well this is potentially problematic," I joke. He laughs. "Potentially." I raise my arms, gesturing for him to pick me up. He effortlessly scoops me up and walks up the stairs. "What do you want to do?" he asks, setting me down on the bed. "I want a shower," I decide. "I feel all germy."

Bradley frowns. "You can't get your leg wet yet." My smile drops once more, but I force it back on my face. "Oh, all well." He looks at me suspiciously, like he's waiting for me to crack. Suddenly his face lights up. "I have an idea." He leaves the room and comes back with a chair. Placing it in the bathroom he scurries to lift me and place me in it. My back is to the sink as I face him. "What are you doing?" I question, curiously. "I'm going to wash your hair," Bradley states matter-of-factly. 

"What?" "Yeah! You know like they do at the haircut place thingy. You lean back and they wash your hair." I laugh. "The haircut place thingy?" I mimic, making fun of him. "Shut up. Do you want clean hair or not?" I just smile and lean back, relaxing into the cold counter. Bradley gathers my hair together and switches on the faucet. I keep my eyes closed as his hands massage the soap into my scalp. It feels like heaven. 

"The admiral wants you to come to base on Friday." My breath gets caught in my throat. "Oh." I know what it means, but I refuse to accept it. "Selene-" Bradley starts, looking at me worriedly. He knows what it means too. "I'm fine, really." I open my eyes and sit up, grabbing the towel from his hand. He watches me with calculating eyes as I dry my hair. "Are you sure?" I smile widely, but even I know it looks fake. "yep."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now