Chapter 3

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"How does that feel?" I look down at the hunk of plastic hanging off my thigh and back up to the doctor. "Um, good? I guess." I'm confused by her question. It's a fake leg. How is it supposed to feel? Dr. Stevenson's face lights up with a smile. "Great! Well with your stitches removed and everything healing nicely I think you're ready to start physical therapy." Relief floods me. "Thank goodness." She laughs and helps me remove the leg. 

I never knew what a process it was to put a prosthetic on. First I have to put baby powder on because apparently if I don't there will be chafing. Then there's this gell sock that has a piece of medal sticking out at the end. Following that is a normal sock. Finally I put the leg on and the long piece of metal goes into a hole on the inside of the prosthetic and clicks in place. Thus I have a leg. 

Once it's all off she places it in a bag before handing me it and a piece of paper with information about physical therapy. The ride home I'm in a good mood. I sing every song that's on the radio and Bradley glances at me from the corner of his eye with a stupid grin on his face before joining in. I'm antsy to start therapy tomorrow. My goal is to be able to walk by Regina's wedding in 2 months. Finally I have something to work toward to make progress. It's exciting. 

When we get home I crutch into the house. That's another thing, crutches!! Granted, it's a stupid thing to be excited about, however, anything is better than that wheelchair. "What shall we do tonight?" I ask, once we're inside. Bradley takes the crutches out of my hands and throws them on the floor behind him before pressing me against the door and covering my lips with his own. He devours my mouth hungrily, like a man starved, and I can't help but moan into the surprise kiss. His arms are wrapped around me tightly, crushing me against his chest. My hands instinctively reach up to his hair, raking through the curls. 

Seperating for air he trails open mouthed kisses down my neck, nibbling and sucking along the way. "I've been holding myself back from touching you for weeks," Bradley rasps into my ear, goosebumps rising on my arms. He continues his onslaught of kisses on my neck as he speaks, "I couldn't risk being too rough and reopening your stitches." His grip on my waist tightens and I can barely comprehend his words because he finds my sweet spot and sucks hard. "But now you're healed." He raises his head and our eyes meet, a devilish glint dancing in his.  

"And it's been too long since I made my girl cum."

A shiver runs up my spine at his words and his lips attack mine once again. I meet back with equal vigor, equal want and need. We both pull at each other, yearning to get closer even though there is no more space between us. Our tongues battle each other as my hands tug at his shirt while one of his wraps around my neck, lightly squeezing. He pulls away and tilts my head up to look at him. "Say my name, baby" his husky voice demands. His eyes are staring at my lips as I wet them with my tongue, his chest rising and falling heavily. I'm so lost in lust that I forget to answer but I'm brought back to reality when he runs his thumb along my bottom lip and tightens his hold on my neck. "I said say my name." I take a moment longer just to make him wait before I breathe, "Bradley." He physically shudders as his name leaves my mouth, his eyes seeming to darken. "Good girl."

Before I know it he picks me up and carries me to the kitchen, placing me on the counter. "We've never done it here before," I comment. "Let's change that." Taking off his shirt I let my eyes roam his muscular figure.  God I'm lucky. My shirt and bra follow soon after and Bradley's lips reattach themselves to my neck as he kneads my breasts. He begins to trail down and doesn't hesitate to take my nipple in his mouth. I gasp and hold his head to my chest as he sucks. His fingers toy with the other one, digging the nail on his thumb into it the way I like. A small bite from his teeth provides a spark of pain adding to the pleasure. 

He litters kisses down my chest and stomach before he gets to the waist of my shorts. Hooking his fingers I lift my hips to help him slide them and my underwear off. Once I'm completely naked I frown for a moment when my eyes drift to my leg. Or where my leg should be. A feeling of insecurity washes over me. "You're beautiful." My eyes lift to his honey brown ones dripping in sincerity. He rests his palm on the side of my face and I can't help but lean into his touch. 

Our lips meet once more but this time slower. Deeper. Like we're the only two souls that roam the earth. His hands dip down, one grabbing my ass and the other starting to play with my clit. His fingers drum quicker as our kisses grow more feverish. My skin is hot and flushed and I struggle to swallow my moans so I can keep kissing him. "Bradley," I breathe. "Please." 

"Please, what?" he says, his hot breath fanning my lips. "I need you." He releases his hands from me and quickly undoes his pants with a smug expression. "Your wish is my command m'lady." He wastes no time in plunging in, making me cry out. I can feel him deep inside me, filling me up. My arms wrap around his shoulders and my nails scrape against anything they touch, undoubtedly leaving marks. Both his hands grip my ass tightly with each powerful thrust. "Fuck baby you're so tight." I can only moan in response and bury my head in his neck leaving weak kisses against this collarbone. I don't know how much time passes but a coil is wound through my stomach and I'm so so close. We clutch at each other with the need for more. 

Suddenly I arch my back into his chest and throw my head up as the coil snaps. A silent scream lodged deep in my throat and stars dancing through my vision. Then wave after wave of pleasure ripples through me making me moan and shiver. I can feel my muscles tighten around his member and with a few more thrusts he buries himself in me as deeply as he can when he cums. This orgasm seems to last forever. Our bodies jerking and shaking as it rides through us. Bradley's head drops down to my shoulder as we slowly come to. My fingers go to the base of his neck, softly combing through his soft curls. Our heavy breathing is all that can be heard as we take our time recovering, our chests rising and falling while we hold each other. 

"Remind me to clean the counter before we cook dinner." I chuckle at his words. "I like kitchen sex. We should do that more often." Bradley laughs and pulls away to look down on me with a cheeky grin. "Like right now?" I smile and roll my eyes, pushing him away by his chest, though he doesn't budge. He just grabs my hand and places a kiss on the knuckles. "Later. Since I have my stitches out I can finally take a nice long bubble bath." I know I have a giddy smile on my face at the thought. "Mind if I join?" Bradley asks suggestively. "If you can behave yourself." I say pointedly, even though we both know he won't. He has the audacity to look offended. "I can behave." "Sureee you can," I tease. He dramatically places a hand over his heart. "You wound me." I wave him off with my hand. "Yeah, yeah. You love me." He hooks his hands behind my back. 

"That's the very reason why I can't behave."


Hi everyone! For starters I'm so sorry I ghosted for a month. I was dealing with a lot of shit and mentally was not doing great so I just needed a break. Thank you for still reading and being supportive! I'm starting a schedule so expect updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Love u guys!

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now