Chapter 15

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We both plop on the bed with a heavy sigh, facing the ceiling. I turn my head towards Bradley and he does the same, both of us lightly laughing before looking back up. "Who knew weddings were so tiring?" Bradley asks. "I know. I'm trying to find my willpower to even change into my pajamas," I groan. "When we get married let's make it short. I don't want to go into the honeymoon sleeping." I laugh but can't help the butterflies in my stomach.

 when we get married.

"Let's make it small too. Their wedding was beautiful but I do not want 300 guests," I add while rolling onto my side to face him. He mirrors my actions. "How do they even know that many people?" He laughs. "They only hang out with us." I shrug and laugh along. "That thought has crossed my mind so many times today." Our chuckles die down and when my eyes meet honey-brown ones, Bradley's warm hand tucks a stray hair behind my ear. Following the strands down until he's fiddling with the ends he asks, "What else would you want? For our wedding, I mean." He doesn't look me in the eye, and his cheeks have a faint rosiness.

Bradley Bradshaw being shy doesn't happen often. But every time it does I feel like I fall in love with him all over again. "Well..." I start, grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers to stop his fiddling. "You might hate me for this but I don't want a wedding." This makes his eyes snap up. "What?" I nervously continue, "I mean- I want to write my own vows, right? But for me personally, I don't know, if I'm vowing to love you forever I'd want it just to be us two. A group of onlookers watching makes me feel like it takes away the intimacy of what we're really doing. I'd want to have a reception afterward with family and friends, but the actual getting married part I've just always wanted it to be private." I can't read the expression on his face, and now I'm the one who can't meet his eyes. 

"Do I sound stupid?" I ask as I fidget with his hand. "Marry me," he breathes. My head flies up and I know my expression is one of shock. "What?" Bradley lets go of my hand and stands up, rounding the bed to his bedside table I see him grab a box from the top drawer. I'm sitting up now and my brain is so overwhelmed that I can't even think. "I was waiting until you were recovered, but I don't want to wait anymore," he says as he comes back around the bed. "What are you..." I mumble. But I knew exactly what he was about to do.

He gets on his knees in front of where I'm seated on the bed. Resting his hands on my thighs I reflexively put mine on his shoulders, eyeing the box enclosed in his right hand with disbelief. "Selene." My eyes snap to him. All previous tiredness is gone. "We've been through hell and back together. We've seen the worst sides of each other- and yet I find myself more in love with you with each passing day. We have gone through things that should've torn us apart but we always come out of it together. And I have no doubt in my mind that we always will." As Bradley talks I move my hand to his cheek, and he pauses to lean into it.

"My heart beats your name." His eyes are shining and his voice comes out thick, coated with emotion. "Every part of me is yours. And it always will be." My eyes sting with the tears I'm holding back. "Please, marry me. Or I'll ask you every day until you say yes," he says determinedly. I let out a little laugh at his words. "Yes, I'll marry you-" I don't even finish before his lips are on mine and his arms are wrapping around my waist, pulling me to the edge of the bed so he's in between my legs. It's a deep kiss that I can feel in every nerve throughout my body. We keep pulling at each other, needing to be closer. I push off his jacket and begin to unbutton his shirt, wanting to feel his skin, before he pulls away.

"Let me actually get the ring on before you jump my bones," he says jokingly, slightly out of breath. I lightly hit his chest, also catching my breath. "Like you weren't doing the same thing." Bradley chuckles and opens the box. It's beautiful and elegant, a gold band with 3 small diamonds in the middle. Simple and perfect. He takes my hand and slides it on my ring finger, it fitting perfectly. We both stare at it for a little, goofy smiles adorning our faces. "How long have you had this?" I ask curiously, looking at him. He has a small affectionate smile as he looks at it. "It's my mom's." His words make me look back at the ring and then at him, finding it the most endearing thing in the world.

"If you don't like it, we can change it. I just-" "I love it," I cut in. Bradley's eyes meet mine. "It's perfect." His smile grows and he slowly leans in again. "I love you," he murmurs, hovering over my lips. "I love you too." And I close the gap between us.

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