Chapter 6

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Bradley slowly slides out of me and puts my shaking legs on the floor. He keeps his hands on my hips to hold me up, thank goodness because at this moment I'm not sure I can stand. I have my forehead pressed against his broad chest and he is nuzzled into my neck as we both try to catch our breaths. 

"Let's get you cleaned up," he says softly. I only nod, too drained for words.

He moves me so I'm directly under the showerhead, letting the warm water slide down my body. I  lean against him as he massages shampoo into my scalp. His gentleness is so different than the rough fucking a few minutes ago. I can't decide which I like more. I already knew his fingers were heavenly but the way he soothingly lathers the soap on me gives rise to goosebumps on my skin. 

When he's done he goes to wash his own hair but I grab his arm, stopping him. "Let me." My voice is hoarse and quiet. I take the bottle of soap from him and pour some into my hand. Bradley cranes his neck down so I can reach him easier as I wash his hair. My vision refuses to leave his locks because I can feel him staring at me. If I look into his eyes I might see something that I don't want to see.

His hands draw small patterns on my waist during the time my fingers slide through his delicate curls. There are no words exchanged. Both of us know we need to talk but at this moment we simply find peace within the silence. 

Once we are done washing we step out and get dressed. Only when fully clothed can I look at him. "Sooo.." I drawl. "Sooo" he echoes back. This causes both of us to smile and let out a light laugh. 

"I'm going to be honest," Bradley begins clearing his throat. "That's the best sex I've ever had." A chuckle sounds from me. "Me too." And I wasn't lying. That was the best sex I've ever had, my legs feel like they're going to give out. But I'm scared. I cannot allow myself to catch feelings for Bradley Bradshaw. I know that if I allowed myself to love him, I would love him until it destroyed me. 

"Do you want to maybe keep hooking up?" Bradley asks. This is what I mean. I've slept with the man twice and I was hoping he'd ask me on a date. It hurts more than it should but I brush it off. "Ya, I mean, we're both stressed about Top Gun and it'd be a good way to... I don't know... make us less stressed?" Good job Selene, that was not awkward at all. A deep chuckle escapes him while he nods. "That's precisely what I mean."

I stick my hand out. "Just sex."

His large hand envelopes mine and we shake. 

"Just sex."

I ignore the pain in my chest while he says it.

I narrow my eyes at him, "I still hate you." The words come out more playful than anything. Bradley's smile widens. "I hate you too."

Bradley's POV

I slip out and slowly set Selene on the ground, but keep my firm hold on her hips. The two of us are panting from the intense fuck we just had. She leans her forehead against my chest, the action so small but feels so large. I nuzzle into her neck and hold her for a few minutes.

"Let's get you cleaned up," I say softly. She only nods, clearly exhausted. I feel a hint of pride in my chest at that but try to ignore it. She remains in her place leaning against me while I grab the shampoo bottle she must've put in here before I came. After lathering my hands in it I bring them up to her long blonde hair. Making sure to soap it all up, I allow my fingers to massage her scalp. 

A small sigh escapes her from the feeling, and her breath hits my chest. Warmth spreads through me as I continue washing her. God, I could stay like this forever. I feel almost euphoric from her touch alone. Trailing my hands down I make sure to carefully wash every part of her body. Once I'm done I go to start washing my hair but a hand stops me. 

"Let me."

Her voice is like the ocean, soothing and soft sometimes while strong and powerful other times. Now I know why they call her Siren. She has bewitched me. Mind, body, and soul. 

 Her small hands reach up and I reflexively drop my head lower for her to reach. Selene refuses to look me in the eye, keeping her gaze on my hair. I can't help but briefly close my eyes and lean into her touch. When I open them I simply stare at her while she is focused on washing me. 

She's so beautiful. I remember Charlotte Blackwood from when I was very young. Selene looks so much like her. Except for her smile. She has Maverick's smile. That thought brings me back to our argument from the other day. I understand her getting mad, I know I was being an asshole. But, why was she most offended when I compared her to her dad? 

My train of thought is cut off when she moves me under the water, washing away the suds. The two of us step out and get dressed. Only now the air feels awkward, neither of us knowing what to say. "Sooo." She drawls. I can't help the smile that comes to my face when I see the redness on her cheeks. "Sooo," I teasingly echo back.

Light laughs come from the two of us. "I'm going to be honest," I start clearing my throat. "That's the best sex I've ever had." I nervously scratch the back of my neck. I'm not lying though. When I'm with her, everyone else is blown out the window. There is no comparison. "Me too."

Her words bring back the pride I had previously swallowed down. I try to not let it show how happy her saying that makes me. I see a battle happening behind her eyes. Selene has that look on her face where she wants to run away. I don't want her to run away again.

"Do you want to maybe keep hooking up?" I spit it out before I even think about it. Nice going Bradley. But, I'm so desperate for her that I'll take any part of her that I can get. Even if I have to bury the newly forming feelings down. 

"Ya, I mean, we're both stressed about Top Gun and it'd be a good way to... I don't know... make us less stressed?" I nod at her words. "That's precisely what I mean." That is not precisely what I meant. I'm an idiot.

She sticks her hand out. "Just sex."

I grin at her formalities. A handshake? 

"Just sex," I affirm. But, I ignore the twinge in my heart as I say it.

Selene narrows her eyes at me. "I still hate you." There is mischief in her eyes as she says it. I feel the grin on my face widen. "I hate you too."

A/N: Let me know if you want more Bradley POVs!

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now