Chapter 11.5

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The ground dampens my clothes as I lay here. I feel wind nip at my nose and frigid air flooding my lungs with each inhale. Where am I? My eyes struggle to peel open, almost as if they are frozen shut. An overcast sky. Barren tree branches. Snow spread through the valley and blanketing the mountain tops. Bright white snow. 

I know where I am.

The throbbing in my leg begins but I refuse to look down. This can't be real. This can't be happening. But when I involuntarily look down my heart constricts in my chest, my breath caught in my throat. Dread spreads through my limbs and body, all the way to my head until my ears are ringing. 

red snow.

the red snow that surrounds my body, the large piece of debris lodged inside my leg. I watch as the scarlet hue begins to spread, infecting the entire valley until all I can see is the haunting crimson. It consumes me so much I fear that I may never see another color again. 

"HELP!" I scream as loud as I can. My voice echos and I hug myself tighter. The panic begins to consume me and I choke out a sob. "Please, help me." The words come out as a cry. Suddenly I spot 3 figures approaching me from the tree line. Mav, Strike, and Rooster. They're here! They'll know what to do. My heart rate starts to calm at the sight of them, but the pain in my leg grows with each step they take towards me. Almost like it knows something I don't. 

My smile begins to fade when they are close enough that I see their faces. It isn't them. It looks like them, but it's not. Their eyes are dead, expressionless. They look like robots. What are they-

"HEY! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yell as I thrash around. But it is pointless. 2 pairs of arms hold me against the earth, while the last begins to reach for my leg. "No, please! Taking it out will make it worse! Don't do it! I don't want to lose my leg!" My dad's empty eyes turn towards me and shoves the parachute scrap in my mouth. "You already did."

And then he pulls.

I wake up screaming until my voice is hoarse, my entire leg in excruciating pain. My eyes frantically dart around my surroundings as Mav runs into my room. He's saying something, but I can't hear it over the blood pounding in my ears. He turns on a lamp, illuminating the dark room with a faint orange glow. Finally being able to see, my body starts to calm down. 

I'm in my bedroom.

I'm safe. I'm alive. I'm not back there. 

 "Selene! Selene, hey. Calm down. You're okay. You're safe." My dad grips my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. Tears continue to pool from my eyes as I hyperventilate. My hands grip his shirt into fists as I desperately fight to get air in my lungs. "Match my breathing, okay? Can you do that?" I weakly nod and try to follow his instructions.



I'm not sure how long it takes, but eventually my breaths come out steady again. I sniffle as my dad holds me, rubbing a hand up and down my back. I never thought I'd do this with him again. Cry in his arms. It's bittersweet I guess. "I think you need to get help." He timidly breaks the silence. I sigh in exhaustion. Not just physical but mental. "I know."

Before I know it the last few days have passed with a blur. Things with Maverick were.... nice, I guess. I mean sure it's still kind of awkward and there's a lot to catch up on, but things weren't hostile. He said he's dating someone..... sort of. His explanation of their relationship was confusing. Turns out she's the lady who runs the Hard Deck though. After we said our goodbyes I started on making dinner. My nerves are haywire waiting for Bradley to get home. I don't even know how to address the fight we had. 

"You lost your fucking leg. Get it through your thick head."

"You're not a fighter pilot anymore."

"The whole world doesn't stop turning for you, Selene! I feel like I'm working two jobs- one with the navy and one just trying to take care of you!"

I feel like that argument crossed a line that we haven't crossed before, and I didn't like it. What am I supposed to say? As much as I'd like to yell fuck you and then lock myself in the bedroom, I feel like that would be counterproductive. 

The creak of the door echoes into the kitchen, making me pause my cooking before continuing. "Hey." I almost shiver hearing his voice. I didn't realize how much I missed it. "Hey," I answer softly. I don't dare look at him. I don't know what to say. "How did the mission go?" I force out, still keeping my eyes on the stove. "Alright. How did, um, things here go?" I shrugged. "Alright." 

He lets out a heavy sigh. "We should talk."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now