Chapter 1

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I take a step out of my car and stretch my legs. The warm sea air whips through the blonde locks on my head. Looking through my sunglasses I take in the building in front of me. The Hard Deck. It's been two years since I've seen it but it looks like it hasn't aged a day. Striker and I have been called back to Top Gun for a special mission. Word has it that our entire class was. That he was.

I haven't had time to go by the house yet so I walk in with my jean shorts and white tank top, moving my aviators to my hair. Regina got here a few hours ago so she could have 'alone time' with Omaha. Relief floods me as I look at who is here. Hangman, Coyote, Fanboy, Pheonix, Payback, Bob, Striker, and Omaha. Maybe he's not coming? I know he flies solo now and not with Omaha so a girl can dream. 

"Well look who it is!" Hangman grins while leaning on his pool stick. "It's our shining star. How ya been Siren?" Pheonix answers for me. "Haven't you heard? She's one kill away from being an Ace. I'd say she's doing a whole lot better than you." I laugh at her response. "I'm doing fine. Mind getting me a beer?" "Right on it M'lady." Hangman says with a salute. 

I stroll over next to Striker and lean against the wall, observing. "You look tired." I side glance her. "I am tired. Probably not going to stay that long." Hangman returns with a beautiful beer in hand. "Thank you," I graciously say and take a big gulp. "Slow down there Siren, we still have work in the morning." I wave him off.  Before I can answer I hear Pheonix call, "Bradshaw! Is that you?"

My eyes immediately go to the floor. I knew he was going to be here. I psyched up myself for this. But now, all I want to do is go home and hide. "Is this how I find out you're state side?" "Yeah I just thought I'd surprise you." His voice has gotten deeper, more confident. I curse the shivers that involuntarily roll up my spine. I don't dare raise my eyes from the ground, even when I hear Pheonix hit him in the stomach with the pool stick. 

I can feel his gaze on me, burning me. Conversation flows but neither of us join. I take a deep breath for courage and raise my head. I wasn't prepared for the flood of emotions that attacked me. 2 years did him good. He still has that pornstache that only he can work. His hair is slightly shorter, darker than it was. I'd forgotten just how tall he was. Even though he's on the other side of the pool table, it's clear how much he towers over me. But his eyes. His eyes are the same. The honey brown eyes of Bradley Bradshaw, and they're looking at me.

Excitement, pain, yearning, anger, love. There's so much I'm feeling I don't know which one to go with. He begins to open his mouth but is cut off by Hangman returning from the bathroom. "Bradshaw, as I live and breathe." Hangman drawls. He takes the pool stick from Bob. Bradley takes his eyes off me and I can't help but sigh with relief. "Hangman. You look... good." Bradley shrugs. Lining up to take a shot he responds, "Well I am good Rooster, I'm very good. In fact, I'm too good to be true." Bradley's eyes narrow as Hangman throws an arm over my shoulder.

Hangman's hostility doesn't surprise me much. About a year ago we got sent on a mission together and became really good friends. Purely platonic, of course. At first he liked me a little but after Bradley- well to be honest I couldn't move on. I hate it, but I can't help but feel like he'll always lay claim to my heart. I compare everyone else to him. Everytime I look at a guy or kiss a guy I wish it was Bradley. Anyway, Hangman knows about what went down hence the tension.

"Sooo," Coyote starts, trying to break up the two before something starts. "Anybody know what this special detachment is all about?" Hangman shrugs. "Well a mission's a mission. What I want to know is who's going to be team leader. And which one of you has what it takes... to follow me." I scoff. "Hangman I beat you once, I can do it again." He chuckles and ruffles my hair. 

"Hangman the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave," Bradley says. His eyes are squinting. I've seen him like this once before, in this very bar. When he was jealous. I drop kick and say adios to the thought as soon as it enters my brain. It wasn't real. Omaha laughs at Bradley's comment and Striker swats his chest. 

Hangman smirks and leaves my side. Walking around the table til he gets right in Bradley's face. "Well anyone that follows you is going to just.... run out of fuel." Hangman nonchalantly leans back to sit on the pool table. "But that's just you, ain't it Rooster? You're snug on that perch just waiting for just the right moment that never comes." I don't know if we're talking about flying anymore. The two men stare at each other, sizing the other one up for a moment. "I love this song." Hangman smiles and heads back over to me. 

"Check it out. More badges," Payback points out. "There's Yale. Harvard, and damn even Fritz." "Shit, what kind of mission is this?" Omaha asks. "That's not the question we should be asking." Striker starts. "Who the hell are they going to get to teach us."

Bradley walks away, disappearing into the crowd. A moment later the music is cut out making the whole bar groan. Piano starts to faintly play. "Hey guys," Pheonix nudges us to follow. Mindlessly strolling behind her I see Bradley at the piano. Penny rings the bell meaning someone is being thrown out. I don't pay attention to it as my eyes are zeroed in on Bradley's figure as he plays. 

I turn away and take another swig of my beer, finishing it. But, my head snaps back over to the piano when I hear a familiar tune. 

"You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain.
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will, but what a thrill
Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!"

The whole bar is singing and dancing as Bradley plays, but I remain still. My mind transports me to another place. My kitchen. 2 Years Ago.

Once the song ends I laugh and pant for breath. "Why do you love that song so much?" I ask. Bradley smiles. "When I was younger my dad would always play it for my mom. I found it fitting to play for you." He pulls me in his arms and my own wrap around his neck. He kisses me until another song starts to play, making us dance until we're out of breath all over again.

I'm brought back to where I am as everyone screams the ending 'Great Balls Of Fire!' My eyes dart around. I feel claustrophobic, I need to get out of here. I feel my heart slamming into my chest as I push through the crowd and to the exit. Taking a deep breath of fresh air I walk towards my car. "Siren!" Looking over my shoulder I see an out of breath Bradley calling for me. I speed walk and begin opening the car door when a hand shoots out to close it.

"Selene." This is the first time we've addressed each other all night. I keep my eyes everywhere but on him. "Look at me," he raises his hand to my chin, lifting my head. Anger flares through me at the look on his face. He doesn't get to look at me that way. I slap his hand away. "What do you want?" I grit out. He takes a step back, running his fingers through his hair. "I want- I want to talk to you. That day-" "Save it Rooster, I don't want to hear it."

His short temper flares up as well. "No! You're going to listen! You caught me off guard, okay? I thought you didn't have feelings for me!" My anger is scourching hot in my veins. "So what? Your plan was to call me a good fuck and leave?!" Guilt flashes through his eyes at my words. "I didn't mean that! I was hurt because you were just leaving without telling me!" I look at him in disbelief. "I found out THE DAY BEFORE and I was only going to be gone for two days!!"

He doesn't have a response. "Regardless, I told you that I-I loved you," I choke out. "And you said nothing." The hurt and betrayl mixes in with the anger as I hiss out the words. "Of course I love you!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. My heart stops beating. "How could I not love you?!" he brokenly whispers. "No, no, no." I shake my head. "Selene." His hands reach out to me but I step back. "No! It's been two years! You never reached out! You could've called! When Omaha would come visit to see Striker, you could've come! All the times I heard your voice in the background when they were on the phone, HOPING that you'd even ask how I am!" I yell every word, trying to get my point across that it wasn't just one moment, it was many. 

My voice softens "How am I supposed to believe you when you say you love me now, when you didn't even fight for me?" All the anger has drained and I'm left with undeniable, unbearable, and indisputable pain. My chest hurts as I get in my car. "Selene-" "I'll see you at work." With a heavy heart I drive away, looking at his slumped figure in the rear view mirror.

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now