Chapter 2

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I let out a huge breath of relief as soon as I get out of the car. My senses are attacked by the cool ocean breeze that drifts in the air. I stretch my arms like Regina, both of us thankful we are no longer in the cramped space. We've been driving for several hours, and while we can sit in a plane for that amount of time no problem we get claustrophobic quickly in the car.

Grabbing my bag from the backseat, my gaze turns to the house. My mother's house. I haven't seen this place since I was a kid.

This is where my parents met.

I block the thought out of my mind. My life with my parents was a lifetime ago. It's gone, and I can never get it back. 

"Wow this is a nice house." Striker says from behind me. "Ya." I mutter. I walk up the front steps and hold the door open for her. "What do you say we shower and change and head out for a drink?" I ask her. "That sounds heavenly." she moans.

Before we know it we're back in the car looking for a place to stop. "What about that place?" Striker points to a shack like bar that's right on the beach. The Hard Deck. "Sure" I shrug. After parking we walk in to see the place packed with people from the navy. Normally, I hate this amount of people but I need a good distraction.

Walking up to the bar we see an older woman. "Hi what can I get you?" "Two beers please" Striker says. The older woman smiles. "Coming right up."

We're leaning against the counter for all of a minute before Striker is approached by a guy. I laugh to myself at their heavy flirting but look away, trying not to eavesdrop in their conversation. 

"Here you are." The older woman says with two beers in her hand. "Thank you." Grabbing my beer I hand Striker hers. "Do you mind if I ditch you? I haven't been laid in forever." I bark out a laugh. "As long as you make breakfast." She gives me an excited nod and prances away to her man of the night. 

The feeling of being alone washes over me when she fades from my sight, but it's a feeling I'm much accustomed to. I take a seat at one of the stools and take in the room. The groups of people laughing, playing pool, and some even dancing.

Sipping on my beer my eyes stop on someone from across the room. He's beautiful. Tall and muscular, his body adorned in shorts and a white tank top with a Hawaiian shirt thrown over it. His hair is dirty blond and slightly curled from the humidity of the room. I can't see his eyes because he's got aviators on, but his mustache is the perfectly trimmed style you find in pornos. This man is sin.

Almost like he can feel my gaze his head turns in my direction. I quickly avert my eyes and turn around. Asking the woman, who's name I learned is Penny, for another drink I ignore the heated stare on my back. When she puts my beer down she looks at something behind me. Giving me a sly smile, she turns to take another order. 

A new song begins to play on the juke box. But before I have the chance to turn around I hear a voice from behind me. 

"She'll only come out at night. The lean and hungry type Nothing is new, I've seen her here before."

I slowly turn around, coming face to face with the man I was looking at earlier. He's using his beer bottle as a microphone. A guy next to him, I'm assuming his friend continues the song. 

"Watching and waiting. Ooh, she's sitting with you but her eyes on the door."

I can't help it as my lips quirk up and I raise my eyebrows at the two men singing to me. They're dramatic with hand gestures and facial expressions. I use my hands to cover my face when the multitude of men in the bar begin to join in on the song. 

"Oh, oh here she comes                                                                                                                                                       Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up                                                                                                                                 Oh, oh here she comes                                                                                                                                                         She's a maneater."

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