Chapter 14

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>>>This chapter is basically just a long smut chapter. If you don't feel like reading skip over it. And if you do, enjoy ;)) <<<

The entire car ride is eerily silent with anticipation. My hands shake as I unlock the door and head to my room. Once inside we both pause. My back is to him as I stand in the middle, frozen. "Strip."
It's a command, not a request.

I slide the straps of my dress off my shoulders and let it fall down. Goosebump arise on my skin from the cold air. I'm completely bare, having not worn a bra and my underwear being ripped. Bradley's torso is pressed against me in seconds. He daintily trails his fingertips up and down my arms making a shiver slither up my spine.

"God your beautiful," he rasps. My heart thumps against my chest at the husky tone of his voice. "Do you trust me?" I nod. Bradley grabs a fist full of my hair and gently tugs it back to look at him. "Use your words baby." 

"y-yes," I choke out. Seeming satisfied he releases my hair. "Lay down on the bed." I do as I'm told, scurrying until my back is pressed against the firm mattress. I watch him rummage around my wardrobe for a second before appearing with something in his hands. It's a tie from one of my uniforms. "Arms out." My body has a mind of it's own as my arms immediately shoot forward. Bradley smirks at this. "Good girl."

He binds my wrists together and then to the headboard. I test the strength by pulling on it, but it does not budge. When I meet his eyes my body hums with excitement. In this position my chest sticks out in the air, my body helpless and naked for him. While he is fully clothed, having only taken off his Hawaiian shirt. The power dynamic is clear and it is ruthless.

He moves out of my line of vision. Just when I was wondering where he's gone I feel the bed dip and large hands pry my thighs apart. A dark chuckle emits from his mouth. "You're already soaking." I feel exposed with him blatantly staring at my most intimate place while my legs are over his now bare shoulders.

Bradley surprises me when suddenly he runs his tongue from the bottom of my folds to the top. He glides his finger in gradually, feeling each clench and release my walls grant him. He keeps a slow, punishing rhythm as he laps at my cunt. Above, below, my inner thighs. Only when he adds a second one does he give attention to my clit. His tongue swirls around it in circles, but never puts direct pressure on it. I'm squirming trying to get some sort of relief but his strong hand holds my hip still. 

When he adds a third finger he twists his hand around so he can drag his nails against the roof of my pussy causing waves of pleasure to roll through me. His lips finally meet my clit and brings it in for a harsh suck. Bradley's hand has quickened, his digits curling up into my g-spot in every thrust as his teeth nibble and pull on my nub. My toes start to curl and my orgasm starts approaching when he stops. He doesn't move his hand out, rather keeps it still, as I whimper and plead for relief.

"Look at you," Bradley tsks as he stands looking over me. He watches me pathetically move and grind on his hand searching for what I was so close to having. "Your such a horny slut, aren't you? Trying to fuck yourself on my fingers." I groan in frustration as he removes them. "It seems someone forgot that this is punishment." 

A harsh slap sounds through the air as my pussy tingles from the contact. A second slap follows but this time he aims directly for my clit. My hips jerk at the pain on my sensitive skin. "Now say your sorry." All I do is glare, still angry about my orgasm being ripped away. Three quick slaps reign down making my pussy clench with each one. The pain barely registers because of all of the pleasure. This is a torturous form of edging. 

He rubs firm circles against me. "Say. Your. Sorry."

My teeth are gritted together as I spit out a sarcastic, "Sorry."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now