Chapter 12.5

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3rd Person POV

"SELENE! NO!" Maverick shouts as the f-18 becomes engulfed in flames, his daughter disappearing from his view as she plummets to the ground. This wasn't supposed to happen, he thought. He was supposed to protect her. "Dagger 4 is hit! I repeat Dagger 4 is hit! Siren and Striker are down." The radio transmits, Pheonix's voice alerting the carrier. "Dagger 4, status." Rooster calls out. There is no response. Fear grips him. "Dagger 4, status!" He yells. He just got her, he can't lose her. It was supposed to be him. She saved him. "DAGGER 4, COME IN!" Maverick joins in, hoping his daughter will answer the call. The team is frantic, eyes searching the ground for any trace of them. "I didn't see a parachute," Pheonix states, grimly. "No, they're alive," Maverick states firmly, sounding like he's trying to convince himself. "We have to circle back!" Bradley inserts.

The control center on the carrier watches the radar, two bandits a minute away from intercepting. They have to make a decision, now. "Tell them to come back," Cyclone says with a heavy heart. "But sir-" Hondo argues. "I WILL NOT LOSE ANYONE ELSE TODAY!" Cyclone roars. "There's nothing they can do, not in a goddamn f-18. Tell them to come back." An eerie silence settles in the room as the only sound comes from the person controlling the radio. "All daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you."

"What about Siren and Striker!" Bradley cries, refusing to just leave them. "Dagger Spare requesting permission to launch and fly air cover!" Hangman blurts, already preparing to leave. "Negative, Spare." Hangman grunts and hits the plane in frustration. He should be there. Those are his friends.

Maverick refuses to head back to the carrier. "I'm not leaving my daughter!" The control center ignores his words. "Daggers, do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." Rooster's anger begins to take a hold of him. "They could still be alive!" His words too, are ignored. "Daggers, return to the carrier. Acknowledge." They say nothing. "Acknowledge." The radio repeats again. "The bandits are closing. We can't go back. I'm sorry, Maverick, Rooster. But, they're gone." Bob says sadly.

Maverick takes a deep breath, determination settling in the pit of his stomach. "Pheonix, Rooster. Head to the carrier." Maverick's plane makes a quick turnaround. "Where are you going?!" Pheonix questions. Maverick gives no response. Rooster makes a snap decision and turns around too. He could be court marshaled for this, but he doesn't care. "Rooster, I said go back to the ship," Maverick scolds. "I'm not going anywhere without her." The two fly side by side going in the direction they came. Glancing at each other they exchange a nod. "Pheonix, go back to the ship. We'll see you soon," Maverick announces. Pheonix sighs, there's no changing their minds. "Copy." Cyclone begins yelling at them, so the pair switches to a private channel on the radio.

"So, what's the plan old man?" Rooster asks.

"To save my daughter."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now