Chapter 5

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I look at Striker through the mirror as I put in my earings. "No, I'm not." I sigh. "He hurt you pretty bad," she points out. "Thank you, I hadn't realized." I sarcastically retort. Regina throws her hands up in the air. "Well sorry! I just don't know wether to root for y'all or talk you out of it." I laugh at her exasperation. "It'll be fine, it's just a date," I wave off, straightening my dress. "You and I both know it's so much more than that." 

I groan and flop back on the bed next to her. The two of us lay there and stare at the ceiling. "I don't know, Strike. You should've seen him the other night. Every word that came out of his mouth was dripping in sincerity. He looked as heartbroken as I am." I turn onto my side to look at her and she copies my movements. "I know I sound stupid, but it's him. You watched me during the past 2 years. The failed dates that'd go nowhere because no matter how great the guy was, he wasn't Bradley. I don't want to be that girl that just runs back to the guy who hurt her. But I- god I just can't stop myself." 

Running a hand down my face I ask, "Am I an idiot?" "Yes," she says with no hesitation. I shoot her a glare and she laughs. "But not in this situation. Maybe as the best friend I'm supposed to tell him he isn't shit and keep you away, but " she shrugs. "I've always hoped you two will find each other again. When I'd go visit Omaha during leave, and Bradley would be there, he'd always try to ask how you were in a casual way but it always came out...." "not casual at all." We say in unison and laugh. "That's him," I chuckle. 

"The point is he missed you just as much, maybe even more, than you missed him. I know  you're scared that you love him more than he loves you." My eyes drop down and I feel embarrassed. Of course she knows, she's my best friend. I always feel like I care more than the people around me do in return. "But, you don't see the way he looks at you when you're not looking." My eyes snap back to hers. "Really?" I can't help the goofy grin that takes over my face. "Yes, really!" she exclaims slapping my arm. "When I said you were an idiot earlier, this is what I'm talking about. The whole world can see it but you two." She practically reprimands with an eye roll. 

"And anyhow, since we've gotten back how many times has he told you that he loves you?" I think it over. "Uh.. twice?" She nods. "Okay, now how many times have you said it back?" I think back through our conversations and my eyes widen. "None." "Ha!" she slaps my arm again and sits up. "Can you stop hitting me, you'll leave a bruise," I whine sitting up as well. Pointing a finger at me Regina continues, "The last time he heard you say 'I love you' was 2 years ago! He's probably shitting his pants because while he knows you care, he doesn't know if you still love him!" "Shit." 

A knock on the door makes both our heads snap to the hallway. "I'm going to go disappear in my room, I'll be at Omaha's tonight. And you," she adds one last whack for good measure "make him earn that 'I love you.'" Rubbing my arm I watch Regina saunter down the hallway and shut the door behind her. I take a deep breath and grap my purse. Heading down the stairs I throw open the door. Bradley stands there with a white polo tucked into his jeans, making his skin look tanner and his hair lighter. I eye how the shirt hugs his muscles, how the wind moves his hair slightly. But I stop on the bouquet of roses in his hands. 

"Roses? Come on that's your favorite flower? Seriously?" I laugh at his disbelief. Our empty dinner plates rest forgotten on the table as we continue our game of 20 questions. "What? They're classic." I say defensively. 

The memory surges through my mind. "You remembered," I breathe. Bradley scratches the back of his neck. He always does that when he's nervous. "I didn't know if they were still your favorite. I can get different ones-" "No!" I didn't mean to basically yell it so I look down embarrassed. "I mean, they still are my favorite." I say, softly. Bradley breaks out in a wide smile. "Well then, for you M'Lady." I grab them from his hand with red cheeks and turn inside to put them in a vase. 

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now