Chapter 14

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"I'll see you at the ceremony," I rush out. Giving Bradley a quick kiss before grabbing my dress and hopping out of the car. Today is Regina's wedding. I've got my hair in rollers and am wearing sweats as I walk into the venue, heading straight for the back room we're getting ready in. The groomsmen are meeting on the otherside of the place, but hours later. All they have to do is put on a suit. Men.

Walking into the room I see that I'm the first bridesmaid to arrive. "Selene!" I'm tackled in a hug by my best friend. Laughing I put my arms around her as I stumble back. "Hi miss bride, how are you feeling?" She pulls back, the smile on her face infectious as my own grows at the sight. Regina's dark eyes seem to glow with excitement. I've never seen my best friend this happy. "Great. Well, a little nervous. More than a little nervous. What if we all aren't ready in time? Or what if I trip over my dress and fall? What if I lock my knees up during the ceremony and faint from standing too long?" I chuckle and brush the hair out of her eyes. "It'll be fine, okay? Everything will go smoothly. Neil will probably cry at the sight of you, and by the end of the day you'll be running away to the Bahamas for a luxurious honey moon." My words seem to relax her and the ever present smile on her face grows. "It's a good day," she says quietly. "That it is."

Pretty soon others join us. We have music playing in the background as we all dance and do our hair, taking turns who sits for the makeup artist. The room is loud and filled with laughter, story after story escaping our lips. Pheonix is also a bridesmaid, along with two girls Regina and I were close with back at the academy. Part of me is curious about what guys do before weddings. It takes them two seconds to be ready, and then what? I'll have to ask Bradley about it later.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuels come in and tell us it's time. Taking our queue, we grab our flowers and head to the main entrance way to walk out. I give my best friends hand a squeeze before leaving her with her parents. Our light blue dresses sway around us while we walk. The click of heels echoes on the marble floor from the other three, and I can't help but glance down at my flats. I guess a bright side of having one leg- I'm excused from heels forever. 

I slowly trail behind the other three as my eyes catch sight of the groosmen in a huddle talking. My eyes catch him before he sees me. Bradley dressed in his suit, clapping Neil on the back and laughing at something being said. Sometimes, I get this certain feeling in my chest when I look at him. He could be doing something stupid, or rambling, or just standing there. And I get this overwhelming feeling of how much I love him. It's hard to describe if you haven't experienced it. But those who have know exactly what I mean. It's almost as though every cell in my body comes alive and buzzes with yearning for him. To simply shower him with affection.

The three girls ahead of me reach them and they begin to pair off, preparing for the walk. This makes Bradley search around before his eyes fall on me. We stand still for moment. Our two souls feel like the only ones who inhabit this room. The corner of my mouth quirks up, and his follows. I give a little playful spin so he can see the dress and he laughs, faking applause as he does so. I jokingly bow in return. 

We close the distance between us with wide smiles, the dimple on his cheek standing out. "You look beautiful," He says when he reaches me. Bradley has this look on his face, one that never fails to make my heart flutter. He looks at me like I could do no wrong, with adoration laced through his honey brown eyes. "Thank you," I murmur- no doubt looking at him the same way. I look at him with stars in my eyes and talk to him with my very heart in my hands. It's not so scary because he does the same. 

The music begins to play so Bradley offers me his arm. I link them, and he gives me a brief kiss on the forehead before the doors open. I take in the extravagant room as we walk. Regina has always wanted a big wedding, and a big wedding she got. It's beautiful. Flowers adorn the space and elaborate decorations embellish the area. The walk seems to go on for an eternity down the long aisle. 

The ceremony is long, in true Regina fashion. Luckily, I was entertained because Bradley and I kept making eye contact and mouthing words to each other. I almost started laughing in the middle of the ceremony, but was able to disguise it as a cough. This made him hold back his own, an accomplished smirk on his face. 

The reception was also long but the food was good. Bradley and I both had to make speeches as the maid of honor and best man does. For Regina and Neil's first dance I couldn't take my eyes off them. Bradley hugged me from behind as we swayed and watched. When other couples began to join, we did too. Holding each other close like we do in the kitchen at home. As it got late the older people began to leave, meaning the party really started. The slow music changed to us jumping and screaming the words to songs- most of us now drinking more than the one glass of champagne.

I tried to ignore my leg but as time wore on it got increasingly painful. I haven't spent this much time standing on my prosthetic before, let alone jumping and dancing. I didn't let it affect my mood, choosing to take a break and sit for a while. I sipped on water as I watched, chuckling quietly to myself as people did stupid things. Regina takes a seat next to me, grabbing water for herself self and taking off her heels with a sigh of relief. 

"I am going to be sleeping the entire flight after this." I nod in agreement. "Good thing It's a long flight because I don't think you'll be doing much sleeping while you're there," I tease. "Hey!" She slaps my arm. "You and Bradley may as well not go anywhere for your honeymoon, seeing as you wouldn't leave the bed anyway." I laugh. "I'll take that advice into account."

 When our laughter dies down our eyes trail to the boys. "Have you thought about it? You guys getting married, I mean." I'd be lying if I said I hadn't. Throughout the whole day my mind drifted to what ours would be like. I slowly nod. "Is that weird that I have? We've only technically been together for almost 6 months." I point out. She shrugs. "I don't think so. I mean sure, technically, it's been 6 months. But, you guys have been in love with each other for 2 and a half years. You live together. Not to mention, you guys going through what you went through and didn't break up. I'm not sure what could possibly tear you apart at this point." I shrug. "I don't know. We haven't talked about it and I don't want to scare him off." Just then he notices us watching and gives me a goofy grin and a wave. I chuckle and wave in return. When I look back at Regina she's giving me the 'really' look and scoffs. "Scare him off, my ass. The guy worships you." 

Before I can respond Neil appears in front of us. "Our chariot awaits, m'lady." She takes his outstretched hand and smiles. Standing to follow, I give her a hug and say goodbye. I join the other guests making two lines for them to walk in between. Bradley all of a sudden appears next to me and drapes an arm around my waist. "What were you guys talking about?" I smile sweetly up at him. "Nothing." He playfully narrows his eyes in suspicion but lets it go when everyone else begins cheering. Our voices join in as we clap for the couple running through and to the car at the end. 

Once they're gone we turn to head back to the table to grab my bag before leaving. As we begin walking I wince a little and have a small limp in my step. The tiredness is setting in and with that the pain in my leg. Bradley looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Does your leg hurt?" I wave it off with my hand. "A little but it's fine. I've just been on it more than I'm used to." He gives me a quick kiss and mutters a 'wait here' before jogging away to grab my stuff for me. 

I stare as he goes and my heart warms, Regina's words playing through my head.

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now