Chapter 9

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"And down."

Sweat beads roll down from my forehead, stinging my eyes.

"And down."

The muscles in my triceps ache with each push up.

"And down."

My core is tight and my throat is in desperate need of water. 

"And down."

I feel my arms shake as I lower my self for the last time.

"That's all for today Lieutenants. Good work."

I push myself into a sitting position, taking a moment before I stand. This has been one of the most grueling days yet. We had to report at the base 0600 hours sharp. From there we spent 2 hours going over different maneuvers in the classroom. From 0800 hours to 1200 we were in the air. After a quick break for lunch the Admirals decided that it'd be great to refresh our marine training. By that I mean we went on the courses and ran, crawled, and climbed until our legs felt like they'd give out. That started at 1300, it's 1900 now. 

The heat today was torturous, being over 100 degrees. The sun has been beating down on our bodies and my hot skin is sure to have a sunburn tomorrow. Long ago I unzipped the top of my jumpsuit and tyed it around my waist, leaving me in my white tank top.

 Taking my canteen I chug my water. Even after it's empty my thirst isn't anywhere close to being quenched. I feel dizzy from the strenous day, feeling like I may fall flat on my face. The entire group is silent as we make our leave. Even Hangman is too exhausted to make conversation. 

I give Bradley a small, closed lip smile when our eyes meet before hopping in the car. At home I take a cold shower, the frigid water soothing my muscles. After reheating some left overs I'm about to make my way to bed. The relaxing Sunday I had with Bradley feels like ages ago even if it was just yesterday. I want to cry thinking about how it's only Monday and I have to once again get up bright and early tomorrow.

A knock sounds at the door as I'm about to ascend the staircase. I audibly groan, being seconds away from my bed. Regina is already asleep and I'm jealous. When I open it I see a freshly showered Bradley. What is he doing here? He looks as exhausted as I am. 

"Bradley I'm sorry. I'm too tired. I just want to go to sleep." I sigh out. He ignores my words and pulls me into his arms. His head is buried into my neck as we melt into each other. "I know. It's just- it's been a long day and I just want to hold you." My heart flutters at his words. I've never had a friends with benefits situation before him but this isn't normal, right?

Too tired to dwell on it I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs. As soon as I'm in my room I crawl into bed, snuggling into the pillows. After removing his shirt and shoes Bradley joins me. He pulls me by the waist against him, spooning me. I use his arm as a pillow, feeling content with him here. 

I begin to doze off before Bradley's voice interrupts the silence. "I sleep better next to you," his drowsy voice says. "What do you mean?" I mumble back, my eyes closed. "I... I have insomnia. It's not a big deal, but, usually it takes me hours to fall asleep even when I'm tired." My eyebrows furrow at the thought of him being unable to sleep. "I can never seem to shut off my brain."

Turning in his arms my eyes meet his. I trace my fingers along his cheekbone in the dark, only able to see his silhouette. "What do you think about?" I ask quietly. "My dad." My frown deepens. I know what happened to Goose. He was flying with my father after all. "What about him?" My whisper is followed by silence, I can practically feel his hesitation. "I just wonder if he'd be proud of me, I guess? He died when I was so young. I don't remember all that much about him, and I feel guilty for that. Like I'm betraying him by not being able to remember much."

My heart clenches with pain for the man in front of me. His words remind me of someone, me. I don't have any comforting words because some days I feel the same way. But, if he can be vulnerable so can I. "I feel like that sometimes with my mom," I say in a hushed tone. "I know it's not anywhere near the same. But some days when I forget her laugh, or she doesn't cross my mind, I feel like I'm a bad daughter." 

I pause before continuing. "But I know your dad would be proud of you. You are one of the smartest people I know. You bring joy to those around you, and lighten up any room that you walk into. Not to mention being an amazing fighter pilot, you are truly and deeply kind."  Bradley's hand reaches up to cover my own that is resting on his cheek.

"You are larger than life Bradshaw." 

There weren't supposed to be feelings between us. But every word I said is true. I cannot deny it to myself any longer. I've fallen in love with Bradley Bradshaw. I love him so much that I feel it in my toes and at the tips of my fingers. I feel it in the warmth that spreads through my body when I look at him and he's already staring. I love him so much that it makes my chest physically ache.

His hand reaches to grab my chin, encasing it in warmth. Our lips softly touch, basking in the feeling of eachother. "Thank you," he whispers against my mouth. I know he's being sincere, I can hear the gratitude in his voice. I give him a lingering kiss before I turn back over. His arms tighten and I feel warmth spread through my body as I quickly fall asleep with his heartbeat against my back.

Bradley POV

Selene falls asleep in moments, her even breathing filling the room. The words she said to me play through my mind. Could she feel the way I do? It was only yesterday when I realized that I was hopelessly in love with her. While we were wrestling after our argument and she pinned me, I felt my entire soul leave my body. I looked up at her and couldn't take my eyes away. 

Her hair was down, slightly messy and framing her face. Those blue eyes of hers glinted with competitiveness. And her smile. God her smile. It was carefree and lit up her entire face in a way I rarely see. When she moved to get off me I couldn't let her go. I didn't want to ever let her go.

In a short time my entire world has changed to revolve around her. Thoughts of her never seem to leave my mind. My arms tighten around her when she snuggles deeper into me while sleeping. I don't think I can live without her. For the first time in my life I feel truly alive.

I meant it when I said that I sleep better next to her. Everytime I spend the night I sleep the whole night, when we don't fuck the whole night that is. She brings me peace. Selene... she feels like home.

******* Thank you so much for 1k! ******

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