Chapter 16

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The beginnings of sunlight stray against my eyes, making me stir in my sleep. Peeling them open I see that my curtains were left open last night. At around 4 in the morning we drunkily walked back to my house, seeing as it wasn't that far from the beach, and crashed. Checking my phone I curse. It's 9 am. I've got to be on base at 11 and I still need to get my car and shower. 

I turn to the beautiful man next to me, his arms lazily looped around my waist. I give him a kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Bradley." I whisper. He stris slightly. I shake his chest a little. "I need you to get up." He groans and throws and arm over his eyes. "Nooo." I chuckle and roll out of bed. It's only then I realize how bad my head hurts. Yeesh we drank a lot. 

I throw on Bradley's sweatshirt and head over to my closet. Grabbing my uniform I walk out to see Bradley sitting up and stretching. Eyeing my uniform his eyebrows furrow. "Where are you going?" I lay out the clothes on my chair. "I've got a mission." Turning towards my mirror I grab a brush from the vanity to work through the strands. When he doesn't answer I continue. "I'll be gone for about two days. Nothing big."

Maybe when I get back we can talk about us. I don't say that, but I know we need to. 

"So that's it then." The brush stops in my hair at his cold tone, my body turning to ice. Spinning I watch him nonchalantly throwing his clothes on. He can't possibly mean what I think he means. "That's it?" I ask, looking for clarification. 

He lazily shrugs now fully clothed in his shorts and t-shirt. "Yeah, I mean, I guess our 'releasing tension' thing is over now." His expression blank, no emotion crossing his face. I'm in disbelief at what I'm hearing. I thought we had changed. When we said we'd screw for 'releasing tension' it was our second time fucking. It's been 13 weeks now. We didn't even fuck everytime we hung out. Sometimes we'd just lay around together and talk or watch movies. 

He begins to walk out of the room and I quickly follow. "Are you serious?" I refuse to believe it. I know he had to have felt it too, right? Now at the entry way to my door he spins. "Yeah. What did you want to hear? That you were a good fuck?" My face falls. His voice is aggressive, his words cutting like a knife. I feel sick to my stomach, nauseous from his words. A good fuck. 

I can feel my heart breaking and try to hold myself together so he doesn't see.

"Get out of my house." My voice is detached as I open the door. 

"Wait Selene-" 

"GET OUT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN" I'm overcome with white hot anger. I feel betrayl stabing me over and over. Seeing red I shove him out the door, fighting the tears that threaten  to fall down my face. He turns to look at me, now angry too. 



That's it. The cat's out of the bag.

 I wait for him to say something, anything. My breathing comes out in pants as I yearned to hear him beg me to stay. To say he loves me back. To fight for me. 

But he never did.

Instead he stood there with a slack jaw and a shocked face, speechless. I can hear my broken heart truly shattering and choke back a sob. It was all in my head. This feels like the night my father left all over again. "I should've never been so stupid." My voice cracking at the words I say to myself. I know he hears them because he snaps out of his daze. My eyes burn and a few of the tears I've been holding back fall. 

Bradley reaches out to me. "Wait!" I pause, hope filling my chest. "I- I.." he stutters. Shaking my head I begin closing the door. Meeting his eyes for the last time I try to memorize them. The honey brown that holds my heart. 

"Goodbye Bradley." I quietly say, the pain laced through them, before I shut the door.


Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now