Chapter 11

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 It's our last night. We board the ship in the morning, and then it's time for the mission. No more training, no more practice. This is it. The whole group is together at the Hard Deck, and the atmosphere is bittersweet. Switching off telling stories and laughing, remembering all the good times from over the years. When we joined the Navy we knew what we were signing up for. Every mission has its risks. Not everyone always makes it back. It's just how it is, you know? This is the most demanding mission that any of us have ever been on. We don't say it, but we're scared. We'd have to be fools not to be. So, we enjoy our last night together. 

People begin turning in around 9, knowing we have to be up at 5 the next morning. Striker and I hug each other goodbye. She'll be spending the night at Omaha's. Grabbing Bradley's hand he leads us out. The car ride is comfortably silent, both of us thinking about tomorrow. But, our hands remain interlaced resting on the center console. It feels like there are no words to say. Unlocking my door we walk into the house. We shower together, washing the other's hair quietly. Gentle kisses and holding each other throughout. Standing side by side the two of us brush our teeth. Looking at it through the mirror I feel a warmth spread into my chest. Is this what it's going to be like? Are we going to spend the rest of our lives side by side? Doing mundane everyday things together? I hope so. 

Crawling under the covers Bradley pulls me into his side. He reaches over to turn off the lamp and we lay in the darkness together. Minutes pass and neither of us falls asleep. I can hear his heartbeat against my ear. Bradley holds me tightly like he's afraid I'll disappear. "I've been thinking," he speaks for the first time since we left the bar. "You know how we get a few months' leave after this?" I turn my head upwards to look at him. "Yeah?" I whisper. Giving me a soft smile he continues. "Would you maybe want to go on a trip? Just the two of us?" His words are music to my ears. A trip together sounds like heaven. Before I can say anything Bradley rambles on. I think he's nervous. "I know that we're moving fast, and we don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought we could get away and relax. We haven't had time to be together properly with everything happening but if it's a stupid idea or too much-" "Bradley." I interrupt him. He's cute when he's nervous. "I'd love nothing more." 

He visibly relaxes at my words. He leans down and scoops up my lips in a long, passionate kiss. "I love you so much," he mumbles against my mouth, rubbing his nose against mine. I will never get tired of hearing those words. "I love you too." Our mouths remain interlocked for a few minutes, basking in the euphoric feeling of us simply being together. Our kisses slow and with a few final pecks, we break apart. Settling back into my place on his chest he places one last kiss against my head. "Goodnight my love," Bradley murmurs. "Goodnight."


The team has been on the boat for a few hours now, about an hour away from our destination.  Cyclone calls us, preparing to tell us who will be flying. Maverick has been named mission leader due to his successful run-through the other day. That means there is only one spot left for a solo pilot. It's between Hangman and Rooster, Coyote never successfully did the mission in training. My dad stands in front of us, looking around the room. "It has been an honor flying with you. Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that, and nothing more." I hope so. 

I fear that he isn't going to choose me for this mission. I've had the most successful runs out of everyone, but I'm his daughter. It wouldn't shock me if he decided I shouldn't go. "Choose your two foxtrot teams," Cyclone says. Here we go. "Pheonix and Bob," he pauses. "Siren and Striker." I try to keep my poker face on but Striker and I side-eye each other hiding our grins. "And your wingman." Bradley keeps his head down. I know he thinks that Hangman will be picked. "Rooster." His head snaps up in shock. Pride swells in my chest as I give him a smile. That's my man. "The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any resolve role that's required. Dismissed," Warlock states. I can't help but frown at Hangman's face. He looks so disappointed.

Once on the hangar, we prepare to leave. Practically everyone on the boat is gathered for the mission briefing. "Your target is a clear and present threat. A secret uranium enrichment site under rogue state control. It's an underground bunker tucked between these two mountains. Your route of ingress is heavily defended by surface-to-air missiles backed up by 5th-generation fighters. Once your f-18 strike team crosses the border, Tomahawk missiles from the USS Leyte Gulf will launch a synchronized strike on the enemy's airfield here. This will knock out their runway. But, you'll have to contend with any planes already in the air. The moment those Tomahawks hit the enemy will know you're coming. The time to target is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, any longer and you will be exposed. This is what you've been training for. Come home safely."

Striker and I leave the room along with the crowd. Heading toward our plane, of course, our men stop us. Omaha and Striker begin their goodbyes, and so do Bradley and I. "Don't do anything stupid, okay?" He says to me, slightly teasing but still serious. I scoff. "I never do anything stupid." "Selene," he warns. I roll my eyes. "Fine, fine. I won't do anything stupid. You better not either mister. I was promised a vacation." He smiles at my antics and pulls me in a hug. "That you were." The air turns serious and we grip each other a little tighter. "Come home to me," I say, softly. "Always." Giving each other a kiss we part.

Climbing up the latter, Hangman yells my name. Looking over my shoulder he screams over the loud noises of engines surrounding us. "Give them hell!" I laugh before calling back. "I always do." He gives me a big smile and a thumbs up. Once seated and closed into the aircraft Striker laughs. 

"Let's blow some shit up."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now