Chapter 7

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Our tongues are colliding with each other as we fight for dominance in the front seat of his car. Both my hands are fisting his shirt, trying to pull him closer as I slowly grind on his lap. Goosebumps arise on my arms when he groans into the kiss, the sound low and sexy. He has one hand on my ass, aggressively gripping and massaging my cheek. His other is intertwined in my hair so he can control the kiss. 

I gasp into his mouth when his hips buck upwards into me. We both have on thin pairs of shorts making me feel everything. Every vein, every ridge of his hard shaft rubbing me. I almost jump out of my skin when a loud crack rings through the car, followed by a burning sensation on my ass. When he spanks me again I break our kiss with a moan. Smack after smack reign down on my cheeks, no doubt leaving bright red handprints on the skin. 

The actions make me move faster on his lap, all the while he stares at me with darkened eyes. "Why so quiet, baby? You sure had a lot to say before," Bradley asks teasingly, his smirk prominent while he watches me furiously grind myself on his lap.  Another loud slap makes me groan. I shoot him a glare through my eye lashes. "Shut up, Bradshaw." 

His hands move at the speed of light, one wrapping around my throat and the other holding my hip to stop my movements.  I whine at the lack of friction and I try to move my hips but his hold on me tightens. "What did you say to me?" His dark voice sends shivers down my spine and his hot breath fans my lips. I stubbornly scowl back. "I said shut up." His large hand chokes me lightly for a moment while he speaks. "You know, with how easily you've been begging for my cock lately I almost forgot what a little brat you are." My pussy clenches and I swallow the moan that threatens to escape. "Seems to me that you'll need a more thorough punishment than I thought."

I clutch him with surprise as he throws the car door open and gets out, carrying me to the house. I practically roll my eyes but bite my lip for what's to come. I'm feeling particularly defiant today. He's right, however, since we got back together the sex has been more loving than rough. With everything going on it was just what we needed. But now, I'm in the mood for particularly kinky sex. And I'm talking Bradley fucking me on the beach kinky. God that was good.

 When he pulls out his keys to unlock the door I smirk. Bradley thinks he's in control? I know his body just as well as he does mine. I trace my fingernail down his neck all the way to the spot just above his collar bone. His sweet spot. I lean in and place a light kiss on it, smiling when I hear him fumble with the keys. Taking that as my queue I attack the spot, licking, sucking, and nibbling. "Fuck," he breathes as a shiver rakes through his body. He tries to compose himself and aggressively unlocks the door. 

As soon as we're inside he hurriedly presses me against the wall. Fisting my hair in his hand he pulls my head away from his neck. Our eyes meet and I give him a mischevious smile. "You really feel like testing me today, don't you love?" Bradley growls. I move our faces closer, our lips brushing as I speak. "Are you going to do anything about it, love?" His lips attack me. First my mouth, then my neck, then further down. "Tomorrow when you're with Hangman all he will have to do is look at you to see you're mine," Bradley smirks against my skin. I look down and can already see multiple hickeys appearing already. I arch my back and moan when he finds my sweet spot. His brown eyes twinkle with mischief and I know it's pay back. 

He stops and towers over me again. "But first I need to teach you a lesson." I grip his shoulders when he swiftly moves us, pacing up the staircase before dropping me on the bed. "How wet are you for me, baby?" His hungry eyes trail up and down my body, lingering on my chest heaving up and down, before meeting my eyes again. Still wanting to be rebellious I straighten up and casually lean back on my elbows. "Not at all." Bradley chuckles and rolls his eyes while removing his shirt. "We both know you're lying Ms. Mitchell." An appreciative look rests on my face as I take in his toned body. I slightly spread my legs and give him a cheeky smile. "Why don't you check?" He returns it with one of his own, the dimple on his right cheek making itself known. "I intend to."

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now