Chapter 4

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^^I just had to link this song. The vibes are immaculate^^

Luckily all the shit hit the fan on Saturday, giving everyone Sunday off to cool down. Hangman called me last night apologizing. He said he wasn't trying to drag me into it, nor take it that far. I understand where he's coming from. Hangman may be frustrating and go about things the wrong way, but he has a good heart. He's an amazing friend to have, and he attacks Mav and Rooster simply because of me. He doesn't even know the details, he just knows they hurt his friend. I made him promise to stop riling them up, that there's enough going on. All of Sunday I debate on calling Rooster. I know he hurt me, I do, but despite that I can't turn off my feelings even if I wish to. Sometime in the mid afternoon my dad sent a mass text out to everyone. 

"Tomorrow's training will be on the beach" 

What could we possibly be doing on the beach?

It's about 11 in the morning, the time we're meeting on the beach. It was nice to sleep in a little for once, not that I slept much anyway. Striker and I opted to wear tank tops and shorts, our aviators idly resting on our noses. As more of us arrive we can't help but wonder what we're doing here. 

"Alright." My dad claps his hands together, gaining our attention. All of us gather around while he explains what we'll be doing. "Today's training: dogfight football." He begins reaching in his bag for something. "Dogfight football, sir?" Bob questions. Pulling two footballs from his bag, a red one and a blue one, he smiles. "Offense and defense at the same time." We all glance at each other in confusion. "That makes no sense," Pheonix says. "You're right, but it's a hell of a fun game," Mav says, tossing her a football. 

We split up into two teams. The blue team: Maverick, Rooster, Bob, Striker, Pheonix, Fanboy, and Harvard. The red team: me, Hangman, Payback, Coyote, Yale, Omaha, and Fritz. Hondo is ref. We all line up, trying to strategize who will be defending and who will be trying to score. Payback and Fanboy are both the centers, competitively grinning at each other as they line up their respective footballs. Hangman is QB for us while Mav is theirs. Yale, Omaha, and Fritz are going to be defending leaving Coyote and me to play receiver. Looking across the imaginary line I see Bradley smirking. "You're not getting past me, Siren." I smirk back. "We'll see about that, Rooster." HIs eyes get caught on something around my neck but before I can ask, Hondo blows the whistle.

I run, trying to get around Bradley, but his arms wrap around my waist and lift me in the air. Kicking my legs I squeal, "Hey! That's cheating!" Bradley laughs. "It wasn't in the rules," he shrugs. When he sets me down I slap his chest. We do this all day, lining up over and over again. Changing positions, loosing count of the score. All the guys had quickly become shirtless, the girls and I in our sports bras. 

When Bradley first took his shirt off I couldn't look away even if I tried. It's been a long time since I had seen him without a shirt on. He scored a touchdown and chest bumped with Fanboy, doing this dance afterward. How has he become hotter? We stayed on top of each other almost the whole day. Him defending me, me defending him. Most of the time Bradley would just pick me up so I couldn't get past. However, one time I faked him out and caught the football Hangman threw in my direction. I cheered loudly with my team at the touchdown. Just to rub it in Bradley's face I pretended to bite the top of the football off like it's a grenade and toss it behind me where all the boys pretended it blew up and fell to the ground. 

I haven't felt this alive in a long time. I even managed to not be hostile towards Mav, for once. I was too caught up in the good mood that seemed to have swept everyone away. When Coyote accidentally knocked Maverick over on the way to a touch down I thought my eyes were deceiving me as I watched Bradley help him up. The sun started to set, making me realize just how long we had been playing. Maverick went to go sit down, making everyone boo but I just watched him go. When it was almost getting too dark to see Bradley threw a touchdown pass to Bob. We all cheer because he hasn't scored all day. Placing Bob on his shoulders, Bradley carries him while we chant his name. Once his feet are firmly planted on the ground, Bob suggests we head into the Hard Deck for some drinks. 

Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now