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A lot has changed. Soon after we got engaged, Bradley was deployed again. For the past 6 months he's been gone and only have got back a week ago. Long distance was hard, but we made it work. Honestly, the time apart really helped me figure out myself a bit. I'm doing way better mentally, and I can drive again. I'm working as an engineer now- helping my dad fix planes a lot of the time in his workshop. Spending that time together helped us fix our relationship significantly compared to what it was a year ago. It's still not perfect, but it's better. I'm glad to be working again, and I enjoy what I do, but when I watch my dad take off to test a plane I can't help but yearn to be in his place.

Regina had her kid, Skyler, and is nagging me to have one soon so they can be best friends. But after one long afternoon babysitting I am in no rush. Now that Bradley is back on leave, we're finally getting married in two days- right on our 1 year anniversary. He was more than okay with doing it how I wanted, just us two, followed by a reception. Then a honeymoon for two weeks in Hawaii. 

"Is the blindfold really necessary?" I question as I trip over something once again. My hands are out in front of me, worried that Bradley is going to walk me into a wall or something. "Quit whining. It's a surprise for a reason." He chuckles. "But, if it's a wedding gift surprise then why do only you get to know what it is?" He continues to push me who knows where. "Because your dad needed a little help." 

We come to a stop and Bradley lets go of my shoulders. "Okay, you can look now." The blind fold it taken off and I blink for a few seconds to readjust to the light. My dad and Bradley are standing on either side of me, anxiously gauging my reaction. But, I am dumbfounded. 

"It's a plane."

They both sigh. "Told you she wouldn't get it," Mav said to Bradley. The ladder throws his arm over my shoulder. "Yes, and..." I look around. We're in the workshop and there's a plane. This is not out of the ordinary. "I'm confused." 

"We're going for a ride." My eyes go wide as I look between them. "What? How did this get approved?" Maverick shrugs with a grin. "I guess your old man getting promoted has its perks." I look back at the plane. "Oh. my. god." I say slowly. Then my excitement seems to kick in. "OH MY GOD!" I squeal and hurry towards it. I hear them laughing behind me but I'm too focused on getting in the air to care. My hand runs along the outside of the f-18, nostalgia creeping up on me. But a little nervousness too. I can't forget what happened the last time I got in one. A hand on my shoulder makes me look up. "I'll be with you the whole time." I smile at Bradley.  

We quickly get suited up and I look around for a helmet. "I held onto this," Mav says. In his hand he holds out my old helmet. I slowly grab it from him and run my hand across it in wonder. 'SIREN' is in big letters across the side. My throat clogs up but I push it down. "I thought this got lost in the ocean," I whisper. He shakes his head. "Rooster grabbed it." I look at the man in question and my eyes soften. He will never know how much seeing this again means to me.

I take a deep breath and put it on. When I do so I get the feeling I always used to get- like I'm invincible. I grin. "Let's go." I climb into the front seat, Rooster in the back. My hands are itching looking at all the controls in front of me. Once we're ready I flip the switches and lead the plane to the run way reflexively, like I never left. 

"Siren, you are ready for take off," I hear Honda from the tower.  "Copy that." We begin down the runway, gaining speed as we go. I pull up and bring up the wheels. I feel the weightlessness for a moment and look down at everything around me. "Siren in the sky." I report. "Copy that, have a good flight," I can hear the smile in Honda's voice.

"Go easy on me, love. You always flew wilder than I do." I hear Rooster say over our radio. But the euphoric feeling of being in the air is already taking hold of my body. "Not a chance in hell. What do you say we start with a fly by?" I ask, thinking about Honda accidentally spilling his coffee over himself.


Siren In The Sky // Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now