Strawberry-Banana Muffins.

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Strawberry-Banana Muffins.

Min Yoongi has been Jeon Jungkook's right hand man for a long as he can even recall. Even before he was formally employed, he had fond memories with the young man, standing by his side as his almost-side kick of sorts, whether it was in the lunchroom in elementary school or family gatherings.

He thinks that out of every human in the whole of Busan, it was him who knows Jeon Jungkook best.

Truthfully, he was beginning to feel increasingly concerned for the man. Min Yoongi, after a year of dating, recently decided to get married to his high school sweetheart, Jennie Kim and with everything that was happening, he can only hope that is best friend (and boss) can find the same happiness as him.

Only, a part of him wonders if it's a far-fetched dream considering Jeon Jungkook's nature.

He was like an onion in a way—with never-ending layers that needed to be uncovered, tears inducing layers to be specific. Jeon Jungkook wasn't known as someone who let people in, which of course is not surprisingly considering his line of work.

Following the death of his father, Jeon Jungkook had to take the difficult step in continuing the legacy, as the head of one of the most violent organised crime units in the country. His identity was kept a secret to the outside world, but the name itself, The Jeons was enough to make politicians and policemen shudder.

Even so, he knows that deep down, Jeon Jungkook is a kind and gentle man and surprisingly, his wife also agrees. He had paid for the wedding entirely, without him even knowing.

Jeon Jungkook had a soft side, one that was seldom shown.

For example, his sweet tooth.

Jennie Kim is a wonderful wife and ever since she'd gotten married, began a tradition of buying muffins for her husband. Each morning, Min Yoongi would eat one of the blueberry muffin on his way to the office, while saving the strawberry banana muffin for his boss.

By afternoon, he'd always see the empty packaging in the bin regardless of how busy, how moody or whatever mood the day carried.

He knows, Jeon Jungkook loves them.

One day, Min Yoongi forgets. Or more accurately, his wife does. In celebration of their 1st year anniversary, Jeon Jungkook allows him to come a little later—giving the couple time to have breakfast alone together. Since his stomach was full, it had passed their mind to stop for muffins.

When he enters the office, bowing to his boss, he watches in confusion as Jeon Jungkook eyes him suspiciously from head to toe. For a minute, he wonders whether some rumours went around and suddenly he was being treated like a traitor.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Jeon?" He questions, wondering why despite his years of loyalty, he feels worried about getting caught, "... is something wrong?"

Instantly, a million thoughts began to swim in his mind.

Was there a threat?

Did something happen and now their group was in trouble?

He was so sure, that he'd informed him last night that he would be coming in later...

"Where's my muffin?" He finally asks in a serious tone, brows furrowed together.

Min Yoongi can't help but cough, hiding his laugh.

His boss, despite who he was, was a softie indeed.

"Oh," he gulps, trying to take the situation more seriously, "... I'm sorry, my wife didn't have time to stop by the bakery, I'll bring you an extra one tomorrow to compensate—"

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