Kim Taehyung.

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Jeon Jungkook is in a really good mood as he drives his girlfriend to the bakery at 4am in the morning. On one hand, she's answering the phone and making last minute arrangements for the fundraiser, to make sure that everything is ready by the time they arrive and on the other he's hitting the back of her neck to alleviate the aches on her body.

He chuckles, thinking that she's indeed adorable.

As she turns off the phone, she quickly glares at him, "... no laughing, it's your fault that my entire body feels as though it's been hit by a bus."

Making sure that one hand is steady on the steering wheel, Jeon Jungkook intertwines his other hand with hers, "... you weren't complaining about it last night when you were screaming my name, babe."

From the corner of his eyes, he can see her face turning red as she playfully hits him on the side of his arm.

"Behave," she warns, "... be civil today, even with Eunwoo."

"Yes Ma'am," he playfully responds.

"What time do you need to be in the office?" She jumps straight back into business, "... we should be less busy by lunch so if you could help just in the morning that'll be more than enough."

To be honest, he wants to stay with her the entire day and night (especially considering he still didn't trust her ex-boyfriend of hers), but with the Lee family having more of a presence in the city, he has a lot of strategic planning to do in the office. Besides—he wants to give her the freedom too, to shine and be independent.

"Sounds good, I'll meet you in my apartment tonight?" He questions, bringing her hand closer to him and giving it a gentle kiss against his lips, "... I might be home a bit late though, there's a lot of work to do. I'll let you know though, if I can make it in time for dinner."

She nods, "... should I come visit you in your office?"

"No," he responds a little too quickly in panic, making her brows rise in confusion, "... I mean, it's quite hectic today—a beautiful woman is distracting."

She chuckles, "... you're too possessive."

"Maybe," he smiles in return.


It would be a lie to say that she wasn't disappointed that he couldn't be there for the entire event, especially since the first fundraiser she did was such a success due to him, but Park Chaeyoung knows that her man is a very busy person. When he dismissed himself a little before 10am, she couldn't help but pout, knowing that he wouldn't make it in time for the ceremony where she'd prepared a really nice dress and speech.

Ah, the cost of dating a great guy...

Nevertheless, Park Chaeyoung pushes through and of course for the first few minutes she kept thinking about him, wondering whether everything in work was well and on track but after a few moments, she began to have fun, doing what she loved—helping people. She mingles well with the people, talking about her recipes and her passion for such a great cause, and sharing her heart for helping children.

By the afternoon, she opens her phone to get a text from Jeon Jungkook.

From: Jungkook

Sorry babe, I'll be home late. Maybe around 11pm or so. I miss you.

Park Chaeyoung lets out a sigh.

Nearby, Kim Taehyung hears it, "... everything okay, Rosie?"

She blushes, slightly embarrassed for being so dramatic when there were bigger things to worry about (and great causes to be served!).

"Jungkook's stuck in the office so I'll probably have dinner alone tonight," she responds shyly.

"Oh, you shouldn't eat alone especially after running such a great event," he tells her, "... why don't you eat with Eunwoo and me? After the ceremony. You're dressed so nice too, it'll be such a waste to eat alone tonight."

She thinks about it first, thinking that her boyfriend wouldn't be happy to hear but then again, she really didn't like to eat alone...

"I'd like that a lot," she smiles, "... if that's okay with you guys? Let me tell Jungkook first."

She quickly sends him a text, before feels herself being pulled in, called to make her ending speech with Cha Eunwoo.


In the office, Jeon Jungkook isn't happy to hear that she's planning to have dinner with him, but is at least glad that Kim Taehyung will be there. The other gentleman had helped a lot with getting more work for the bakery, and for that he is thankful.

At least, Cha Eunwoo wouldn't try anything with a third person around, he thinks.

He had been in the office for hours, but still—there were barely any new leads on the Lee family and it was beginning to frustrate him.

Why was it taking so long?

To make things worse, his girlfriend wasn't replying to his texts. He'd tried calling a few times but it went straight to voicemail.

He assumes she must've ran out of battery, remembering the way she complained in the morning about forgetting her portable battery pack.

To his surprise, he gets an email from another unknown email address with a photo of his girlfriend and Cha Eunwoo, smiling in front of the crowd in what he assumes is the closing remarks for the fundraiser. He smiles, thinking that he was dumb to miss out on seeing his girlfriend in a beautiful dress, especially since the office was barely productive.

Only, he sees the message in the email.

[What a cute couple.]

Jeon Jungkook can feel the rage in his fingers as he thinks about typing a few curse words and threats, only to have the door violently swinged open, revealing Min Yoongi with panic on his face.

"Yoongi, not now... and how many times do I have to tell you to knock befo—"

"Sir, it's an emergency," he's practically panting, as though he'd be rushing through a hundred stairs, "... we found out who sent the email."

"The fucker just send another one too," Jeon Jungkook adds, "... who is it?"

"The Lee family," he explains, "... we tracked the IP address and it's on their premise but there's something more... we've identified the person doing it."

"And?" Jeon Jungkook shuts down his laptop, loosening his tie, relieved that finally progress will be made on this case.

"His name is Taehyung," Min Yoongi takes a step forward and hands the iPad to him, showing a picture of Kim Taehyung.

"What do you mean? That's Kim Taehyung, he's not part of the Lee organisatio—"

"Kim is his mother's maiden name, until recently, he went by Lee Taehyung," he informs him, "... the team is looking to get more information as we speak, but we haven't finished the threat assessment yet so we can go into the complex until we know the findings for sure. They could be dangerous—it could even be a trap."

"I don't care. Get the car, he's with Rosie right now."


*siri, play the 'oh no' meme on repeat*

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