Like A Fool.

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Jeon Jungkook is not thinking straight.

His father used to tell him that your ability to be composed, was a matter of life and death in their realm of work.

Perhaps he fails his father, because all he can do is rush to the back cabinent of his desk and reach for his gun, concealing it at the bottom of his ankle before rushing downstairs with Min Yoongi following him from behind.

He knows that he's panicked, and isn't thinking coherently but as the phone on his hand continues to ring straight to voicemail, he can't help but think the worst.

What if they hurt her?

"Where is the location?" He questions him suddenly as the driver continues to speed away onto wherever the last GPS location pinged at, "... do we have security footage of her?"

Min Yoongi shakes his head, "... it's a restaurant. We're not sure if he's keeping her underground, it could be a secret hide out for the Lee family. All security footage has been turned off, we assume, intentionally."

Jeon Jungkook sighs in frustration, cursing under his breath.

In his mind, he knows that there's a probability that he won't come out alive—either as a price to pay for her safety (which he'll sacrifice any day) or because in the first place, this is a trap meant to kill him. Either case, he has no choice but to fight for her safety and the clock was not on their hand.

As the car parks in front of the building, he turns and sees Min Yoongi loading his own weapon.

"Stay behind, I'll go alone," Jeon Jungkook tells him.

He's not thinking clearly, but he knows—that he can't bring Min Yoongi with him. He has a wife and a life, and he swears he can see a pang of fear beneath the calm composure.

"Of course not, I'll come with you," he doesn't hesitate to respond, "... we'll get her out."

Jeon Jungkook holds his hand out onto the other mans shoulder, "... Yoongi, you've been a good man the entire time I've taken over. I won't drag you into this, it won't be fair to you—not to your wife. If I don't come out, I want you to take over. You've always been a brother to me, a Jeon."

"Sir, I am coming with you," Min Yoongi furrows his brows, "... brothers don't leave each other behind."

"This is my fault, so let me fix it myself. I need you to watch, if anything looks as though it's going south, you need to be the one to take over, you and Jennie," he commands, "... this isn't a request."

Before he could even react, Jeon Jungkook rushes out of the car, one final pat against his ankle to make sure that his weapon was there before he storms through the door.

An empty restaurant, and soft classical jazz music playing in the background.

"Good evening Sir," one of the waiters does a slight bow.

"Where the fuck is he?" He shouts, causing for all eyes to be on him, "... Kim Taehyung."

The waiter jumps at the sudden volume but realises, "... oh yes, Mr. Kim said he was expecting another visitor. He'd in the private room, let me lead you this way."

Was he fucking serious? Was he really going to hurt Rosie in clear daylight?

Frankly, Jeon Jungkook does not know what the hell is going on.

As they walk through the premise, he looks around and sees that everything seems as per normal—a few diners here and there, the smell of western food in the air.

He opens the door, slamming it before the waiter could even speak and sees him.

Kim Taehyung.

Leaned against his chair, sitting like a king almost, a wide grin across his face.

"Ah— how nice of you to finally join," he speaks casually, almost joyfully.

Jeon Jungkook analyses the room, seeing that the table was completely clear, but that her purse, the purse she'd brought from the morning to match with her dress was on the table.

"Where is she? I swear to God I will put a bullet through your skull if you lay a finger on her," he spits as he leans in closer, reaching for his gun and pointing it skilfully his way, "... where the fuck is she?"

"Hey, calm down," Kim Taehyung mocking holds his hands out in surrender, knowing that there was no chance that he'd shoot, at least, not when his girlfriends location was unknown, "... we're adults, let's discuss like adults. Put your toy down and I'll tell you."

"I don't have time for your games, just tell me where she is," he warns him.

"Put. The. Gun. Down."

He can feel the muscles on his jaw tightening in anger.

Why can't this fucker answer one simple question?

Before he could speak, the door opens.

Park Chaeyoung, slightly shaky in the dress he'd seen her wearing earlier.

His eyes quickly turn to see her and by instinct, he rushes over, wanting to hug her before she holds her hands out to stop him.

"Get away from me!" She screams, ".... don't touch me!"

He stops.

Kim Taehyung chuckles, "... see Rosie, I told you—Jungkook is not who he says he is. You see it right? He's holding a gun out at an unarmed man."

Jeon Jungkook feels his heart breaking as he turns to his girlfriend, the love of his life, taking cautious steps back away from him.

She was scared of him.

"What did you tell her?" He turns to her, "... Rosie, whatever he says I can explain..."


Park Chaeyoung simply keeps her head down, not daring to look at him.

Kim Taehyung scoffs, "... you know, I don't play dirty like you. I'll admit, I thought about it—in the same way you stole my mothers life from me, I thought I'd inflict the same pain as you... but, well, that would mean I'll step down to your level."

"What are you talking about?" He knits his brows together in confusion, knowing that his group generally don't kill unless needed and especially not for the elderly, women and children.

"Two years ago, your men set our agency on fire in an attempt to kill my father. You did. But little did you know, that my mother—my mother was there in the building too. You're sick, all of you," he explains, "... so I did my research on you and saw your obsession with her—found out about her ex and thought that maybe, I'll get her to love someone else and have you watch and suffer... but then I realised something—I didn't need to... I just needed to show her who you really are, the sham that you actually are."

Kim Taehyung gets up from his seat, reaching for Park Chaeyoung's clutch in his hand as he walks past him, turning his head around, "... you know, she didn't even believe me when I first told her, until I sent her photos of your people torturing mine. It's ironic, isn't it? That you can attend a fundraiser for orphaned children—I was almost one, but only because of the monster that you are."

Jeon Jungkook wants to reach for his gun and to just shoot him in the head, but he turns and watches as Park Chaeyoung quietly sobs, obviously shocked at the news.

"Rosie, it's not like that..." he whispers, "... please believe me."

She looks up at him, wiping the tears with the back of her palms, "... how could you treat me like a fool after I gave my entire heart out to you?"

Before he could speak, he watches as Kim Taehyung hands her the clutch, before she wraps her arm around his as they walk out of the restaurant. 

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