Mrs. Jeon.

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Hi everyone, firstly I want to apologise that this update took quite a while, I was a little sick the last few days and work piled up because of it too. This is a bit of a light hearted chapter, please let me know what you think and be prepared, something big will happen next chapter (⇀‸↼‶)


Min Yoongi cannot keep a straight face.

He wonders whether Jeon Jungkook is aware that his actions were ridiculous, standing at the front of the auditorium in front of the microphone with a full PowerPoint presentation on display. The first Wednesday of every month was usually reserved for a full clan meeting, mainly where the top guns would update the members (as well as the leader) about potential threats and weaknesses and delve into the timeline for the next month and upcoming year. For the most part, Jeon Jungkook rarely ever spoke in such meetings—only occasionally at the end to say thank you for everyone's hard work before officially dismissing everyone again.

But today was different, and before he could even ask why he sees that Jeon Jungkook has made his own presentation on Powerpoint titled "Mrs. Jeon."

God—he was insufferable! Min Yoongi should've known that the minute anything was outside of the norm, that it would only be because of a certain blonde woman in town.


"Good morning everyone, firstly as always I'd like to express my gratitude at your hard work this month. We're actually falling behind on our target, as the Sung family have begun causing trouble in Busan but I trust everyone to clean that up as soon as possible," he begins, clearing this throat, "... but onto more important matters, I'd like to announce that I have a girlfriend. Next slide please."

Min Yoongi begins coughing, choking on the air he was breathing in while the other members turn around and look at him in confusion.

Was he really the only person who thought this was weird?! How could the IT department really move the presentation as if it was another normal day?!

Jeon Jungkook pauses, raising an eyebrow "... Mr. Min, are you okay? Do you need a moment?"

He politely shakes his head, moving his hand no and the younger man continues.

The second slide is a photo of Park Chaeyoung smiling as she picks up a sandwich, sitting on a picnic blanket on one of his yachts.

Ah, perhaps that's why he'd asked for half a day off a few days ago.

"Some of you may know her as Rosie, especially those who helped at the fundraiser a while ago," he explains, "... she's 169cm tall, approximately 42-50kg, blonde and most importantly—she's mine. Don't even try to have eye contact with her for more than 5 seconds, even if you see her randomly on the street. Now, the reason why I'm making this announcement is because I want to make sure that each and every one of you, whoever you are and whatever role you have in our organisation treat her as if she was the head, okay? Treat her as if she's the Madam of our organisation."

Min Yoongi rolls his eyes.

Was he really serious?

"Also, she'd recently said she wanted to visit our office once in a while and say hi to everyone and to cheer me on while I work. So, if you see her on the security system, make sure you let her in and greet her as though she were the queen, and more importantly do not act suspicious or violent because she doesn't like that—and if she asks, just tell her we are a consultancy company," he finishes his presentation, "... I will not take any questions and I trust everyone understands what I mean clearly. That's all from me, I will give the floor now to our usual clan meeting and evaluation."

Not once in his wildest dream, did Min Yoongi think he'd ever see a side to his boss like this.


Min Yoongi sees that the clock is 4pm in the afternoon and that his boss has one more meeting till he'd scheduled to go home (since Park Chaeyoung likes to go out for dinner before 6pm, since she has early mornings at the bakery). He opens his iPad, getting confirmation that the members were ready for their meeting only to be interrupted by one of his men, knocking on the door.

"Mr. Jeon, your girlfriend is here she's in the lobby having some tea," he explains, making sure to accentuate the fact that they'd taken care of her so that she wasn't bored waiting.

Without even thinking he gets up, looking to Min Yoongi, "... give the project manager authority to approve any expenses, and to just write an elaborate report due tomorrow morning for me to sign."

"But Jungkook, you should go to the meeting, everyone is waiting and it won't be long—"

But Jeon Jungkook pretends to be deaf because he continues walking out, and it's difficult for Min Yoongi to follow him towards the elevator.

"They're also wanting to submit a transparency report though," he explains.

"Via email is fine," he responds, quickly clicking on the button for the lobby, "... I'll head out now, why are you here? You're not invited to dinner with us."

Min Yoongi believes that his boss was insane and he wonders how on earth he could say it with a straight face!

"I will walk you to the lobby and say hi to Rosie," he informs him, deciding to put the iPad away because there was no chance in the world that anything he reports will be listened to at this point.

"While you're here, last night Rosie said she wanted to get her a massage," he remembers, musing, "... of course she would never let me pay, but can you ask Jennie to help me out and take her for a massage. Use the company card to pay for both girls, if they want to do some shopping of course that's fine too."

The door finally opens and he doesn't even wait for a response, rushing over as though he were really needing to use to toilet as he smiles, giving his girlfriend a hug as she stood up from her seat, wearing a coat over her dress.

"Rosie, why did you come here I told you I'd pick you up," he asks carefully moving parts of her hair behind her ear, "... you look beautiful."

Min Yoongi believes he wants to puke.

One of the other men dismisses himself, taking the cup of tea she was previously drinking, "... I will go now, goodbye Mr. Jeon, Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Min."

He turns and sees Park Chaeyoung's face turn bright red in shock, before she turns to her boyfriend in confusion.

Jeon Jungkook shrugs, "... guess they want you to be the CEO's wife."

"Jungkook!" She playfully hits him on the side of his arm before turning to notice him, "... oh hi Yoongi! Are you joining us for dinner?"

He's pretty hungry, but by the glare coming from his bosses' face, he thinks it's wise to decline.

Who knows, at this rate, maybe she really will be Mrs. Jeon soon.

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