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Min Yoongi cannot hold his expression when he sees Jeon Jungkook standing in front of the ticket booth wearing a white shirt, black jeans and a beige outer wear. It's strange to see him wearing colour (although a buff sand colour is barely adventurous) outside of black or white. Even in his casual clothes, he notices that Jeon Jungkook looks completely out of place. He towers over most of the people and somehow resonated of a cold demeanour.

Jeon Jungkook was never early. He was always on time or a few minutes late, but there he was standing around like a confused puppy ten minutes early. When the younger male spots him, Min Yoongi quickly rushes over, not wanting to ruin his bosses good mood.

"Yoongi," he comments and even after a few months, he can't get used to hearing his name on such a casual basic being spoken by him, "... where are the girls?"

"They're buying corn on a stick, they told me to go in first and buy the tickets," he informs him reaching out for his wallet only to be stopped.

Jeon Jungkook holds out four tickets.

"I knew I should've picked them up, or at least gotten one of the drivers to do so," he mutters under his breath, a little annoyed that he didn't get the chance to do so.

Jeon Jungkook had insisted on picking her up, but she politely refused. She knew that he lived on the other side of Busan and said it would be more wiser for her to tag along with the others and to meet there straight away. Of course, he insisted but that didn't seem to mean much for her.

He knew that she wasn't like other women.

She wasn't assumed at the same things that most woman would be after.

Around five minutes pass and the two women emerge holding four corn cobs, and Park Chaeyoung's smile at him as she hands it to him is enough to alleviate all his annoyance. There was something therapeutic about seeing her—and he can't help but smile wide seeing that they were unintentionally matching.

She had on a tan coat, draped over a white shirt and jeans.

"Here, have it while it's hot," she offers him one which he politely accepts, "... did you wait long?"

He shakes his head, "... I just arrived too, perfect timing."

Min Yoongi rolls his eyes though luckily is behind the woman, who doesn't see.

Jeon Jungkook has never had a roasted corn cob in his life, but he excitedly takes a bite as they walk inside. He hands the tickets to everyone watching as her eyes light up in excitement at all the lights, games and attractions.

For the entire day, Jeon Jungkook had been thinking about this moment, imagining the way her probably would rush to the attractions and buy a show bag. He assumes, that since she works with desserts, that the food would be the last thing on his mind.

Surely she was sick of sweets, right?


"Cotton candy!"

Park Chaeyoung stops in her tracks, an excited gasp departing from her lips as she turns to look at him and the others, a slight pout indicating that she'd wanted one.

Her eyes alone and the adoring smile was impossible to say no to.

He nods, and they purchase two cotton candies (for her and Jennie Kim) as they continue to walk throughout the crowded outdoor space. Eventually, the two women lead the way and Jeon Jungkook secretly feels jealous, seeing the way Park Chaeyoung easily wraps her arms around the other.

The two girls would excitedly make sporadic stops for the various food stands— snow cones (even though it was cold at night), corn dogs, iced chocolates, twisted potatoes, popcorn and more.

He wonders how the two have room to eat so much, he was already getting full just looking at them.

By the end of the night, the two men are carrying show bags while the two girls go around eating their way through the Busan Spring Festival.

It's about 9pm when Park Chaeyoung excitedly points to the ferris wheel and Jennie Kim instantly expresses her disdain.

"I'm scared of heights," she confesses, causing for Park Chaeyoung to gasp in horror, "... but you should go, Jungkook can accompany you."

Jeon Jungkook's tired expression instantly shoots up into a wide smile as he doesn't waste a single moment, handing the bags over to Min Yoongi as he wraps his arm around her waist, gently tugging at her to join the line with him.

"Oh, you like ferris wheels too?" She seems shocked by his abruptness.

He nods.

Although never in his life has he been on one.

But he will take every and any excuse to be alone with her.

"I'm glad, it's not a festival without one," she smiles at him, "... are you having fun?"

Her smile alone was enough to make him feel joy, a warmth in his chest that no amount of money could create. Throughout the night he was honestly beginning to feel annoyed, especially with all the walking but every time she'd turn and look to him, she can't help but feel joy. 

Perhaps she was the answer that politicians needed to solve the issue of wars.

"Are the carnivals in Australia like this?" He questions her as they're escorted inside the booth.

She nods, "... a little bigger but it's not about the flashiness of everything—it's more so about the vibe and mood. I used to go with my parents when I was young, it was such a treat. We didn't get to buy show bags or spend money on food, but I would always come home happy. This makes me miss them more."

"Won't your parents visit you in Busan?" He questions her.

She shakes her head, "... not yet, I want to make sure the bakery does well first and that I can get a nicer apartment, so I have something to show them."

For some reason, he can't help but think that her heart was too big for the world.

"What was your favourite part of the festival?" She asks him, changing the subject.


"I guess this is quite nice," he comments pointing out at the view before suddenly fireworks start playing, "... they always have a great display, I usually can see it from my room."

She smiles in awe, watching the various colours in the sky.

"So beautiful."

He thinks that she is.


Please enjoy the calm before the storm >.>

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