Passanger Seat.

999 107 15

Jeon Jungkook cannot believe his luck, when Park Chaeyoung invites Jennie Kim to a business and baking exhibition in Seoul with her. Jennie Kim, has a look of horror across her face (still traumatised by the frenetic nature of the two day bake sale and quickly turns to him, having an idea of her own.

For a moment, he wanted to scold her for not accompanying the younger blonde, but after she spoke, she could see that the other woman had plans of her own.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rosie but Yoongi and I promised to visit our in-laws that weekend, maybe Jungkook can accompany you? You're free right, Jungkook? Plus, he loves business, who knows—you may learn a thing or two," she turns to him, eyes dead serious as she nudges him from under the table.

Perhaps he should thank her, rather than scold her.

Clearly, she was trying to play cupid (while also getting out of the trauma of the fundraiser).

Jeon Jungkook turns his eyes from Jennie Kim, onto her, seeing as her face turns completely red, a look of confusion. It was clear, she didn't expect for her friend to turn down her offer.

He feels bad. Should he work on bringing the exhibition to Busan? He swears he will, if it means that she'll be happy.

"Oh, no, it's okay—maybe I can go next time, or I may go alone or bring one of the part timers, I know Jungkook is very busy—" she begins talking, nervously playing with the tips of her bright blonde hair, only to be interrupted by Min Yoongi.

"Weekends are busy, so your part timers should be all hands on deck," Min Yoongi attempts to rationalise, "... don't worry about Jungkook, weekends are usually slower but he has like—eight who can cover him for the weekend, right?"

Min Yoongi is practically glaring at him now, a mood of Take the fucking opportunity stupid! in his eyes.

"If you don't mind, Rosie. It's a great opportunity, and I actually have a few business contracts to sign in Seoul too, so I guess this can be an excuse to expedite the process," he smiles at her, "... only if your comfortable, of course. There's no pressure at all."

Park Chaeyoung nervously smiles, biting on her bottom lip as she muses, "... if it's not too much trouble for you, Jungkook."

Jeon Jungkook swears that he can feel his heart burst from her words alone.

For the rest of the week, Jeon Jungkook works overtime to make sure everything for their organisation flows smoothly without him for the weekend, over working all the departments in the process.

More than that, Min Yoongi kept getting spam text photos and messages, asking him about what to hotel bookings, which car to bring, restaurant recommendations and even video called him randomly at 2am in the morning before asking him to come over and help with finding outfits.

Despite his annoyance, his wife, Jennie Kim simply laughs.

"Just hold on for one more night, for the next two he'll be out of your head," she joked.

"No, he'll be more annoying even from as far as Seoul. I can sense it already," Min Yoongi mutters under his breath, "... you should've accompanied Rosie."

"But then they'll probably keep eye-flirting for another two months, and that's just as bad."


Park Chaeyoung wonders whether it's normal to feel nervous about the trip, or whether the way her heart was beating was an exaggeration.

Her original plan was long gone—morning train from Busan to Seoul, attend the meeting and take the final train back in time to prepare for Sunday's shift. Jeon Jungkook tells her that it'll be tiring for her, and she'd certainly end up being a little late for the exhibition. Instead, he offers to drive them to Seoul Saturday morning, get them checked into a hotel (two separate beds of course) and go to the exhibition. Then they'll be able to explore Seoul for the full day on Sunday before driving back late at night. His main reasons was so that they didn't need to worry about lugging around their belongings and that it'll be better to have a car if they want to get around Seoul.

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