Date This Weekend.

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Park Chaeyoung was wrong.

She thought that the next time she'd pick up any medical equipment would be a day of pain and trauma, a time where her past comes to haunt her. The young blonde had spent many nights contemplating what it'll be like if she'd ever had to put her years in medical school into good use, and always felt that it would be like the movies—where they'd drop the scalpel and have an anxiety attack or one that where her mind would turn blank, forgetting the plethora of years of studying that led her, and prepared her, for those moments.

But the strangest thing happened that night in the bathroom with Jeon Jungkook—all hesitancy and fear quickly dissipated the minute she applied the local anaesthesia, and by the time it came to piercing his skin into a knitted like patterns, it was like her hands had a mind of their own. Muscle memory was a real thing, she knows, almost like an instinct she successfully disinfected, numbed and stitched the small but deep cut against his skin.

A part of her hates how much she doesn't mind it at all, the way her body naturally glides with precision like they once did when she was in residency. In fact, she smiles for the first time thinking about her university days, remembering how much she hated having to be on general duty—small stitches, disinfecting cuts and other minor treatments when she should've instead been observing a surgery (where her speciality is—well was in). For so long she'd thought that her memories there will always hurt her, but what happened in Seoul showed her another side to herself; her time in study was not in vain.

"You look happy," he breaks through the silence as they're approaching Busan, turning his head momentarily to look at her before turning back his attention on the road in front of them, "... I take it you enjoyed your trip."

"Thank you for coming with me, and for everything too," her voice is shy, "... it wouldn't have been as good had I gone alone."

And she thinks it's true—surprisingly, she had a lot of fun.

But she wonders, whether he's bringing home the same feelings she has stuck in her stomach, of butterflies.

Park Chaeyoung wonders for a moment, although she knows she shouldn't, whether he feels for her too.

When they arrive at her apartment, Jeon Jungkook gets out to help her with her bags.

"No, you can't be putting unnecessary pressure on your leg," she warns him, "... I'll be okay to carry this alone, Jungkook."

With a bit of fighting, he finally gives in.

"Thank you," she smiles, "... I'll go inside now."

He nods.

Even so, the pair simply stand there—in the complete cold, looking at each other. Neither dared to look away.

Was it normal that she didn't want the night to end?

A couple of moments later, Jeon Jungkook's phone rings and he quickly breaks contact to read a text. She feels embarrassed, looking down at her feet, hoping to God that her face wasn't completely bright red.

"I'm needed at the office—" he informs her, "... so I guess we'll have to put this staring game on hold."

He chuckles, a wide smile across his face.

"You're going to the office at this hour?" She confirms, wondering why she felt so disappointed in the pit of her stomach.

They'd spent the entire weekend together, and would see each other tomorrow morning!

"Yes, unfortunately—apparently two days off work is a little too much," he quips, reaching his hand for her hair and pushing it behind her ear gently, "... goodnight, Rosie. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll wait till you message me that you're inside before leaving."

She doesn't want the night to end.

"Goodnight," she tells him, wondering why her feet move on their own accord to him, bridging the distance and moving onto her tiptoes and planting a chaste kiss against his cheek, "... drive home safely, and keep an eye on your leg."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning."


The first thing that Jennie Kim notices when walking into the bakery is that Park Chaeyoung is absolutely glowing, from the inside out. Jennie Kim is attentive to the bright smile across her lips, as she greets the trio a little warmer than usual (if fact, she hadn't known it was possible) and the way her eyes lingered longer onto Jeon Jungkook. When she turns her head, she sees that Jeon Jungkook too, wears a similar expression, smiling widely at her so much so that she wonders whether she was hallucinating.

Her husband, Min Yoongi nudges at her, indicating that they should leave the pair alone.

Even as they sit metres away, she can't help but notice from afar that something had changed between the two. Of course there was still shy smiling and small talk, but from afar she could see that the physical distance had already bridged between the two.

If anything, they looked like a couple in love.

Perhaps her condoms worked.


Jeon Jungkook leaves his home with his mind clouded by worries, but the minute he walks into the bakery, welcomed by the scent of freshly baked pastries and the warm energetic voice of Park Chaeyoung, he can't help but feel the burden on his chest lighten.

"Your food and drinks are on me today," she cheerfully announces, "... as a small thank you for accompanying me to the exhibition."

"I suppose I should order a few extras to compensate," he quickly retorts jokingly, "... have you already unpacked?"

He watches as she shakes her head, sheepishly confessing, "... after I texted you, I took a shower and practically donked out until my alarm rang me up at 3:30am. The milk supplier was scheduled to come at 4am, so I had to be hear early."

Jeon Jungkook believes that he could listen to her speaking all day, that he could see her face and never get bored of it.

"Hmm, you should finish early today and get rest then," he suggests.

"How about you? Is everything with work last night sorted?" She questions him, eyes concerned, "... it seemed serious that you couldn't wait till today to get it sorted."

He likes it.

Jeon Jungkook likes the way that Park Chaeyoung truly took the time to care and understand you, whether it was from the small details to the big.

She was good at making people feel like they mattered to her. She made him feel as though he were the only man in her life to care for.

"It's good," he lies, feeling himself almost choke on his words, "... it was all sorted, I got home at around 1am so I'm a bit tired."

"I'll put an extra shot to your coffee, then," she smiles at him, "... and your leg? Is it healing okay?"

His leg? Fine.

But his heart, still hadn't recovered.

"Rosie, let me take you out on a date this weekend."

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