Come Back Home.

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Jeon Jungkook loses hope.

He knows that he has lost the love of his life, and believes that there won't be a woman he'll ever love even has as much as he loved Park Chaeyoung.

Days passed and she didn't even bother to call once, and from what he heard from Min Yoongi and his wife, she was ignoring their texts too. Whenever they'd visit the café, he'd see the brokenness in her eyes—a mix between anger, confusion and sadness, and would see her rushing to the back as she whispered something to her staff (assumably, asking them to take over). The worst part of the situation was everything that happened exactly a week later, when Jeon Jungkook comes home early to the smell of her familiar scent and shoes in the door.

He rushes inside, thinking that perhaps she changed her mind.

Only to see her picking up things into boxes, and beside her was Cha Eunwoo.

"Rosie?" His voice was worn out and broken, as he looks at her with desperate eyes, pleading for her to respond.

She doesn't.

He notices that she looks tired, deep bags under her eyes, frailer than usual.

Jeon Jungkook sees that just like him, she's hurting.

Only he knows, he's the cause of it.

The entire time, she keeps her head down before the man beside her responds for her.

"Sorry Jungkook, we thought you'd be in the office. We're just collecting Rosie's things and returning your key," he informs her before he watches as Cha Eunwoo holds his hand carefully on her back, reassuring her before she nods at him, "... we're done though, we'll go now."

Just like that, Jeon Jungkook watches as the two leave, not even stopping to look at him as she passes by him.

In the span of a week, he watches as his life comes crashing down, crumbling into remnants of pain and torture.

In the same space where they used to dance around at night to Taylor Swift songs at midnight, is the space that becomes where the two act like complete strangers.

He hates it.

Jeon Jungkook wishes that he could turn back time.


Park Chaeyoung feels as though her happiness was a complete lie.

And there's nothing left for her to enjoy—her friendship with Jennie Kim, her relationship with Jeon Jungkook was nothing but a façade.

How could she be so stupid, to give her entire heart out to a man who wasn't capable of looking after it right? How could she be so gullible and not notice the red flags earlier.

Park Chaeyoung needs to pick up her things, but she doesn't have the courage nor the boldness to potentially come face-to-face with him, especially alone.

Asking for Jennie Kim's help too, was out of the question.

She asks Cha Eunwoo to help accompany her for the afternoon, knowing that usually—he'll come home later. She'd considered asking Kim Taehyung too, but knew that it could've potentially caused an entire war.

The car ride to his penthouse is silent at first, until her ex-boyfriend—well, ex-fiance, asks her.

"Are you okay, Roseanne?"

His voice is soft and careful, he doesn't know the reality.

In his eyes, the pair simply broke up due to differences.

She wants to lie and say that she was fine, but it was obvious to everyone—her workers, her regular customers and even her parents over video call that she was far from it.

She knows too, that her ex-fiancé knows her better than that too.

"I'm so lost with my life," she finally speaks, "... where do I go from here, Eunwoo?"

He too doesn't know what to say, not knowing the full circumstances.

"Just as you always do, you'll pick up the pictures and find yourself again."

He notices that she's notably shaken after her encounter with Jeon Jungkook and thus, stops by a nearby restaurant rather than her home.

"Eunwoo, I'm not hungry," she tells him, "... can you just take me home? I have an early shift tomorrow."

"You need to eat," he informs her, "... you haven't eaten the entire day, besides—I need to tell you something."

Even against a few protests, she eventually gives in.

When they sit down and order, he clears his throat nervously.

"I'm going back to Melbourne next week, there's another charity run there soon that I need to help prepare," he informs her, "... will you be okay alone?"

She nods, though her eyes already see the fear and loneliness in her eyes.

"If you want to stay, I'll ask Taehyung to at least look over you once in a while, until you feel better again," he informs her.

"If?" She notices.

"Why don't you come with me, Chaeyoung? Come back home to Melbourne," he tells her, "... I can get you connected to a few hospitals that specialise in surgery, or you can open your own café, or you can work with me in non-profit if you'd like... it's all up to you."

She wonders, whether perhaps, it was what she needed.

"I'm not sure..." she muses softly, "... how about my café?"

"Taehyung is willing to buy it, if you'd like to sell, I've already asked," Cha Eunwoo informs her, "... of course it's up to you, but maybe it's time you come back home... to your parents too."

She feels torn.

Park Chaeyoung takes a deep inhale, "... I don't know, I can't think straight..."

"You can think about it a bit, just know the offers there... we all miss you, you know."

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