What A Stupid Asshole.

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Jeon Jungkook is inexperienced when it comes to dating and relationships.

Of course, it wasn't as though he couldn't land a date, it was simply because he had no interest in dating when his life was already complete— mountains of money, effortless and endless sex and work that was constantly moving and growing. For a while, he never thought he'd ever find himself in a relationship and in fact, was beginning to feel comfortable with the idea of dying alone.

Until, he met her.

He wonders how it is that his heart seemingly changes ever since she'd rocked his world, so much that a part of him is excited to learn what it means to be a good boyfriend. Jeon Jungkook is a detail oriented man, and so he spends much of his time on the internet, researching date ideas and harassing the two lovebirds he knows (Min Yoongi and Jennie Kim) about relationships and the works.

But as the weeks and months pass, it becomes seemingly clear that unlike him, Park Chaeyoung was an experienced girlfriend.

In a sense, Park Chaeyoung was a living, breathing and walking angel who's smile alone was enough to solve the issue of world hunger. He feels as though she truly personified light just in the way her voice sounded when she'd greet you or the way her eyes would be unwavering as she listened to you talk.

It was because of that, that a part of him thought that it was likely impossible for any man to be allowed into her life romantically—and he'd simply, somehow, won the jackpot.

Besides, in their preliminary research on her, it was deduced that she hadn't had any significant others or exes.

But he was wrong, because Park Chaeyoung was a perfect and passionate girlfriend.

On the outside, she was reserved and shy and always gentle but behind closed doors, we she was romantic and sweet. Such as the way she'd always hug him from behind as he was doing mundane tasks, such as fixing his tie and styling his hair. Park Chaeyoung would always help massage his neck and back whenever he'd come home late and she'd always ask for a date night at least once a week. Sometimes, he'd be too nervous to even hold her hand when they were out in public—but she would calmly and casually graze her fingertips and slowly intertwine it even as she was conversing with him on unrelated matters.

Not only that, but Park Chaeyoung had expectations—she felt as though he needed to hold her bag when they were out, to open car doors (and all doors in general) for her, to plan where they were going to eat and reserve in advance and to offer his coat to her at all times. At some point, his car was filled with rubber bands and hair clips, and how she needed to have snacks in her bag everywhere she went.

But he didn't mind.

In fact, Jeon Jungkook orders the women in his office to help make his home more friendly for her indeed—and they prepare a hygiene pack of goodies in the bathroom, new shampoo and toiletries and some blankets on the couch.

He's a big minimalist, but ever since he'd been in her life, his home, car and even office was filled with remnants of her.

His favourite part of the day was when he'd finish having breakfast and leave for the office and how she'd always have a tea ready for him with a note on the cup, cheering him on. Like clock-work, she'll pull him to one of the storage rooms and kiss him—deeply, in the type of kiss that only makes him want to forget work and live in her arms forever. And then there was her smile as she'll mutter "what?" as though she hadn't just kissed him like the world was ending a few moments ago.

"Jungkook, have you really not dated anyone before?" Park Chaeyoung one day muses as they lay on the couch, snuggled as they watch a Korean drama that he honestly wasn't paying attention to.

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