When It Rains, It Pours.

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To be honest, Park Chaeyoung doesn't necessarily hate closing shift.

In fact, there was something oddly therapeutic about waiting for the crowds to die down, and cleaning up the small bakery after a long day serving customers. She'd actually found it sort of healing to have classical music playing in the background as she triple checked that all the electronic appliances were off, and did a final sweep and mop of the floor.

One of the most satisfying parts was when she was officially done, as she unwrapped the apron, moving it from around her waist onto the rack before taking her bag and keys and ready for the short drive home.

However, there was one exception.

Park Chaeyoung despises closing shift when it was bad weather, namely when it was thundering.

"Damn it," she curses, almost cutely, as she looks out and sees that it's absolutely pouring, making the afternoon look more like midnight with how dark it was.

Like a cue, the thunder suddenly strikes loudly, making her jump and instinctively hold onto her chest in surprise.

She hated it.

As Park Chaeyoung walks to her car (worried that running will make her slip and fall) she can't help but feel cold almost instantly—a combination of the wind, the cold raindrops against her skin and the way she'd finally gotten out of the heated bakery. Taking a moment to look down on herself as she presses the button of her keys, she sees that her white shirt was practically transparent and she's thankful that no one was around to see her.

"Damn it," she curses under her breath, as she fiddles with her key, the button not working as she suddenly understands what they meant when they said 'when it rains, it pours' as she starts cursing a little before she hears the sound of a car stopping behind her.

Instinctively, she reaches for her bag to cover her chest and stomach area, remembering that the rain was making her feel indecent before turning around, surprised to see a familiar car stopping by the side. Her heart beats instantly, eyes looking to observe who was inside, but knowing very well who it was before the window was complete turned down.

"Rosie, are you okay?"

Was she?

For the last few weeks, she's been absolutely hurt by the revelation that the love of her life wasn't who he said he was.

She had her heart ripped apart before, and the man in front of her simply took it and ripped it out again.

She nods, "... I'm fine, my key's just not cooperating."

She almost feels offended when he chuckles shaking his head, before he gets up and walks to her.

It had been so long, so long since she stood in front of him so close.

Before she could react, he holds out his keys and hands it to her, "... here, drive my car. You can leave the key with the receptionist at your apartment and I'll get someone to pick it up."

Her mind doesn't full comprehend what is happening until she feels the warmth of his hands onto hers, and before she could even protest, he begins walking away.

"Where are you going?" She can't help but call out, wondering why in that moment—she felt like she cared, cared about a man who was a liar.

"Don't worry about me," he gives her a reassuring smile, "... I'll get someone to pick me up at the nearby restaurant. Go home safely Rosie, make sure to turn on the seat warmers."

It happens so fast, her mind not even comprehending her actions as he hand reaches for his shirt.

"Jungkook," a name that felt so familiar, yet foreign, "... please take me home—I can't drive manual."


Jeon Jungkook feels like a pathetic loser at the fact that he purposely travels to the other side of Busan before heading home from work, just so that he can at least seek the bakery on his way back. Sometimes, he'd even get a glimpse of her blonde hair as she gets out to take out the trash, and even though he knows he's in no position to talk to her, it's suffice for what it is.

But on a raining night, he finds himself a little later than usual and to his surprise, he sees her on the side of the road, struggling with her car keys.

He'd warned her time and time again about fixing her car keys.

Jeon Jungkook already has his phone on speaker to Min Yoongi, telling him to pick him up at a nearby restaurant. He decides that at least, he should make sure she gets home safely—even if it cannot be him himself who takes her.

To his surprise, her hand reaches for his shirt as she asks him to take her back home.

As soon as he gets in the car, his hand leans back and reaches for his hoodie (the one he kept in the back of his car only because his ex-girlfriend used to always get cold when going out) and puts it on her lap, before turning up the seat warmers.

The car ride is completely silent, until they're approximately three streets away from her home.

"It's raining hard," she comments.

He simply nods, "... make sure you take a warm shower as soon as you get inside."

"Will you be okay to drive back home? It's far..." she muses, looking down on her lap.

"It's okay, I'm a man," he tells her, "... was the bakery busy today?"

She nods, "... thank you for taking me home."

Jeon Jungkook turns his head to face hers as they reach the traffic light, "... are you okay?"

She nods, "... slowly but surely. You? You don't look happy."

He's not.

How could he be?

"I'm sorry, Rosie. For everything," he simply whispers.

"Is it true?" She finally asks, "... that you killed Taehyung's family?"

He feels his heart tightening.

Jeon Jungkook wants to say no, knowing that he at least has a level of principle... but he cannot confirm for sure.

"We're still doing an eternal investigation to find out," he tells her, "... I don't believe in killing unnecessarily, especially of women and children, but it's possible it happened without me knowing."

She doesn't respond then, and it's only when they arrive at the lobby and she's reaching out for the car door that he notices the tears in her eyes.

Was he really that much of a monster.

No thank you.

She doesn't even look at him as she practically jumps out of the war in his hoodie.

Before he heads home, he sees a 23 texts and 29 missed calls from Min Yoongi who was waiting in the restaurant for the last 20 minutes, wondering where he was.

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