Gut Feeling.

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Park Chaeyoung wasn't the type of person who'd always had the right "gut feeling." 

Leaving her comfortable life in Melbourne, and buying a cafe space in what ended up being one of the most dangerous parts of town was surely not the peak of her "gut feelings" and neither was the fact that all her machinery broke down prematurely when she started her cafe. But something about James—the accent, the suspicious car and specifically the silver mag wheels didn't sit right.

It didn't feel right.

But Park Chaeyoung doesn't know whether she's really gotten crazy from everything—the loss of Min Yoongi, her recent activities in her boyfriend's organised crime unit as well as saying goodbye to her best friend Jennie Kim was just making her hallucinate. 

In recent days, she'd been feeling paranoid too, and Jeon Jungkook always assured her without hesitation, that he had the best security on her and that he'd never let anyone hurt her. 

As she does her best to walk as calmly as she can to the backroom, one of her staff looks at her in confusion.

"Are you okay, Rosie?" She questions her, "... you look like you saw a ghost."

Park Chaeyoung feels as though she's having a panic attack, and it finding it hard to stay calm.

"I'm okay, I just need some fresh air... I might go to the grocery and see what fruit is available," she notifies her, "... call me if it gets unexpectedly busy, okay?"

The staff nods and Park Chaeyoung quickly reaches for her phone, her hand on her boyfriend's contact number. 

She contemplates for a while but decides not to call him over fears that she may appear paranoid.

Quickly reaching for her tote bag, she puts her wallet and phone inside and heads outside. 

Unsurprisingly, James is right there and as she looks into his eyes, she can't help but feel it in her stomach, that he was not a good man.

"Is everything okay?" He questions her. 

She pauses for a second, knowing that the gentleman was probably trained to notice any sense of panic in her voice and expression. Forcing a smile to curl on the sides of her lips she nods, "... thinking of adding a new pie, so wanted to see what fruits are in season. You don't need to follow."

The gentleman scans her expression for a minute before looking at his watch, "... I'll drive you. Mr. Jeon wouldn't allow you to go alone."


If her instinct was correct, then things would certainly not end well if she was stuck in a vehicle with him.

One look at the car, at the very silver mag wheels, convinces her otherwise.

"Can we walk instead? I want some fresh air," she tells him as she points to the general direction of the store.

He nods.

Park Chaeyoung doesn't know why, but she reaches for her phone and holds it firmly in her hand. Any more tension and she might even break it.

"Do you know where Jungkook is right now?" She asks the man, his presence beside her feeling heavier than the weight of the world.

"He's in a meeting," the gentleman reports, "... at the headquarters, they're just started. Is something wrong?"

It dawns on her that if her gut feeling was right, there was no way he could save her.

He was on the other side of town.

"Just wanted to call him quickly to see what he wanted for dinner, thought I should think of it now while we're heading to the store, you know?" She tried her best to casually respond, but the fear in her chest was clearly evident. 

"It's best for you not to disturb him, the meeting just started." 

When the pair get to the store, Park Chaeyoung does her best to act normal. She looked around, seeing that there were a large number of security cameras.

But then again, if James was the enemy, it surely wouldn't stop him from hurting her in daylight. Her hands are shaky as she looks through the produce, picking up some blueberries and strawberries, before heading over to pick up some apples too. 

And then she has her idea. 

"James," she turns to him, seeing that he was holding her basket filled with produce.

Less than a few kilograms, but still enough to give her a headstart. 

"I want to get some—female produce, can you wait here? I'm ready to check out after that," she tells him.

He nods.

"No rush," he tells her.

Park Chaeyoung heads to the female hygiene section, hiding from his view.

She takes out her phone and sends him a text.

Something is not right. James. His car has silver wheels.

Not even a second passes and suddenly she sees him running after her. She panics, realising that he probably tracked or mirrored her phone and saw the message. 

Park Chaeyoung calls him as she drops her bag and runs out of the store.

Before Jeon Jungkook can even speak, she's yelling at her phone.

"It's him!  He's chasing me!"

He can hear Jeon Jungkook cursing on his phone before yelling at his staff to prepare the car. 

"Where are you Chaeyoung? Do you know your favourite date spot? I'll meet you therethrow your phone he'll probably track you with it."

Park Chaeyoung tacks and turns, but knows that with how tall the other man is, there is no hope.

"It's too far, I can't make it—— Jungkook, I love you. I love you so much"

"Don't say that. I won't let anyone touch you, I'm on my way, just try to stay hidden. Throw the phone away, I promise I'll find you."

"I can't," she shakes her head as she begins gasping for air as she runs, "... he's too fast. Jungkook, I love you, so much. If this is really the last moment for methen I want to spend it hearing your voice."

"I love you Chaeyoung, I'll find you I promise, just keep running."

"Tell my mum and dad that I love"

And then, Park Chaeyoung feels an arm grabbing her from behind.

Something is put over her mouth and nose, and suddenly, everything turns black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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