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It's difficult for Min Yoongi to see him like this.

In the years that he'd worked for Jeon Jungkook, he'd seen different sides to him. For example, when he was in a really, really bad mood he'd sleep around and purchase cars. Or if he was really angry, he'd be the one to personally torture people captured from other groups rather than his men.

But Jeon Jungkook was not angry, he simply spent the next few days sitting mindlessly at his chair. In meetings, he'd agree to anything that his team requested without even properly paying attention.

He seemed void of any emotion.

It had been a full week, and Jeon Jungkook shows no sign of getting better.

Min Yoongi cannot stand it any longer, he'd much prefer to see his boss using someone as a human punching bag than like this.

"Mr. Jeon," he clears his throat as he stands by the door, waiting to be addressed before taking a step closer to him.

Jeon Jungkook simply nods.

"Are you okay?"

The younger man shakes his head.

"You know," he takes a few steps forward, reaching out for the pamphlet that his wife had shown him last night, "... this weekend, she's hosting a bake sale and fundraising thing—they're asking for helping hands and donations."

"Send a cheque anonymous—"

"No, Mr. Jeon," he interrupts, "... they're taking donations for the garage sale. She asked the community to bring in clothes, electronics and other things in good condition that they'd like to give away—all profits will go to an organisation that focuses on helping children in Korea with disabilities."

Jeon Jungkook carefully inspects the pamphlet, "... I don't think she'll allow for me to be there."

"It's charity—as much as she might be upset with you, I think her love for the cause is greater and well, she's looking for all the help she can," he explains, "... maybe it's also an opportunity for you to show her another side to you, too."

Jeon Jungkook doesn't respond, he quickly gets up from his seat and heads out the office.

A few minutes later, an urgent meeting is called for all people in the group.

Jeon Jungkook sets the agenda and tells every single person to prepare at least two boxes of things to donate per person for the charity event.

Min Yoongi hopes it works, considering how for a brief second, he sees a glimmer of hope in his boss's eyes.


Park Chaeyoung finally sits down in the back staff room after what feels like hours of kneeling dough. As much as it was fun, she realises how tiring preparing such an event was but figured it was the last she could do, since she hadn't done anything to celebrate the bakery's one year anniversary. Growing up, she didn't have much, but one thing that her parents always instilled on her was that there was always an opportunity to give back, and that there was always people in the world that need love more than you.

"Chaeyoung, you should eat," Jennie Kim pushes the bowl of jajangmyeon in front of her, "... it's going to be busy and you won't get time later."

She's really thankful for Jennie Kim, who offered to help out for the entire day as well as all her part time staff who offered to help.

"I think I should go check out on the donations firs—"

"Chaeyoung, eat," she demands, pulling the girl back into her seat, "... or else you're literally going to collapse before the sale starts."

Her part timers laugh and agree.

"I hope things turn out well," she pouts slightly before opening the lid to her noodles, "... I'm so nervous."

"You literally baked a year's worth of cakes I think we'll be fine," Jennie Kim chimes in before looking at her phone, "... Yoongi said he'll be arriving in 5 minutes, they have some things to donate."

"Oh, really?" Park Chaeyoung blinks in surprise.

To be honest, a part of her felt bad about how she reacted and the fact that Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi stopped coming to the bakery made her feel guilty.

The older woman nods, "... their company will help out too, Jungkook forced everyone to pause work for the day—about 35 men."

"Thirty five?!"

Jennie Kim nods.

"That's so many," she sounds surprised.

"So you don't need to stress, Chaeyoung. You have plenty of manpower," Jennie Kim smiles, "... now eat, apparently they brought a lot of things so we have a lot to prepare when they arrive."

She wonders whether it's okay that her stomach feels as though there were a million butterflies in her stomach.


Jeon Jungkook cannot help but stare after seeing her for so long. She looked as beautiful as he recalls, wearing a long sleeved black shirt and black skinny jeans. An effortless beauty. Even with her simple attire, she was truly breathtaking, her hands against her hips as she furrows her brows together, perplexed at the situation.

"There—there's so many boxes, did you guys raid an entire warehouse?" She comments in pure shock as his men begin unloading the countless cars of boxes as she takes a step closer and begins opening them, to see a never-ending stream of either almost new or actually new designer pieces (some still with tags), "... this is too much."

"It's okay, they're clothes that we don't wear anymore," Jeon Jungkook lies, "... and it's for a good cause, we're here to help too we all took the day off work."

Park Chaeyoung nods, still very shocked at the entire situation.

"Thank you, Jungkook... and your workers too, this is really a lot," a nervous smile moves across her lips, "... we'll be dividing the team into two—half for the bake sale and half for the garage sale. Maybe your guys can help Jennie with the garage sale? Since—they're all, really fit men and there may be heavy lifting involved if customers need help carrying their purchases?"

He nods, turning to Min Yoongi, "... once all the boxes are unloaded, get everyone to help set up for the garage sale."

The older male nods before turning to the others, giving them orders.

Just as she was about to leave, he reaches his hand out to her.

"Chaeyoung, I want to say sorry about what happened the other day. I've reflected it a lot—and I know I was wrong, and it won't happen again," he tells her.

Min Yoongi from afar almost drops a box, hearing the Jeon Jungkook apologising first hand.

"I'm sorry too, maybe I over reacted a little bit," she tells him, "... truce?"


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