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Jennie Kim is too stunned to even speak.

She turns to her husband to see that he too, has barely touched his food.

Confusion really does make you lose your appetite.

In the two years that she had come to learn of Jeon Jungkook, not once would she ever imagine the day where he could openly invite the couple to have breakfast together over coffee yet somehow, there they were at 10am after the morning rush sitting in a café making small talk with the young café owner near their home.

Perhaps, pigs can fly.

"Is the pastry no good?" Park Chaeyoung's facial expression falls into sadness, looking concerningly at the croissant, French toast and muffins that we barely touched by the couple.

Min Yoongi can feel his bosses glaring at him, causing for adrenaline to rush through his system as he suddenly picks up the pastry and practically devoured it in his mouth like some sort of unspoken communication. He had a feeling that if he caused the young woman to frown any more, that his hands would be cut off.

"No, of course not Rosie!" Jennie Kim confirms as she takes a bite, "... it's really good, as always! We're just surprised, to be honest—Mr. Jeon rarely takes us for breakfast."

She feels a tug under the table by his husband, warning her that her words were wrong.

"W—what I mean is, that since Mr. Jeon and my husband are very busy in the mornings, we rarely have breakfast together," she "clarifies," quickly sensing a set of eyes at him before briefly turning to glance at his husband's boss to see his lips pressed together firmly, containing his words.

Somehow, she finds this conversation too dangerous to screw up.

"Jungkook, you need to be nicer to your employees," she pouts playfully, "... I always eat with our part timers, and have them be the first to try out new recipes."

"Mr. Jeon is a great boss," Min Yoongi comments, doing his best to somehow act as though his words weren't forced, "... he's really great."

"Do you make all your employees call you Mr. Jeon, Jungkook? That's so scary," she jokes, a half laugh departing from her lips.

"No," he chimes in, "... they only call me that in the office, but like to jokingly say it outside. Yoongi and Jennie, please, as I've said—feel free to call me Jungkook when we're outside of the office."

Jennie Kim thinks that indeed, the world was coming to an end.

A few minutes later, Park Chaeyoung excuses herself to tend to some customers and when she was out of sight, Jeon Jungkook glares at the older man.

"From now on, you must call me Jungkook especially in front of Rosie," he demands, "... also, every morning—but after rush hour, we must have breakfast, at least coffee together here. No exceptions. I will meet you both here in the morning and we will drive off to the office afterwards. Got it?"

Jennie Kim does all that she can to hold in her laugh, but can't lie in saying she's glad that finally, her husband can start waking up later for work.

"Mr. Jeon—I mean, J—Jungkook," Min Yoongi brings up, "... but what about our morning schedules?"

"All morning schedules must be cleared to lunch time, at least the things that cannot be handled by others," Jeon Jungkook decides, "... any who, please finish your food you will offend Rosie."

It became a new routine—coffee and brunch with the couple, coffees for the other staff and Park Chaeyoung sneakily giving him a few extra goodies for the drive back to the office.

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