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So apparently (I still don't get tags and how to check help) Ruthless Game kicked my Expected fic off the top rosekook list? This chapter is a big thank you for that! <3


Jeon Jungkook wonders whether the tightening pain across his chest as he sees her is what they would call heartbreak.

He was leaving the private dining room with his men, clad fully in black suits from head to toe when he sees a familiar set of dark eyes and blonde hair, sitting at one of the public tables by the window. It feels as though the world simply froze for a moment in time as he took his time to look at her from head to toe, bright blonde waves, a baby blue summer dress that flowed till mid-thigh and small heels (maybe only 2-3cm at most if he were to estimate). One thing he notices is that she was wearing earrings—small hoops.

She never did in the bakery.

Jeon Jungkook felt as though she was the most beautiful woman in the world when she was simply wearing an apron, hair slightly messy with remnants of flour over her skin and hair but this was a work of art in itself.

She was absolutely captivating.

Her beguiling beauty caused for him to stop in his tracks, causing a few of his men to bump into him from behind at the sudden stop.

"Mr. Jeon, is everything okay?"

He turns to see his men looking at him in confusion.

"Go to the car, I'll be out in 3 minutes," he tells them, waiting until every single one of them leaves before he makes the steps towards her.

Only, he finds out she's not alone.

By the time he approaches her, she's getting out of her seat, clinging onto her purse as the gentleman across the table from her pays for their food.

He didn't quite get as good of a look on him as he did her, but he could tell that he was very handsome. Straight out of a movie type handsome.

From the distance, he watches as she thanks him before he escorts her outside, holding the back of her waist as he opened the door for her.

He wonders, whether he'd gotten rejected before he even gotten a chance to tell her how he feels...


Min Yoongi notices that the two are complete opposites this morning.

Park Chaeyoung is vibrant and effervescent as she smiles at them, giving some extra cupcakes with their order. Under her apron she's wearing a bright yellow shirt, matching her energy.

Meanwhile, Jeon Jungkook was wearing a black suit with glasses over his head (even indoors) and he doesn't even greet her, simply walking straight to the table.

It was unlike him.

Even so, he notices how his boss still stares at her from afar, despite his sharp attitude.

"Are you okay?" He questions him, only to be met by silence.

He knows, it'll be a long day at work today.

The three eat in complete silence for the first ten minutes, before someone walks through the door.

Min Yoongi notices because suddenly, Jeon Jungkook bangs his fisted hand on the table, causing for a thump to surprise him and his wife. He turns to see where his bosses eyes (or sunglasses) were directed to, only to see a tall and attractive man on the other side who instantly makes small talk with her.

"Yoongi," Jeon Jungkooks voice is low and bitter, "... find everything about this man that you can. I want to know his weaknesses."

"Of course," he responds, taking a few sneaky photos before the man disappears out, but taking a few boxes of desserts made by Park Chaeyoung.

Moments later, Park Chaeyoung rushes over in excitement to the three.

"Guess what?"

Jennie Kim smiles at her friend, "... why are you so cheery today?"

"Did you see that guy just there?" She starts before turning to see Jeon Jungkook, "... are you okay why are you wearing sunglasses indoors?"

Min Yoongi has to hold onto his laugh as he watches as Jeon Jungkook, without a single complaint takes off the glasses. Behind them, he can see that his brows are furrowed. He wasn't as happy as he ordinarily was when he saw her.

"Sorry Rosie, he's had a long night at the office," Min Yoongi lies for him, knowing that the woman was someone who was really in tune with everyone's vibe, "... so what about him?"

"He's been a regular of mine for a while, his name is Kim Taehyung," she explains, as Min Yoongi notices how Jeon Jungkook suddenly lifts his coffee, clutching very tightly on the glass that he's almost certain that any more strength will make it break, "... his family owns a lot of real estate in Busan and Seoul."

"Oh that's great," Jennie Kim chimes in.

Min Yoongi notices the glare his wife gets from Jeon Jungkook on the other side.

"Well yesterday we had a short lunch together to discuss the technicalities, but he's wanting to open a branch in Seoul! Isn't that great?" She excitedly speaks before twisting her fingers together, "... fingers crossed it works out, at first he'd asked to buy the recipes from me but he's considering just opening another branch in Seoul, and we'll have a system of shares of profit. It's great, isn't it?"

"Well done Rosie, I hope it works out," Min Yoongi smiles at her, stepping on his bosses shoe from under the table to cue that he should say something.

"That's great, Rosie," he tells her.

She turns to him, "... guess you won't be the only businessperson around here."

Min Yoongi almost chokes on his coffee, wanting to laugh.

"Of course, if you need business help you can ask Jungkook at any time," Jennie Kim says.

Just as they were about to finish, Jeon Jungkook finally tells her.

"I—I actually saw you yesterday at the restaurant," he informs her.

She looks at him a bit confused, "... why didn't you say hi? Oh—you were the one with the men in black? We were thinking maybe the President or something was here, I should've known it was you since you always have bodyguards around."

Jeon Jungkook feels stupid for assuming the worse.

"Here you go," Park Chaeyoung hands him a box of pastries, "... I put a few extras for you to share with your employees since it seems as though you're having a rough day."

He doesn't feel so moody after all.


"Break off his arms," Jeon Jungkook commands, "... gather all our team in finance and make them all watch as it happens, I want everyone to see what happens when you double cross me."

Min Yoongi nods as he speaks through the Bluetooth earpiece, calling for a meeting with the fiancé team in one of the halls in the building.

They'd just found out that one of the men in charge of finance was secretly embezzling funds from the Jeon Group and while a few hundred thousands weren't that big of a deal for him specifically, it was the principle that mattered.

"Do another investigation too, to see if there are others," he demands from them, "... and do the same if any is caught. Warn them that anyone who is caught from this moment on, will have more than just their limbs missing."

"On it," Min Yoongi replies as he does a slight bow, taking steps outside of the office so that he could do as ordered.

"And one more thing—" he notes, "... don't forget that the Spring Festival is next week. Rosie is really looking forward to it."

Min Yoongi wonders whether it's her or him, that's actually more excited.

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