Stress Baking.

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The day is a complete disaster.

Jeon Jungkook doesn't think his day can get any worse, but alas, it does.

The only positive from his day was a morning spent with Park Chaeyoung, and earning his first unofficial date with her but after that, everything went downhill.

When he arrived in the office he was informed that out of his latest shipment of luxury cars, fourteen vehicles were "missing" and no one wanted to be responsible. That already put him in a bad mood, because he'd been wanting a specific car for a few weeks now and alongside the long process times, for fourteen cars to go missing did not look good for his team. Then, he found out that there was a security breach in his system and IT still couldn't find information on the people behind the hack. It wasn't even lunch time when he got more bad news that took him over the edge, hearing that ten of his men were injured in what was meant to be a simple drugs exchange. He's even more agitated when he finds out that his men weren't able to find information on Park Chaeyoung's background, because supposedly she'd grown up overseas and so they needed a couple more days.

I don't have a couple of days! I have a date with her tomorrow, and I need to know what she likes!

You could say that outside of the sweet muffin and latte he had in the morning, the rest of the world was against him.

"Yoongi," he practically growls as he closes his folder shut, getting up from his seat, "... I'm leaving now, tell everyone to sort their shit out by the end of this week or else. Prepare the car and book a room at Signiel Busan."

There's a look of worry on Min Yoongi's face, thinking that his boss was going back to his old ways.


Jeon Jungkook has three ways of handling stress.

Firstly, he bought cars.

But well, his men were apparently incapable of doing just that.

Secondly, he smoked.

But with the latest cases on COVID-19, he admits he'd been getting more paranoid day by day and thinks he should reserve it for social events.

Thirdly, he fucked.

Jeon Jungkook indulges hard sometimes, and women were no exception. When he was particularly stressed, he'd sleep with 3-4 girls in a week but generally, 1-2 a week would suffice. Since meeting Park Chaeyoung, he had stopped though—not intentionally however, more because he'd been in a good mood.

For a while, Min Yoongi thinks that perhaps, he's a changed man.

His thoughts were wrong.

Jeon Jungkook however, regrets his decision almost instantly because even after the blonde woman orgasms three times, he hasn't even once. The entire time, he has a sense of guilt swimming in the back of his mind, thinking that somehow, everything feels so wrong. Unconsciously too, he's thinking of another woman, and how much different they were—and how different things would be had it been her, despite their similar hair colours.

He gives up.

Jeon Jungkook cuts the night short and as he heads towards the elevator door with the other woman (who's name he simply cannot remember nor cares for) his eyes practically jump from their sockets when they land into another woman sharing the elevator with him.



Jeon Jungkook regrets everything when he hears the confusion in her soft voice, and the way her eyes blink in surprise, analysing the marks across the other woman's neck.

"Rosie," he lets out a nervous half-laugh that feels more like he's chocking, "... w—what are you doing here?"

The blonde woman is silent for a moment before she suddenly snaps into reality, a smile on her face, "... oh, yes. We actually had a catering event today, thankfully. One of our regular customers has an event in the ballroom here and he recommended our bakery, so we've been super busy preparing for that!"

"That's really great," he tells her.

Just then, the elevator door opens.

"Well, it was nice seeing you Jungkook, and your girlfriend," he does a polite bow.

"She's not my girlfr—"

But Park Chaeyoung has already rushed out.

Jeon Jungkook feels like a stupid man.

A very, very stupid man.

And he hates how even when he gets home, all he can think about was how confused and disappointed her eyes seemed when they looked at him.


The next morning, when the three come in to have their usual, he's surprised to be greeted by one of her part-timers. Usually, they would have their break after the morning rush but for some reason, they were working and Park Chaeyoung was nowhere to be found.

He feels bad.

"Is Rosie not in today?" He tries hard to look casual as he hands his card to the staff, clearing his throat.

"Oh, Rosie isn't feeling that well today so she's in the back stress-baking, it's how she handles her stress" the young woman explains, "... would you like a receipt?"

Perhaps he needs to handle his stress by baking too.

He shakes his head, "... can you tell her we came in? We're her regulars."

The woman nods, "... we'll let her know."

Jeon Jungkook cannot hide his disappointment when he sits with Min Yoongi and Jennie Kim, and they too notice that something is wrong. He explains what happened, causing for Jennie Kim, who is deceptively small, to hit him across the arm.

"You're stupid, do you know what?" She rolls her eyes at him, ignoring the concerned looks coming from her husbands arms, "... Yoongi has warned you time and time again to stop sleeping around yet you never listen. It's pathetic really."

Jeon Jungkook lets out a sigh.

He can't be angry, knowing that she's right.

Min Yoongi too, doesn't dare to comment.

After about fifteen minutes of awkward silence, Jennie Kim finally gets up and heads to the back of the café. She can't stand to see him being such a loser.

Twenty minutes pass and all their food and drinks have been consumed, before the two girls emerge from the back.

Jeon Jungkook can't hide the blush across his cheeks, seeing her nervously hold onto the older woman's arm. She had flour all over her cheeks and little in her hair.

"Good morning Yoongi and Jungkook, sorry it's been a busy morning I didn't have the chance to come out," she bows slightly.

He notices that her eyes only dare to look at the couple, and not at him.

"Not sure if you're baking food or yourself, you have so much flour on you," Min Yoongi comments, earning a suppressed, yet just as heavenly giggle from her lips.

"I'm working on new recipes," she explains before excusing herself, "... I need to head back, thank you for coming. I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

Jeon Jungkook gets up, holding out his hand.

"I'll see you this evening, you promised to help me choose a present," he reminds her.

She looks at him, a little uncertain.


And after what feels like a lifetime of silence, she finally agrees.

"Okay, I'll see you at 6." 

what could possibly go wrong, right? 

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