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I'm so happy with life. I'm just about seven months pregnant. I've been spending some quality time with Bryce. Life has been great. I'm mostly impressed by Bryce. He's been here for everything and he's did this complete three-sixty. I couldn't be more happy.

I had still been helping out as best as I could as far as with Nana. I got the books all in order. Ive. Den booking events. I had been keeping up with inventory too. All this being from home. I've gotten our ratings up. The more people know about our business is great. That gets the money making people in our mix. Everything was going smoothly. I'm overly proud of all the hard work. Nana is balancing multiple businesses and from where I can tell she has it all together.


I hear my doorbell while sitting in the living room folding laundry. I saw from my door security camera that it was Nana. I had just remembered that she had told me she was heading back. I was excited to see how her alone time with Semaj.

"Hey Baby Mama." Nana kissed and hugged me. Then rubbed all over my big belly. I just smiled and laughed. This girl was absolutely crazy. But I loved her.
"You are a mess. Girl , how was your little vacation?" I asked. We sat down. I was ready to hear the tea. I wasn't about to let her hold back a thing.

As we got settled. I saw a different look in Nana's eyes. Something was definitely on her mind.

I feel like deep down Semaj and Nana have been getting back closer in the course of them speaking again. Secretly I know Nana's feelings are slowly but for surely coming back. Nana on the other hand says absolutely nothing. Then she went finally speak.

"It was okay. We had fun. We handled some business. We got this new connect and he got us running a car dealership. I got my own business. Well like three. I definitely will help and pitch in from time to time. We was really a vacation it it was a good to be back to my favorite city. "Nana explained.

"We'll what did y'all get into?" I pushed for more.
"We'll we went to a few clubs. We went shopping. Took me out for a few dates. It was casual."

Nana just sat there lying to my face and I knew it. It was clear as day that they were definitely more into each other. They have been extremely in love with each other. I know they were getting they freak on of course. But Nana ain't trying to make it obvious.

"I hope you don't think you fooling me? I know y'all fucked. It's all over you face." I just looked to see if she would fold.
"I mean yeah a few times but not the whole time. I'm all over the place with your cousin." Nana started.
"I love Cameron to death. But the love I have with your Semaj. I won't have for nobody else. I feel for him. But at the same time I can't keep getting hurt by him. I didn't go through that with Cameron. So I won't with him."
"I hear you. I always tell you , do what's in your heart. I believe Cameron would of wanted you to be happy. So if you feel Ike Semaj is the person that will make you happy then I will understand. Even if he isn't."

"I know. I just feel stuck. I don't know anything anymore." Nana started crying. I got up and sat next to her and held her in my arms. She was holding in a lot of things I can tell. She had a a lot on her plate , it get harder to pretend to be okay when things are all wrong.

"I feel like this back and forth with Trina had been crazy. I'm tired of crying I'm tired sleepless nights. I keep send my kids away to family because I work and I need to be able to do whatever else I got to do. Sadly I feel like horrible mother. Then a at the same time Semaj keeps saying things will be different but I'm so drained."
Nana broke down. I could tell that she had been holding back a lot but I saw her glossy eyes and I could tell she was drinking. Nana is more emotional when she drinks and I always make sure to be there to wipe her tears. I truly love her.

On the other hand, I couldn't even fathom losing Bryce. He is my unborn child's father. I know I will one day marry this man. I love him with all I got. Nana going through that just shows me how strong she is because I would be losing my mind. I know why she feels like she is under ally of pressure.

Sometimes it's not so easy to just let everything go. With Semaj I know he is my cousin. He is a great father to his kids. He is a great provider. Those things are good with him but when it's bad it's real bad.  He has ways that can be a lot at times. Nana definitely deserves better.

"Since I met him I've loved him unconditionally. I want to give him another chance. I was so happy with Cameron. I just don't want to be forcing Semaj to be something he isn't." Nana explained. I felt her pain.

Trust me a lot of women get a moment like that. It's at least at one point in a woman's life. When she will feel like he can't understand. It's not all men but most that will never understand how it feels to want them for what he is , no matter what. Even after he caused so much damage to your heart. You still love them. It can have you always second guessing. In most case some individuals end up settling for the men. Feel miserable.

Nana in my eyes was never a Trina because she always stood beside Semaj. She supports him and plays her part to assist him when he needs backup. She really put my cousin first. I love how she took his son and made Prince like one her own. Since they first met. Nana is definitely everything any man would ever want. But she clearly stuck on his love. Sadly he can't see a good thing right in his face.

"Semaj is my cousin but on some real shit. He will always continue to do what you allow. If you want him this time around. Then you put you're foot down. Demand him to prove himself. He clearly loves you we both know that, but he has to get over being on bullshit. Just grow up already. Im actually hoping you guys make it work."

I leaned in and gave her a warm hug. I felt so bad for Nana. We didn't have a good relationship in the beginning but we are now best friends. Semaj has grat. thing I hope he really gets it together. I want to see them give this another try. It's not even because he's my cousin. Or I'm trying to vouch for him or anything. I can say , I always adore them two they had a ever lasting love that I loved. Them two together was s perfect match. Most of all it was all real, nothing was fake about how deep in love they are , and have been recently.

Nana left to get hole to get some rest. She said she had some things to get into tomorrow. She also said she wanted get me out of the house for a little and get some lunch. I'm tired of this bed rest shit anyways so I told her I would see her later.

and I talked for a while she told me more about Semaj and this Jacob guy. They will be working with some dealership. These two are both very busy people with them both running business

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