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I feel a little more relaxed since I got back from L.A. I missed my babies so I had all the kids to myself. I made sure I took some time out for them. I know they missed me too. I even had Prince and Amelia too.

I still try to be in Amelia's life , because I grew a love for her like she was my own. Sadly her mother wasn't around. That always bothered me. Even after Cameron passed. I still do my best to help with whatever.

Tonight was going to be a family night. I cooked dinner. Semaj got a few games for us to play as a family. I had the kids pick out a movie for end of the night. I know I'm always busy, So I wanted to makeup for lost times. Before it was too late.

While I started dinner I had the kids chill and do something to keep out of my way. So I could get everything set up. Tonight was going good until I could hear my kids fighting upstairs.

"YOU GIVE ME MY DOLL BACK! NOVA GIVE IT BACK!" I hear Princess screaming and hollering.

I was hopeful that tonight would be a smooth ride. I should of known that with a house full of kids something was bound to happen.

Soon Princess came running downstairs crying. She was clearly very upset. Her and Nova were close in age but still far apart. Even though Nova was the youngest. Princess was really the baby of the house in everyone's eyes.

"Mommy, Nova took my doll and won't give it back." Princess explained. I knew Nova wouldn't just pick a fight with his sister. I know my kids so well that I knew it was more to the story.  I just know that Princess love bothering her brother and he is messing with her now. It was the same thing all the time with these two.

Still I had to get to the bottom of this. So I had to console her and wipe her tears. Then I called Nova downstairs.
"Nova come here please." I called him down. He came walking down with this look on his face. I've seen it a lot lately. I can tell he's upset and hurting. I don't know what to do to get through to him. I want him to open up. It seems like he just pushes farther away.

"Why are you messing with your sister?" I asked.
"Mom you didn't even see what happened. She was in my room while we are playing the game messing with us." Nova explained. I always make sure to listen to both sides but I already knew what it was. I definitely know my kids they are not all saints. They sneaky for sure , definitely my baby girl Princess.
"Now Princess look at me." I said with a stern voice to warn her that I'm serious. She looked me in my eyes with this scared look. My looks and tones scare my kids enough. It doesn't take much to get my point across.
"Why are you messing with your brothers. They are not bothering you. Take your doll and go play. Leave them alone, please?"
"Yes mommy." Princess replied with a soft low voice. Then look down at her feet. She felt a little embarrassed that I ended up getting on her instead.

"Nova give her the doll back and go back to your game. She is not going to bother you guys for the rest of the night." I looked at the both of them to see if we all were on the same page. He threw the doll on the floor. Then stomped away.

Before I knew it , I instantly jumped up and had to check him. I definitely thought he lost his mind.
"NOVA YOU MUST OF LOST YOUR MIND! YOU COME DOWN HERE AND GIVE IT TO HER THE RIGHT WAY!" I yelled. He stopped in his tracks and walked back down and past me and picked up the doll. Then placed it in her hand.
"Here. Are you happy you big baby." Nova walked upstairs and I just let him. He was clearly feeling some way about something. It damn sure wasn't the doll. Or his sister. I just didn't have the time to fight with him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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