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With store number two already opened and running. I was on the roll to collect tons of money in my investments. Life for me was great at first. Then things all went downhill so fast. A year ago I caught Cameron cheating on me with this girl from Atlanta. I was hurt as me being his wife I couldn't understand where I went wrong. I had given all he asked of me and even took him in holy matrimony. He damaged our relationship from that point on.

I tried to make things work but with no effort from him it wasn't working. I had been arguing and fighting with him to get to the bottom of his actions but still nothing. After having Nova. It was going great then suddenly he went missing for five days and then came back and never said why? From there he began a long list of things to destroy our marriage. He cheated, lied, disregarded my feelings and did whatever made him happy. I was holding it together for the kids but it was harder and harder to hide us fighting.

I left the kids with their dad. Nova was with his grandmother for the week so I had time to go handle a business run. More like an investigation. I had been snooping in Cameron's phone and I found out he was going to be in LA with some chick and I wanted to catch him with the hoe since he thinks they can treat him better than I have.

I was furious after kicking Semaj to the curb for this man. Cameron would cheat on me and lie to me about his own choices. It was time to see how he really was living in LA.
When I landed I check in my hotel and I took a shower and laid down and went to sleep. I was over being treated unfair. I had to make the decision of getting a divorce or trying to make it work once again. But I was all fight out so it was no telling I didn't want that divorce more than anything right this second.

When I woke up the next morning I took a drive from the hotel to Cameron's old house in LA. He told me he had sold it and I believed him until I got word that he had been creeping out with different women there. I checked the status of the house and he still did owned it , so I had to do some sneaking around to see what he had going on here in LA.

When I got to house I saw his car parked outside. I had goosebumps just thinking of the things he could be doing. I knew it was huge possibility that he had another woman in the house. I approached the house and gave it a knock. Then I banged on the door screaming.
"CAMERON! GET YOUR CHEATING ASS OUT HERE NOW! YOU REALLY A PIECE OF SHIT!" I screamed. Eventually he came to the door. He was furious that I found out where he was. I pushed him out the way and walked in. I saw he had breakfast being prepared. I walked upstairs I seen a woman laying on the bed. She was confused to see me and I couldn't take my eyes off her stomach. It was huge. I didn't move or say a word. When Cameron came in the room he saw me staring at her stomach. The chick stood up and I had a full clear view of her perfectly big round belly. She had to be at least eight months.

"Is that your baby?" I asked.
"What? What are you going here?" Cameron asked. I pulled out my gun and I point at him. She began to cry out and plead. I gave her a look of disgust.
"Now I'm going to ask you again is that your baby?"
"Yes." He said in a low but loud enough voice for me to hear. I was so furious I took off. I wanted to put a bullet in his skull right at that second. Catching him cheating was the plan but I didn't know that he was going to be this deep in shit. He had gotten another woman pregnant and I had no idea.

I drove back to the hotel and began to pack my things. Cameron was blowing up my phone but I didn't know what I was going to do. I had to get out of LA before I committed murder. I drove my rental back to the rental shop then I got and Uber to the airport then caught a flight back home.

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