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I sat on the floor and held the phone to my ear. Still not trying to believe that what happened actually happened. My heart was beating uncontrollably. I was numb. I was angry. I tried so hard to not let my family fall apart because of this mess. I wiped my tears and stood up. I took a deep breath then I walked to get my stuff.

I went to my
Bedroom and grabbed my sweater and my black timberlands and my glock. It was time to catch up. Before I take a trip to my husband. I had a few people to pull up on.

I grabbed my keys and my phone and I left the house. As I'm driving to my destination, I'm just trying to wrap my head around how this hoe was getting too bold. It was time I turned it up a notch. So I took a drive over to Trina's best friend Asia's house.
I heard they were dead close so I figure if she wants to touch mine. That hers can be touch too. So it was time we go body for body. I took my glock and and got out the car and didn't wait for a answer I started shooting at the door.. then I kicked the door open.

Asia sat on the couch with her daughter . I was not okay with hurting kids so I wasn't going to be nasty and cold heated. Not to the baby.

"Bitch! Who the fuck are you?" Asia asked covering her baby.
"Bitch don't act like  Trina ain't discussed my name to you before. So you should stop playing games with me." I was pointing my gun in her face and I got more upset that Cameron was gone and I snapped.

"Bitch! I'm done playing games with y'all hoes."
I waved the gun around. Pacing back and forth.
I was never some type thug. Or even a gangster but I was never about to let another bitch ever come at me the way I allowed Trina. This bitch has took my husband away and I had let her know what I was really capable of.

"Look Trina and you got beef not me. I have a daughter and I love her."
"Did you know why Trina went to LA?"
"Please?" Asia pleaded.
"I asked a question. Did you? Or did you not?"
"I knew why. But I told her it was a bad idea but she wasn't trying to listen. Yes that's my best friend but her actions have nothing to do with me. And damn sure not my daughter. Please don't hurt us." Asia explained. I took the moment to think. I was still feel like someone needed to feel my pain. I didn't care who it was. I took the baby out of her arms and I held the gun to Asia's head. She began to cry and plead even more.
"Please? You don't have to do this. I swear to you. This is not on me or my daughter."
"Hoe shut  up. Since that's you're bestie. Then her problems are your problems. You knew she was going to LA to kill my husband. She's also took his unborn child's life. Along with the mother of the baby. I have no mercy for no one ."
"I had nothing to do with that. Please."
"You'll see your bestie in hell bitch!"
I left the crying baby covered in blood in her mother's arms. I looked at Asia's
dead body and I knew this blood war had only just began. I was ready to lay everybody breathing who played me. Or had any part in anything to do with Trina.

I gave Semaj a call and he didn't answer. So I called drove to Danny's house. She was laid in the bed with her boy friend Keith.
"Hey Nana, you okay?" Danny asked.
"She just killed him. While we were on the phone." I started to crying just by hearing myself talk about it. I fell to the floor and Danny caught me in her arms and we sat on the floor together crying.
"Who? What happened?" Danny asked."
"Cameron and his babymother is dead."
"And the baby?" Danny began to cry just as hard as me.
"Yes Trina killed them." I cried and so did Danny and Keith eventually came downstairs to see what the fuss was about. It was hours later that I found myself not crying but hurt. I had Trina in my mind and I wanted to get her more than ever.
"Nana? What we gonna do?" Danny asked.
"I have to go to LA and I want you to come with me."
"Of course."
"I will bury my husband and his babymother and I will do whatever it takes to get that rat ass bitch in my hands. That's the plan just know she'll be hurt too.I got  a dead body already wait for her when she comes home."
"Wait what'd?"
"I killed her best friend Asia and that's just to start its plenty more people I need to pull up on and you coming with me."
"You damn right we have to get this bitch."
"Oh I will. And I promise you I won't miss." I got up and walked out Danny's house and went to my car. I needed to make a few stops before LA.

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