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We landed in the afternoon and we got a chance to see a little daylight before it got dark. Since the kids were hungry we went to get settled in our on and order room service. The kids were having fun and enjoying the luxury vacation so far.

"We going to the beach tomorrow guys!" I cheered they jumped up and down the bed and cheered too.
"Yay! Daddy sippy sippy." Amelia said. Amelia drunk out of sippy cups still and she Called it sippy sippy.
"Alright hold on baby girl."
I saw Cameron looking frustrated so I grabbed her sippy cup for him and continued to lay with the kids. We order room service and and enjoyed some family time watching a movie together. The kids fell asleep super quick and luckily Princess was sleep since I had gave her a bottle a hour ago .
Cameron laid in bed rubbing my feet while we watched the movie together. I could feel some discomfort and distance from him but I was going to not force him to tell me what's wrong.

Okay He was going to tell me when he was mm ready.
We fell asleep and woke up to the baby crying. I made her a nice bottle and I gave it to her to hold. She was about to be nine months and she was holding her own bottle and growing teeth my baby girl was growing fast.

We went out to get breakfast and show the kids some pretty views and sites. Cameron was enjoy the vacation and so was the rest of us. I was desss happy things were working out as planed. We were relaxing and focused on us.

After taking them walking around the resort the kids were sound asleep. Camron and I took the time to have some bomb nasty shower sex. After our shower we laid up in the bed cuddle up for bed. I feel asleep in his arms and it's like the best feeling.

For the next few days we did some more site seeing. We went to the carnivals that were in town and the kids played some of the games. Cameron even won me a giant teddy bear which was sweet. Even though the Bahamas was lovely and had some great features like their awesome beaches and family events. It was our last night and we wanted to end it with a nice family dinner. Camron took us to Bahamas Grill. I thought food was great. The kids was too busy enjoying their food they didn't even bother to talk to us.

"Nana I want you to know I love you with all my heart and I really can't wait to get back home and make you my wife." Cameron said. He rubbed my hand that rested in his palm.

"I love you too baby." I smiled.
"Can you be honest with me and tell me about Semaj?" Cameron's asked. I didn't know what to say at first. I knew my mom was right it was soon before they will ask about each other and I'll have to them the truth. Cameron could either stay or leave after the truth and that's something I didn't want to risk.

"Semaj is my child's father I'm helping with his business and stuff because I remember what it was like to be down and have nobody. Simple." I went back to eating. I could tell that Cameron didn't believe me.

When we got to the room Camron helped put the kids to bed. While I was on the balcony smoking by myself, Cameron came to join me. He sat down with his drink and gave me the look of someone who was upset. I tried to hide my tears but for some reason I was emotional and I couldn't figure out why? Cameron took another sip if his drink then finally spoke.
"Why you crying? You got something you want to tell me? That you haven't been telling me this whole time? I know when something doesn't feel right. What is
I couldn't hold back anymore it was time I set the record straight.
"Cameron I don't want this conversation to be the ending of our relationship. I want us to be honest with each other and fix our issues. I admit I'm somewhat still in love with mob him. I can't see him down like that without no one. So I took on the role to be there to show him how much I cared and how much I was willing to risk and do for him."
"For what if that isn't your Nigga? I'm your man and you worried about another nigga approving of you and the shit you do for him?"
"Camron just listen before you get to jumping to conclusions. Semaj promised forever. I was raped and it fucked up my trust bad. Semaj was the first man who I ever  fuck after my first raped. It was like him taking my virginity all over. I gravitated to him and I grew these strong feeling for him. Then I got pregnant and things went wrong. I lost the baby he started cheating and lying. Then we grew apart and I felt like I was nothing without him because he practically gave me this whole new life."
"Okay do you feel like you owed him for that? He was you're supposed to be there for you like that. It was his job."
"When I got pregnant for the second time he dragged me through hell and I was broken and I found you and you fixed me. You took me and showed what it was like to be respected and really loved. Semaj taught me how to not love everybody and to be careful who you give your heart to. You taught me to love myself first then love others. You are the man I know I can have a family with and be happy with for the rest of my life. It was times I thought I would rather be with Semaj because I really loved him but he isn't man enough to handle the things way you do." I explained.
"I don't know what to think. How do I know you not just using me until he get out?"
"Cameron I'm pregnant." I blurted out. Cameron didn't have anything else to say after that. I went to sit on my knees in front of him. He looked me in my eye and I couldn't do nothing but cry. I didn't know for sure I was pregnant but with the mood swings , heavy appetite and being extra tried.
"I'm late about a week to my period and I thought it was because of stress but with me crying every five seconds I'm definitely starting to think I'm pregnant."
"So what does that mean?"
"Baby's that means if I was trying to use you until he get home. Would I be planning a wedding for something that's not long term or would I be possibly expecting a baby which is another long term commitment?"
"So you in this for the long run and you here to stay?
"Yes always and forever. Semaj is old news. It's all about our family."
"That's right come here sexy." Cameron kissed and hugged all over me and continued to talk to my belly. With a possible baby number two on the way I needed to be extra careful with my body.

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