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Waking up with Semaj in my bed with his arms around me felt so right but it was so wrong. I hadn't even buried my husband yet and I'm already crawling back to the bullshit. It was time to straighten up and get some shit done.

Semaj woke up and we had small talk before he left to go to his room. Then as soon as  he left Danny came running in my room.
"Tell me y'all didn't fuck last night." Danny said.
"We didn't. He was my pillow to cry on. It almost did but it didn't. It was the drinking."
"Yeah speaking of drinking. It's dead for that. With this shit going on you need to let it still be on your mind that you still have the kids and money to run. We need to handle business and keep it there. We need nothing going left anymore." Danny explained. Everything she was saying I was agreeing with. I needed to get my shit together and Semaj can't be on my mind right now.

"I agree. Last night was a mistake but I'm ready to get shit done. I'm having his body going to New York. That's where the funeral is going to be. His mother is already telling the family and I just have to finish some shit here. Like the businesses and the house. I just want to thank you for being my friend through this drama."
"I'm honored. I love you more. Now get dress and let's go handle business. Let Semaj handle the streets and we handle the green. Like the regular plan. He seems to be back on top of his game now."
"Alright bet."
Semaj back on his point and shit was soon to turn around  for me. I'm not stopping until I get Trina in my hands. But I had to move smart with the dectective , looking at us like suspect's and not victims. Things were moving so fast I couldn't keep up but I couldn't afford to not be on point. People are losing their lives behind this shit. I didn't want to have that on my conscience.

We made a few moves in LA and handled the arrangements with Cameron's body being taken to New York. Now I was missing my babies so we packed up and head back to the city. We still had to keep our head in the streets to get a hold of Trina but since we hit her spot she been extra low key. I guess because we closing in on her ass. I knew I needed to go back home to my life and family.

When I got home I first went to Cameron's mothers house. I knew it was hard for her with him being her only child. This was the hardest for to handle. My pain didn't hit as hard as it did when I felt her cry in my arms.

We sat in the living room drinking coffee after crying for hours about the situation. We finally got it together. I still didn't want to believe my husband was gone. But he was her son it was even harder to bury him.

"He was a better man than I ever thought he would be . He gave Amelia a life he never had. I did drugs and I abandoned him because I wasn't happy within myself."
"He still loved you for who you were. I knew that since I met him."
"I know but it wasn't always that way. I remember when he told me he felt like I left because of him. It hurt me because I never stop  loving my son. He was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Wow. I can't imagine what that felt like."
"It hurts more now because he is gone. Now I know how he feels to have someone else away from you. I wish I could get that time back right this second I was away from him I wish I could get it back to see him one more time."
She began to cry and I couldn't hold back my tears. This was the hardest thing to witness. I lost my baby and I didn't get a chance to hold or spend time with my mines. But I still knew how losing a child could feel.

When I left Cameron's mothers house I went home to shower and get dress. I had to still go pick up the kids. I went to Semaj's mother house. Semaj was there too. It was awkward for me but to see my babies after being in LA , I needed a hug from them.

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