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Only months in my sentence and I can feel the outside world changing around me. Nana and her dad has been holding things down and I know she got things under control I miss my kids like crazy. It's the hardest thing about being a parent. Missing your kids. Leaving them and have them grow up with out you. That's the one thing my father did and I prayed I would t make the same mistake. But I failed.

"Hey baby how you been in here?" My mom asked trying to hide her tears. My mom hated the way things had to be. She felt like I didn't kill that girl and that I shouldn't have been here but it wasn't up to us whether I should be here or not.
"I'm doing good and you? How's the family?"
"Nana keeps the kids in great condition I don't know why you didn't marry that girl? She is really good help in a time like this."
"She is happy where she is with Cameron. She deserves someone to give her that love she needs."
"I disagree I rather see you be a man and love her."
"Mama I lost her and she is in another mans arms."
"Well try to earn her back. I'm well convinced that she will have no choice but to return back to you. She really loves you why else do you think she does the things she do for you?"
"I hear you ma."

After the visit I went back to my cell. I had a cell mate named Rico. Rico was mad cool. He had was some black and Dominican guy. He was some drug dealer from Bronx. I never heard of him until now. He was cool with me and I didn't have much to say about him.

"I don't know how you do it bro?" Rico asked.
"What you mean?"
"Let your mother come visit you. I told my mother I don't want her to be in here. She don't need to be walking in here with these niggas in here."
"It's hard for my mother as is I can't take away the only chance of her seeing me alive. Even if it's in here."
"I respect it."
"So Rico what's your deal?"
"Look I was making money and providing for my family. Shit got crazy and I got booked for a gun charge."
"Damn that's crazy."
"What you about?"
"I'm a hustler and a business man. I got booked for a shoot out turned deadly."
"Damn who got hit?"
"Not our target. It turned out to be this girl who caught one of the bullets."
"Damn. So Maniac your bro?"
"Yeah how you know him!"
"When my peoples came to pay me a visit they saw him in the visitation room and they told me about him. He some crazy nigga huh?"
"He crazy but he solid. So I rock with him."
"I think that's good enough."
"When you supposed to get out?"
"Well I get out next month and I was hoping we link up after this shit and make some real paper together. I heard about and it's time we handle business."
"I'll definitely take that into consideration. You get out in a month I get out in a couple of years I'll see what I can do."
"Bet. I see we can do some real god business." Rico continued to read a book on his bunk. I didn't really know much about Rico. I knew he was know in prison as a big dawg who wasn't to be fucked with. I knew I had to pair up with someone I knew could rock with the dogs in my circle. It was something I was looking to consider.

Later that night I called Nana to talk. I enjoyed talking to her. It's kept me sane. Nana was the golden token I took advantage of. I left her in the arms of another man who was playing for keeps.
"Boy whatever. You just be careful in there." Nana said in this soft comforting voice.
"What you been up to lately?"
"Work and work and the kids and more work."
"That's good stay busy. Keep yourself out of trouble."
"I think you should of took your own advice then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation."
"Nana I love you and I appreciate everything you do. Do you know what you mean to me girl?"
"Semaj I just want you to come home. I need you home and The kids need you home. My life can't consist of killings and drugs and money and any of that shit. I want to have a happy family and I can't with the street bullshit."
"Nana soon it will all be over and you'll have the life you deserve. I promise."
"Okay well good night. Sleep tight and I love you more."
"I know you do. Kiss the kids. Tell them I love them."
"I will."
The pain of not being able to take care of my responsibilities as a man is killing me. I knew my kids needed me and I knew it was more things coming along and I couldn't be there to help or fix. It's painful too painful to describe.

For weeks I follow the same routine. Prison was the last place I wanted to be. While on the yard with the other prisoners I ran into Maniac. We saw each other most of time and it was good to know someone in here had your back.
"I seen you and Rico talking earlier. What was that about?" Manic asked.
"He wants to do business."
"Do you trust him?"
"Look Nana is holding things down so far so good. He gets out in a month. He'll have time to prove himself. Nana is handling things back home and I'm pleased. if anything she'll be able to feel him out."
"The question was do you trust him?"
"I think he could be trusted. What do you think?"
"I think if you He can be trusted I'll stand by you but if this turns out bad everything we worked so hard to protect will be destroyed."

"I know so what do you think?"
"I think we let some snakes in our circle. Let's not act like last year Ty and Baby wasn't trying just kill us and Nana. They actually killed y'all baby. It's dangerous letting new people in your circle. Rico ain't got no bad word out here so we could take that step but after that shit with them my trust is all fucked up."

Maniac was always doing some dumb shit but right there in that moment I realized he was right. This was big choice to make with my family at risk.
"What's up with Tanya?"
"I still haven't heard from her. But Nigga's in the streets saying she dating Jungle."
"Not Rizzo cousin?"
"Yeah Rizzo's cousin."
"But Rizzo and Ty was brother's if she knew that then she must be on some sneak shit."
"I swear if anything happens to my baby it will be war."
"I'll have Nana look into her thats her best friend. We'll handle this shit."
"I don't know what's up with these bitches but I regret being with all of them I swear. Then I dad to have kids with them as well."
"Bro it's gonna be good.
"Yeah I know."

The next I called up Nana. This was a conversation needed to have. With using behind bars it was just some shit we didn't know.
"Hey semaj." Nana said.
"Hey baby girl What you up to?"
"Nothing at the store working."
"That's good I gotta ask you about some stuff."
"About what?"
"What about her?"
"Where she been at? Maniac been writing and calling her?"
"Well she dating Jungle. I don't know if you know him but yeah he is Rizzo's cousin."
"Wait how did you know Jungle was Rizzo's cousin?"
"I found that out when I found out that Trina was dating Jungle."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah Trina is dating Jungle and Jungle is Rizzo's cousin and he is dating Tanya now. We had a fall out because I thought it was snake move for her not to tell me she was dating Jungle and she knew where Trina was this whole time."
"Wow she been busy I see."
"Why you bring her up?"
"Did you know what Rizzo is Ty's brother?"
"No wait what?"
"Yeah Rizzo was the oldest out the three and Rizzo was in and out of jail most of the time so Ty and baby only had each other."
"This shit is twisted. So now I'm dealing with two people that played with my family. Ty took my baby and I'll make sure to let Rizzo know I know what's up."
"Nana be careful."
"I will."
I knew this was too much to put on Nana's head but I knew Nana would make this shit go away. Damn I didn't know how twisted this drug shit was until today. Everyone ties back to the start of all my problems. I can't have the same shit that to happen back then happen with Rico like it did with Ty and Baby.

For days I spent getting my head wrapped around how this all happened. I can't believe Trina didn't only get with Ty but she got with Rizzo too. It was so much going on it just made me feel like I was losing control over everything. Which wasn't good.

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